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The world trade organization(The WTO)8, officially announced,According to the results of the third round,O determine the Brazilian roberto ze d for the next director-general recommended candidate,Submit the general council formally held on 14th morning meeting for approval.Such as appointment to go through,Azeri Vito will succeed is nearing the end of term in September, 1st of the current director-general PASCAL lamy.Know details of the Brazilian ministry of foreign affairs has not been until the formal announcement of the world trade organization (wto),Is public the news of victory,And held a press conference at 7 PM.
It is understood,O ze d in the final round of voting more mexicans who defeated veteran manager Amy, blanco, Mendoza,Support both members of a Mexican candidate ze d o not opposed to more,Make it a"Most likely to get member consistent with the candidate".Ze d o much is now Brazil's ambassador to the world trade organization (wto),Blanc is a former Mexican minister of commercial and industrial development.According to the report,Mexican candidate won support from 28 - the European Union and the United States,While ze d o much in 50 won 42 countries in Africa, wto members of public support,And most of the South American countries"Standing side".
Although according to the regulations of wto unwritten region rotation system,The next director-general of candidate should come from Latin America or Africa.But in this is known as"A fierce battle"/Most candidates to participate in the transition of the selection,From the beginning to the final round,O ze d does not have an obvious advantage,Its hard-line stance on the United States and the lack of senior experience more became a competitive disadvantage.To Brazil"victory"Is confident,After many Asian countries,Particularly the brics members will vote for, o ze d.Ze d o much through three rounds,Head-to-head in the two people in the election,Will be the first from Latin America and the world trade organization (wto) director-general of the brics countries.
After the election,Ze d o said,Campaign received widespread support from country to country,Will actively promote the dialogue and coordination of multilateral trade mechanism.Brazil's President dilma rousseff said,Ze d o many elected will lead to a new world economic order,Indian media said it was an important victory in the bric countries.Some experts pointed out that,In the current economic crisis in the developed countries the clouds without loose,Emerging economies and developing countries in the world economy and trade plays a more and more important role,And the changes of the world economy has profound impact to the international organization of personnel.
More than has been seen as a contender, o ze d since 2008 as Brazil's ambassador to the wto in Geneva,Is recognized to be an experienced negotiator.He has 15 years working experience in related to the world trade organization (wto),Long-term work in the multilateral trade negotiations, etc,On trade issues disputed control of technology and has a profound understanding to the world trade organisation,Participated in the doha round negotiations.Supporters hope,Ze d o how can help bridge the north-south rift within the world trade organization (wto),And the Bali meeting of ministers in December before inject new vitality to the global trade talks.
but,How to lead the world trade organization (wto) of the next four years,The challenge, o ze d more is not small.On the one hand,How to break a stalemate in the doha round is the most critical problem,Under the serious differences,Balance between developed and developing countries' interests/To reduce trade barriers and subsidies/Promote multilateral trade cooperation is not easy.On the other hand,Under the economic recession,Some developed countries tend to exacerbate trade protectionism,To take unilateral trade sanctions,In recent years, such as the United States and the European Union members outside the world trade organization (wto) framework to achieve a variety of bilateral and regional trade agreements,the"The The WTO marginalization"The question of.Ze d o need to restore the credibility of the world trade organization (wto) as soon as possible,Restore the The WTO in the core position in the global trade liberalization.
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