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政府送出口信用保险 保费补贴尚有千余名额--亲稳网络舆情监控室


"From April this year so far,More than 400 companies use small micro enterprise believe the easy products,Premium to receive government support line in the 80% to 100%.At present, there are also more than 1000 enterprise quota."Chinese believe the guangdong branch underwriting department responsible for SMW reporter so revealed.


In the insurance rate equivalent to traditional export credit insurance under the condition of nearly half,Although 70% of the security range less than traditional export believe the 90%,But policy support for small micro enterprise to reduce cost and reduce the risk of export quite favorable.The bank of China(2.71,0.01,0.37%)Guangdong branch international settlement department general manager DengWenXiang of SMW reporters,Guangdong bank will closely and guangdong believe the cooperation,In China believe insurance coverage provided supporting financing service.


More than 1000 places more than it is for


With the rising of overseas business risk,Guangdong enterprises to export in the case of increase the risk.By the end of August,Citic the guangdong branch processing more than 1 1000 cases be or get out of danger,Increased by 57% year-on-year,Settlement amount of more than 200 million yuan,Year-on-year growth of 158%.


"In the first half of last year is the sum of compensation.Each index and the high."Citic the guangdong branch general manager Chen from even the SMW reporter revealed.


According to the province economic and trade hall relevant controller introduces,Provincial government budget this year for more than 100 million yuan credit insurance of a special support fund used to support enterprise of guangdong province guaranteed short-term export credit insurance/Small micro believe the easy special insurance and import credit insurance.Year after year to 2011, with the amount of $3 million(contain)The following small micro enterprise insured give 80% of financial support,In the support on the basis of 80%,All parts of guangdong have small micro enterprise insurance policy support,Including zhuhai/The dongguan/zhongshan/jiangmen/guangzhou/foshan/Chaozhou fengxi district/The area of cities in daya bay, huizhou to give 10% - 20% of the small micro premium support.The zhuhai/Chaozhou fengxi support of 20%.It is reported,With the aid of two levels of financial support policy,Small micro enterprise average real final pay premium is only 1000 yuan.


Chen from even has said,This year it is forecast to complete nearly 2000 small micro enterprise's portfolio.There are four months from the end of the year,Still left more than 1000 line.


"After investigation,Citic insurance for small micro enterprise have regional planning,By small micro enterprise type/Risk matching and government support on impact.But it can be said that the,Small micro enterprises insured first come first served."Relevant sources.


Suitable for buyers scattered enterprise


SMW reporter learned that,Some small micro enterprise choice and large and medium-sized enterprise the same export credit insurance.


April to the end of August,There are more than 500 small micro enterprise bought citic insurance of insurance,There are 2 into to 3 into small micro enterprise purchase export believe insurance.This kind of enterprise of two:A kind of enterprise itself has the bigger of the buyers,To such as into exports all by a big buyer digestion,Security line for larger;Another type of enterprise from the group of unified insurance,According to the standard group insurance.


Chinese believe the guangdong branch underwriting department person in charge said,When a single buyer high turnover time,Enterprise shall choose export believe insurance products,This kind of product will be for each buyer were investigated,Separately according to each customer to formulate relevant rate.If the enterprise with the same buyers trade share more than 500000 dollars,If share for 3.5 million dollars,In the daily to give the compensation for 350000 dollars,The rest by the enterprise itself bear.

  “年出口额300万美元的企业选择出口信保易,单笔保障额最高能达到90%,平均费率水平为0 .6%至0 .7%,也可能达到2%或3%。”苏小姐认为,如果企业选择小微信保易,在70%的标准赔付额度上,手续费相应减半。

"Annual export volume $3 million export enterprises to choose the easy letter,Single pen guarantee the highest amount could reach 90%,Average rate level is 0 . 6% to 0 . 7%,Also may be 2% or 3%."SuXiaoJie think,If enterprises to select small micro believe the easy,In 70% of the amount of compensation standard,Commission corresponding halved.

  据小微信保易产品规定,单一买家赔付上限分为5万和10万美元两个档次,对应费率分别为0 .14%和0 .23%。

According to small micro believe the easy product regulation,A single buyer compensation cap is divided into five and 100000 dollars two class,Corresponding rate were 0 . 14% and 0 . 23%.

  假如某家企业出口额为50万美元,费率为0 .23%,实际上仅需缴纳1000美元左右的保费,而其放大的保障额度为50倍,即5万美元。

If an enterprise exports to 500000 us dollars,Rate is 0 . 23%,In fact only pay about $1000 premium,And the enlarged security limit is 50 times,That is 50000 dollars.


"Small micro enterprise buyers more dispersed,According to an export quota to calculate the overall rate."The person in charge said,In considering the rate is more convenient,Such as the government support 80%,Enterprise pay 20% when the proposal and fill in,Can complete insurance program.


In addition,SMW reporter learned that,Guangdong finance/Believe the guangdong branch and provincial bank of China are made special resources and line arrangement,Guangdong trade credit service platform service plan years of small and medium-sized micro enterprise nearly 2000.
