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美元兑日圆大幅飙升其实根本不算什么.In 19 years an appreciating renminbi is shift the focus of the world economic landscape,Just that it is a trouble for China.
Marketfield Asset Management董事长兼首席执行长Michael Shaoul在给客户的一份报告中指出,就在美元兑日圆飙升的同时,美元兑人民币却跌至19年来的最低水平。他表示,这就意味着和日圆相比,现在人民币币值要更加昂贵。虽然长期以来中国出口行业的表现一直赛过日本,但汇率问题可能会严重影响到两国的出口竞争优势。
Marketfield The asset Management, chairman and chief executive, Michael Shaoul said in a report to clients,In the dollar against the yen soared at the same time,The dollar dropped to its lowest level in 19 years.He said,This means that compared to the yen,Now the yuan is much more expensive.Although the long-term performance of China's export sector has been better than Japan,But exchange rates could seriously affect the two countries of export competitive advantage.
He said,Reverse of the yuan and the yen currency movements significantly influence the value of the yen relative to the yuan.
周五早些时候,The yuan against the yen yen,For the highest level since 1998.After the dollar broke through 100 yen mark,For the first time in more than four years.
在过去,The Chinese government impose strict controls on the yuan's exchange rate for a time,And has the safe-haven yen in market worries constantly appreciation.
现在形势发生了逆转。近几年来,美国一直在向中国施压,同时中国国内也希望中国经济转向消费拉动型的增长模式,因此中国政府主动采取措施引导人民币升值和人民币汇率市场化。而日本央行(Bank of Japan)则推出了大规模的债券购买计划,致使日圆兑其他主要货币的汇率进入螺旋式的下跌通道。
现在形势发生了逆转.In recent years,The us has been to put pressure on China,At the same time also hope that the Chinese economy towards consumption in China's growth model,So the Chinese government actively take measures to guide the appreciation of the renminbi and the marketization of RMB exchange rate.And the bank of Japan(Bank of Japan)Has launched a large-scale bond purchase plan,That the yen's exchange rate against other major currencies into spiral down channel.
Shaoul指出,Japanese exporters now relative to China colleague's enhanced competitive advantage.
他又补充称,The yen fell time points worse for China,Now China's export industry has felt the pressure.Despite the recent Chinese trade data accidental better than expected,Exports grew 14.7% from a year earlier in April,But analysts said,China's foreign trade situation may not be so optimistic,Because exporters may misrepresent data for speculation in the yuan to rise.
在和中国争夺全球出口份额的过程中,Japan may be the first time has the upper hand.
Shaoul警告称,This process is dangerous,因为它可能会进一步影响到中日两国原本就很紧张的政治关Department of.He also said that,If Japan's monetary policy began to harm China's export sector,Expect China will protest.
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