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未来中国将扩大与南亚国家的贸易规模,And expand imports from South Asia to reduce the trade deficit with China.This is Beijing commercial daily reporter from yesterday held in the scio China and South Asia economic and trade cooperation and the China fair at a news conference in South Asia.Vice minister of commerce east also announced,To set up multi-level China and South Asia countries/Platform for exchanges and cooperation in a wide range of areas,The first great sino-asean in June this year will be held in kunming 6-10.


"The next step,We will expand trade with south Asian countries,Major will also expand imports from South Asia,Make relevant conditions in the country's trade deficit with China get solve step by step,Let more and more countries in South Asia and China's trade balance."East said.According to data,2000-2012,China and south Asian countries trade rose from $5.7 billion to $5.7 billion,Annual average rose more than 26%,One from the south Asian country imports have grown from $1.9 billion to $1.9 billion,Average annual growth of about 23%.


南亚包括尼泊尔/Bhutan/India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/In Sri Lanka/Countries such as the maldives.East said,At present,China has become a major trading partner and source of foreign capital of south Asian countries,South Asian countries, as China's important overseas project contracting market and investment destination.In the aspect of engineering contracting,By the end of 2012,Chinese enterprises in the south Asian countries have signed the project contract value of $106.4 billion,The total turnover of $70.1 billion,All of our overseas project contracting contract total amount and 11% of the total turnover.In terms of mutual investment,In 2012 China's non-financial direct investment for South Asia countries nearly $400 million,Up 39% from a year earlier,South Asian countries actually invested $50.02 million in China,Involved in project 158.
