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新华社:胡锦涛会见美国国务卿 希望抵制贸易保护主义--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  据新华社电 国家主席胡锦涛5日上午在人民大会堂会见了美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿

According to xinhua President hu jintao at the great hall of the people on the morning of may met with us secretary of state Hillary Clinton.


Hu jintao


To avoid political economic and trade issues


Hu jintao said,In recent years,In the joint efforts of both sides,Relations between China and the United States overall stable development.The two sides positively construction respect each other/The mutually beneficial and win-win partnership.Relations between China and the United States strategic significance and global impact is highlighted,Worthy of our treasured/Common maintenance.China is willing to keep and strengthen dialogue with the United States/communication/coordination,Eliminate all sorts of interference,Ensure that relations between China and the United States always in the right direction.


Hu said,Keep the stable development of sino-us economic and trade relations between the two countries and the world economic recovery and growth had an important influence on.Hope that both sides give full play to complementary advantages,Make great efforts to excavate the potential cooperation,Actively promote trade and investment cooperation package,Bilateral trade and economic cooperation to improve the quality and level.At the same time,Properly handle the bilateral economic and trade relations existing friction and differences,To avoid political economic and trade issues.Hope that the United States will resolutely resist trade protectionism,High technology product exports to relax restrictions,For Chinese enterprises to provide investment fair competition environment.




Committed to transcend differences strengthen cooperation


Clinton says,The past three years,The both sides kept a close communication/Dialogue and cooperation.The us-china relationship matures,More solid foundation.The current,The world is undergoing major changes,Build what kind of u.s.-china relations is of particularly important significance.


The United States with the Chinese side to transcend differences,Strengthen cooperation,Hand in hand to deal with global problems and challenges,In an unprecedented way proof,A it great nation and an emerging powers to continue their people to create a better future,For world peace and stability to contribute.The United States may expand trade and investment between the two countries,In both sides to strengthen infrastructure construction/New energy/Environmental protection industries practical cooperation,Further promote the u.s.-china economic relations.

  ■ 会见

s meet


Wen jiabao pointed out that meet kling immediately,The United States should take care of China's core interests and national feelings


"The United States should earnestly respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity"

  综合新华社电 国务院总理温家宝5日在中南海紫光阁会见美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿。

Integrated xinhua The state council premier wen jiabao 5, in ziguangge, the American secretary of state Hillary Clinton.


Wen jiabao


Relations between China and the United States in a depends on both sides efforts


Wen jiabao pointed out that,Relations between China and the United States has a great influence on the world,Not in anyone's subjective will as the shift,Or move on,Or negative back,It depends on the efforts of the parties.History proves,Countries with different social systems can completely peaceful coexistence/Common development,The key lies in leaders from the global and strategic height to think and to grasp the relations between the two countries.The United States should earnestly respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity,Take care of China's core interests and national feelings,In the dialogue and cooperation in the Asia Pacific region play a constructive role,Maintain peace/stable/Development overall situation.


Wen jiabao said,In the face of the grim international economic situation,China and the United States to carry out large scale trade/investment/Financial package cooperation,And for the enterprise to create a good environment,In order to achieve the purpose of mutual benefit and win-win results.




Is willing with the Chinese side to strengthen high-level exchanges and folk communication


Clinton says agree with premier wen jiabao to view of the importance of relations between China and the United States.She said,The us-china relations although experienced twists and turns,But the two countries have many common views,In dealing with international financial crisis in close cooperation,To promote world economic recovery has made the contribution,The us appreciate China play a key role.


The current,The world economic situation is still very weak,The us-china relations is facing new opportunities and challenges,Seek mutual benefit and win-win results conform to the interests of both sides.The United States is willing with the Chinese side to strengthen high-level exchanges and folk communication,Give full play to the role of all kinds of dialogue mechanism,Promote mutual understanding and cooperation,Promote the nonstop development of the u.s.-china relations.


yesterday,Vice premier li keqiang/State councilor DaiBingGuo were met with us secretary of state Clinton.Last night,Hillary Clinton ended a two-day visit to China,Leave Beijing by special plane.

  ■ 表态

s declare


Yang jiechi and Hillary Clinton joint meeting with the press yesterday


China to south China sea issue consistent and clear position

  据新华社电 外交部部长杨洁篪5日重申,中国政府关于南海问题的立场是一贯和明确的。杨洁篪和来访的美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿在当日共同会见记者答问时作了上述表示。

According to xinhua Foreign minister Yang jiechi 5th reiterated,The Chinese government on the south China sea issue position is consistent and clear.Yang jiechi and visiting the United States secretary of state Hillary Clinton in the joint meeting with the press talk when make the above said.


Yang said,China's south sea islands and the adjacent waters sovereignty,There is a sufficient historical and legal basis.For the nansha part reef the sovereignty dispute part and south China sea sea Marine rights advocate of overlap,Should the direct relevant state party in respect history/Facts and on the basis of international law,Through the direct negotiation and friendly consultation to handle and solve them.


He said:"Everyone is talking about abide by[The declaration of conduct of parties in the south]The importance of,I just speak not only is China's claims,And just is the declaration of an important principle and the spirit,The declaration is the consensus of all signatories,Is the promise."


He said,Recently, he visited some southeast Asian countries,They are also members of asean,They all agree that with the Chinese side,Should according to[The declaration of conduct of parties in the south]The principles and spirit,On the basis of the agreement,The parties toward the final set[Nanhai code of conduct]Joint efforts.


Yang said:"In the south China sea's freedom of navigation/Safety is guaranteed.I think for China and other countries in this region will tell,The south China sea is the communication/trade/The lifeline of trade.I want to,There is no problem,We will also won't have a problem."

  ■ 分析

s analysis


South China sea issue sides failed to narrow differences


yesterday,Clinton visit to the end,The trip to Asia to fourth station east timor.People's university of China, director of the center for American study when YanHong said,Hillary the 11 days six countries"The mountain in shansi",Theme is urged to southeast Asian countries with the United States close position.Just five days press release to see results,Both sides at least in the south China sea/Syria problem has no narrow differences.

  新京报记者 储信艳

The Beijing news reporter ChuXin brilliant


Respect each other core interest is the bottom line


In the face of numerous bilateral or multilateral problem,China and the United States reiterated willingness,It is up to the height of the pattern of interests with the decision.As to the,And sets the/Bucket is all injury.This is out of strategic considerations,Is derived from the practical needs.


The differences between the two sides and friction is an objective existence,But who also don't want let these factors interference,Even this one around"The world's most important bilateral relations"to,And expressed"control"will.Respect each other core interests and major concerns,This is an important precondition of the development of relations between China and the United States,Also can saying is the bottom line.According to xinhua
