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  本报从第十三届中国纺织品服装贸易展览会(纽约)上获悉,我国参展的纺织出口企业竞争力不断提升,美国经济的回弹迹象使人们看到了希望。而美国市场的一些新变化,如纺织品服装的生产国已不仅仅局限于中国,除了印度、孟加拉、越南、巴基斯坦等国家外,还有一些是来自美国本土,这些因美国纺织业复苏而回流的订单会否对我国产业造成新的威胁?面对越来越激烈的市场竞争,我国出口企业还有哪些竞争优势? 纺织服装出口业是否已摆脱颓势?颇值得关注。

From the 13th China's textile and apparel trade fairs(New York)about,Our country the textile export enterprise to improve competitiveness,The United States economic rebound signs make people see the hope.And the United States market some new changes,Such as textiles and garment producers is not only limited in China,In addition to India/Bangladesh/Vietnam/Pakistan and other countries outside,Others are from the United States,These for the textile industry recovery and return order to our country industry will not cause new threat?Facing more and more intense market competition,Our export enterprise what competitive advantage? Textile exports have get rid of flagging?Quite worthy of attention.


Part of the American order return home


In the past two years,Because the domestic price of raw materials and labor costs rising,China textile export the competition ability of the enterprise face the severe test.In the market demand has not yet get rid of the ailing cases,Europe and the United States purchaser started looking for production costs relatively low suppliers.time,"Order transfer"Become a let China's textile export enterprise but the but again have to face the problem.When it comes to the recent situation of the European and American market,This is also to the personage inside course of study touches the biggest point.For example,At present many American buyers have production orders from mainland China transferred to other textile producers.Product categories to cotton products is in the majority;And deals with product class,Is usually simple manufacturing process/Popular style of textile and clothing products.Let a person feel accident quite is,These order not only moved to India/Bangladesh/Vietnam/Pakistan,Also has the very big part is the return of the native American production.


After the financial crisis,In textile and garment industries as a representative of American manufacturing accelerate recovery.In the process,The United States government become the powerful agents.From 2009 to 2012,Obama government has launched"Buy American goods"/[Manufacturing promotion act]/"Five years export multiplication plan"/"Employment promotion really initiative"And so on many policies to help the U.S. manufacturing revival,And gradually reflects the policy effect.In 2011 the United States manufacturing 237000 new jobs,Manufacturing investment recovery obviously.From the virtual economy towards the process of entity economy,U.S. manufacturing"Renaissance"Act as an important role,And it is in employment opportunity constantly emerging of the environment,Some days already fading textile enterprise and gradually prosper.


In the United States buyers order return several factors,In addition to the country's textile industry's recovery outside,The most important reason is still in the domestic procurement cost is low.At present,The United States imports from China dress to want to pay 16% to 17% of the tariff,Fabrics import tariff in the 9% to 10%.And from a local purchase these products can not only save this part of the tariff,And because the geopolitical advantage,The products delivery is relatively short.


Conversion products carry file is imminent


Although the United States textile enterprises should bear the than any other country several times higher than the cost of labor,But consumer for local production of textile and clothing products price to bear ability strong,So even in the moment of economic recession,The enterprise can still keep profit.Such as production in the U.S. jeans high cost,At the same time selling price is high,a"Made in USA"Jeans in local sells for 200 dollars,China enterprise production can only be sold to more than $100,Produced from Bangladesh is around $50.In the process of participating in the market competition,Countries different characteristics of the industry and product positioning naturally will market the division.


I domestic jeans in the United States is priced at $100 May be the case,however,Such market positioning has interpretation out of the current and future a period our country textile export enterprise's development direction.If or in the production design is simple/Low price of textile and clothing products give priority to,So the development of the enterprise in the future must be restricted,Because this part of the market sooner or later, is to the cost more cheap textile producers in.At the low end product price war,Our past cost advantage has less than southeast Asia and even the United States local enterprises.The traditional export enterprise must change ideas,Seize the opportunity of the transformation and upgrade of industry,Improve product class,In the market ability but also should strengthen the construction of the brand ability.Only in this way,Can in the global textile and garment trade pattern changes quietly the key period,for"Made in China"Products with new image and value.
