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国家外汇管理局出手堵"Hot money".6,,Get the notice,Trade background of fiction/The carry trade/Abnormal cross-border capital flows, etc,Warning and related prevention and control measures are put forward,Requiring Banks to hunt down false trade,At the same time limit the banking system's ability to short the dollar.




数据显示,In the first quarter this year 13.4% year-on-year increase in China's foreign trade import and export value,Exports increased 18.4%/Imports increased 8.4%.Compared with a 37.7% year-on-year increase in gross import and export of guangdong province,Only one city in shenzhen import and export has surged 80.0% year-on-year,This phenomenon draws outside a lot of suspicion.


此间官方虽有回应,But several due to one of the researchers pointed out that trade between virtual plateau,Is foreign capital"through"To enter the Chinese realize arbitrage trade channels.At present,The federal reserve/Japan/The European central bank launched quantitative easing,Hot money into China pressure gradually increase.


外汇局6,公布的新规要求,Banks are not allowed to assist clients to evade foreign exchange regulations,To strengthen the screening of fictitious trade background, etc,Take the initiative to report suspicious transactions and actively take measures to prevent the abnormal cross-border capital flows.At the same time,Carry trade case for using a false documents,Be given a heavier punishment in accordance with the law;In violation of foreign exchange regulations resulted in an illegal money flowing into bank/Companies such as main body,Should be in accordance with the law to give a fine/Stop operation related business/Responsibility shall be investigated for relevant personnel directly responsible and other penalties,And increase the intensity of public disclosure.




除了严格查处虚假贸易,Safe in the new rules also released the Banks out of general position limit formula,This is the first time the bank foreign exchange loan than a separate specification.


金融问题专家赵庆明指出,According to the current economic situation,This formula is designed to make reasonable control incremental foreign exchange loans in commercial bank,How to hold foreign exchange positions,Reduce the selling of hui to the central bank,Mainly for foreign exchange growth too fast.


外汇交易员称,Recent faster yuan appreciation,Attract some enterprises to borrow foreign currency for arbitrage,The rules restrict bank lending in foreign currencies,Which in turn limit the future banking system's ability to short the dollar,Will affect the renminbi movements over a period of time.yesterday,Affected by the new rules,Market the substantial depreciation of the yuan exchange rate against the dollar,Intraday devaluation a maximum of 200 points.


最新公布的数据显示,Quarter the bank caliber foreign exchange up to 940 billion yuan.And earlier this year the yuan has appreciated by 1% against the dollar so far,The appreciation of 0.7% in April alone.
