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The current slowdown in the global economy and the trade protection,Will make the downturn situation of international trade.Many trade confidence index forward-looking indicators such as exporters/International shipping market and commodity prices has showed,Trade growth is not optimistic.The IMF predicts global trade growth rate of 4.5% in 2013,Developed countries and developing countries export growth of 3.6% and 3.6% respectively,Imports grew by 3.3% and 3.3% respectively.Along with the economic recovery,The economies of trade protection measures not only failed to reduce,Instead, a rapid increase,The cancellation of the unconventional trade measures in speed is also slow.Compared with the trade volume,Even more worthy of attention,Protectionism is a new trend,Trade remedy measures have been presented the characteristics of the more complicated and difficult to monitor.Trade friction form appeared unceasingly,Involving industry growing.so,Global trade growth in 2013 is not optimistic.
You can see,The global economic recovery has not stopped the spread of trade protectionism.Economic recovery since the rapid growth of trade protection measures,The global economic recovery as expected -- and no restrictions have been the spread of trade protectionism and the continuation of the world,instead,Global trade protection have intensified trend.According to the latest statistics,From may to October in 2011,Governments introduced a total of 155 new trade restrictions,Affect the G20 imports 0.5% of the goods/0.6% of the world's imports.But in October 2011 to May 2012 in 7 months,Governments increased to 182 items of trade restrictions,Affect the G20 imports 1.1% of the goods/0.9% of the world's imports.visible,Whether the number of new measures,The volume of trade or impact are rising significantly.In addition,An important shift is,The wave of a wave of protectionism does not look like a short-term policy for against the crisis,More like a long-term measures,Trade protection of the underlying fundamental changes have taken place in the drivers.so,The future for a period of time,World still face the negative impact of protectionist measures.
Unlike in the past,The G20 countries is becoming a key player in the global trade protection measures.Although each session of the G20 summit participants have claimed that firm support for open trade and investment,Resist all forms of trade protectionism,But the wave of protectionism seems increasingly rampant,Can promise into action is in doubt.Global trade alert(GTA)A new report statistics,The G20 countries implement trade protection measures in 2009 accounted for 60% of global trade protection measures,And by 2012 the proportion rose to 79% in June,That is to say,Every 10 trade protection has eight is initiated by the G20 countries.visible,The G20 countries prefer using trade protection measures to protect their economies.In addition,The G20 to cancel trade restrictions speed is slow.Since October 2008,The G20's 802 trade restrictions or potential restrictions,Only 18% were canceled,And the proportion of the last report was cancelled was 19%.so,This suggests that the G20 countries has replaced the developing countries become the main implementer of global trade protection measures.
In the areas of trade protection from the traditional into the financial strategic industry/High and new technology and new energy industries.In general,Trade protection mainly concentrated in the commodity and strategic industries,But in recent years,Have to financial trade protection/The spread of high and new technology and new energy industries.As in the financial sector,The United States to want to set up subsidiaries of foreign Banks in the domestic setting very high entry costs.High technology industry is one of the important areas of international competition in the market,And also a key object of trade protection,The recent,The European commission to investigate zte and huawei in China science and technology,Threatened that the Chinese government subsidies will be punished.The same,The two companies have also been to Australia and the United States prohibition and charges.Since 2012,Trade protection in the field of new energy is also very serious.The United States and the European Union to anti-dumping investigations into photovoltaic industry in our country.At the same time,Some developing countries such as India also began to solar module launched anti-dumping investigations against China.
Trade protection measures become more complicated and hard to quantify.In addition to the number of trade protection,Trade protection measures are also presented the characteristics of the more complicated and difficult to monitor.The first,Modified trade defense system.Is a new case,The eu is to modify its trade defence system,Plans to bypass launched an investigation into enterprise application directly.At the beginning of 2012,Set up 11 committee in France,The domestic including aerospace/Science and technology/Renewable energy sources, such as core industry,In mergers and acquisitions are not welcome in these areas.Italy also began to follow the practice in the near future.In the second,In view of the export control restrictions,Europe and the United States to China's rare earth of litigation,Direction of typical case is a dispute.Case in the past often is blamed for more death and a country exports to other countries,Impact the other industries,Now, however,,Strategic resources in the game caused controversy on export control.In addition,A lot of policies relating to the license or regulatory changes,Instead of anti-dumping/Countervailing measures of easy to measure, etc.
(The author is deputy researcher of state information center, economic forecasts)
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