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  英国《金融时报》网站8月28日文章,原题:罗姆尼在当上总统的第一天会如何出错如果米特 罗姆尼(MittRomney)当选并恪守其竞选承诺的话,他将在2013年1月20日就任美国总统之后的数小时内,签署自己的首个总统令,宣布中国为汇率操纵国。根据1988年通过的《综合贸易与竞争法》(OmnibusTradeandCompetitivenessAct),罗姆尼的举动将会立即引发中美两国官员的直接会谈,但谈判将会陷入僵局,双方都将召开新闻发布会指责对方。

British《Financial times》Website August 28 articles,Original problem:Mr Romney when on the first day of the President will be how to make mistakes if milt Mr Romney(MittRomney)Elected and abide by the word of his campaign promises,He will be on January 20, 2013 as President of the United States after several hours,Signed his first a presidential proclamation declaring,China announced for currency manipulator。According to the 1988《Comprehensive trade and competition》(OmnibusTradeandCompetitivenessAct),Mr Romney's move will immediately trigger the officials of the two countries direct talks,But negotiations will stalemate,Both parties will hold a press conference blaming each other。

  2月初,罗姆尼会在自己的首个国情咨文演讲中表示: 我们受够了,是时候让中国服从我们的规定了。 该国情咨文获得国会高调批准。在一周内,美国参众两院两党议员以压倒性的多数票通过《2013年捍卫美国贸易法案》。这部法案将以2005年首次提出的对中国操纵汇率行为征收反补贴关税的 矫正措施 为模板,在2013年2月18日 总统日 这天被罗姆尼签署,成为法律。中国当即被认定违反了这部新法律。

Early February,Mr Romney will be in his first state of the union speech said: We've had enough of the,It is time for China to obey our regulations the。 The state of the union parliamentary high-profile approval。In a week,The United States bipartisan both the house and senate by an overwhelming majority through《In 2013 to defend the American trade act》。This act will take 2005 years to China for the first time put forward currency manipulation behavior levy anti-subsidy tariffs Corrective measure As a template,In February 18, 2013 The President, This day was signed by Mr Romney,Become law。China immediately identified in violation of the new law。
