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U.S. President barack Obama recently signed[In fiscal 2013 to continue funding bill].And surprise,In the 240 - page in U.S. government spending bills,Quietly adds a new marking clause.
According to the article 516 of the act,Without the consent of the federal bureau of investigation (fbi) or the corresponding institutions,The U.S. space agency/The justice department/The ministry of commerce/The national science foundation and other related departments shall not to buy Chinese government enterprise production/Information technology equipment manufactured or assembled.Act also prohibits the government has allocated to issue it a license for the export of commercial satellite in China.
Added in the act of congress in the United States government technology procurement for cyber espionage review program,Require various U.S. government agencies to consider when buying information technology systems,Must be consulted law enforcement,And the"Cyber espionage or sabotage"The risk of a formal assessment.Assessment must be included"Owned by China's information technology system/Dominant or funded by one or more entities/Manufacturing or assembly of any risks involved".
Many American scientists/Scholars and citizens to question this"The national security"The name of/Unfair treatment of China's high-tech enterprises,Think it will not only interfere with the normal commercial trade activity,Also does nothing to improve the network security,More will be damage in the field of international cooperation.
Obama has been reluctant to?
Many experts think,In order to avoid the government will face a situation of embarrassment,Mr Obama had to sign on time[In fiscal 2013 to continue funding bill],To provide temporary funding in the latter half of the U.S. federal government fiscal 2013.Without such a bill,The U.S. government will cause"China"And shut the door.
The U.S. Supreme Court trial lawyers think Michael zhang in an interview,The behavior of the political intentions is greater than the actual intent,Against China's confrontation and politically always seems to be correct.While US President barack Obama reluctantly,But it is also hard to veto such a bill.This is also a way of the Obama administration's answer constituency.
White House spokeswoman caitlin Hayden in an email to the media said in a statement,"This definition is not clear the terms of the challenges in terms of execution...Highly destructive,Not improved significantly affected institutions of network security situation".Hayden said,The Obama administration's plan to have communication with congress,To fix this in the 2014 fiscal year appropriations bill.
"In general,Appropriations bill should not be involved in these content,But funding bill itself is more important for Mr Obama and government operations,Increase the content also will make the bill more smoothly through the,To ensure the administration functioning,So they had to swallow the bitter fruit,"Michael said,"but,Appropriations bill next year there are variables."
The border joint opposition
The United States[On Capitol hill]Daily reports,American chamber of commerce and industry association announced that this provision against congress,And warned that,The act will be bound to these institutions to buy a new computer system,And may prompt China or other countries according to the American company's corresponding measures for purchasing.
Corwin, a Berlin law firm lawyer David fagan said in the field of network security,The Chinese technical terms of the fuzzy restrictions.He said,Like the iPhone goods assembled in China will likely be the potential impact of the legislation,Although maybe it is not the purpose of the lawmakers.
Even those who focus on China for a long time"The hacker problem"The American experts have cast doubt on the bill.The institute of medicine of the computer network security director and chief economist Scott berger said,The new restrictions on law does not mean it is a long-term policy.
After the bill passed,The software alliance/Development of foreign trade emergency committee in the United States/The information technology industry council/11 information technology such as the semiconductor industry association group joint letter to the United States congress,Objections to the terms and conditions.They protested,Should be based on product safety"Product manufacturing/Use and preservation,Rather than who built or built in where".The assessment on information technology set up trouble/Be counterproductive,Will be a major international impact,And will make the information technology enterprise competition at a disadvantage position in the global market.
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