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Barclays bank recently released world trade report,Report shows that since the financial crisis of global trade imbalances in development,Surplus countries developed towards developed countries,At the same time, these countries domestic bond market(Especially in local currency bond markets pricing)Have been mature.
Barclays to global current account imbalances in the following detailed description:
That is to say,Since the financial crisis,Global trade development presents an obvious features - excluding Japan out of developed economies export/overall GDP proportion reached new highs in 2011(31.2%),A little beyond the previously reached a peak of 30.6% in 2008,At the same time,The proportion of emerging economies is fallen more sharply,Compared to 39.4% in 2005 and 2006 highs,Last year the proportion was only 33.1%.This is largely due to since 2007,GDP growth in emerging economies are far beyond their export growth:In the period 2007-2012,Emerging economies' GDP expanded by 72%,And exports expanded by 55% only(Exports of goods and services included in dollar terms).instead,For developed economies(This refers to the OECD member countries),Exports increased by 17% during this period,While GDP grew just 11%.
At the same time,After the financial crisis,Emerging economies' exports as a share of GDP has contracted by 5.3%,And their imports as a share of GDP contraction amplitude is much smaller,About 30.1% of the total of 2011 and 2012,Relative to the high of 33.5% in 2004,Only contracted by 3.5%.This reflects the obviously,When the financial crisis in the fourth quarter of 08 and 09 in the first quarter when the rest of the world,Emerging economies, the government has taken measures,To promote the growth of domestic demand.so,In the period 2007-2012,Emerging economies' exports increased by 62%,Although GDP is still slightly behind the size increase of 72%.instead,Since 2007,Imports increased by only 15.5% in developed economies,Than 16.7% of export growth is weak,Mainly for Europe and the United States of public and private sector deleveraging.
Since the financial and debt crisis,These relative to trade the net outcome of a situation change,Severe repression has been formed for current account imbalances.The most reflected in current account deficit narrowed sharply in the United States,At the same time, America's main trading partners in Asia's trade surplus has narrowed dramatically.For instance,The us current account deficit as a share of GDP has fallen from 6% in 2006(5.9% in 2005)Fell to 2.7% in 2009,And in the next few years remained at the levels of close to 3%.In terms of share of global GDP,The proportion of the us current account deficit from 1.6% of the 2005-2006,Fall to about 0.7% over the past four years.
At the same time,China's current account surplus as a share of GDP from a record high of 10.1% in 2007,Share of global GDP fell to 1.9% last year - to share,Is from 7 years fell from 0.6% to 0.3% last year.For Asia's other emerging economies,Current account surplus accounted for the proportion of global GDP from 0.3% in 2004-2009,Dropped to only 0.1% last year,As Japan's surplus accounted for the proportion of global GDP,Also from 0.4% in 2003-2007,Fell to only 0.1% in 2012.
In fact,Now dominate the global current account surplus is the main source of Opec and Russia,2011-12,Accounts for 0.8% of global GDP, their surplus since 2005,The proportion in most years has probably remain at this level(Depends on energy prices).On the other hand,The domestic demand in these countries has been rising fast,At the same time, stable energy prices are likely to in the future will gradually decrease their surplus.
Now can be well understood,Before the mass imbalance of trade and capital flows,In many cases is the result of a deliberate policy choice brings.Either as part of the strategy to suppress their currencies to promote exports,Either in order to resist the financial crisis(In the 1990 s Asian financial crisis is still fresh),Some developing countries built up huge foreign-exchange reserves.While other countries have large trade surplus,Mainly because it is rich in natural resource wealth.
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