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Announced a few days ago in August import and export data display,Although August China's export growth rebound slightly to 2.7%,But still at low.so,Annual growth of foreign trade"The 10"The goal of increasing pressure.
The current China's export slump,Peripheral situation improved obviously did not see is the decisive factor.There is no doubt that,The European and American market the current economic downturn is now the biggest pressure,The debt crisis solution are just show features.The European central bank debt unlimited purchase plan is expected by the market,But this doesn't mean the debt problem can be solved successfully.So expect the European market demand rapid recovery,Is unrealistic.
In addition,The unemployment rate in the United States continued high condition,The U.S. market demand will also be difficult to recover.and,The weakness of the trade to RMB devaluation pressure increased.
therefore,By the influence of the peripheral factors,China's foreign trade situation is not optimistic.this,From the window of foreign trade situation reflect"The Christmas season"Prosperity is no longer have reflects China's export comprehensive turn cold trend.
And the performance of the import data display,China's domestic demand will remain weak.Should see,The domestic economy continue to adjust,Makes the domestic market is still not out of the tight situation,Leading to import demand is difficult to turn for the better.
Overseas market demand remains weak makes the current import and export pressure multiplier.recently,About raising the export tax rebate rate call stirrings,Hope is to reduce production costs/Improve the export competitiveness,Promoting China's export growth.undeniable,This policy for the present situation of China's foreign trade it,A lot of stimulation.and,This raised pressure along with the change of international situation,Will become more intense.
but,The author thinks that,In the overall economic transformation adjustment stage,To promote foreign trade export growth support policies obviously difficult to completely solve the economic structure and the contradiction between development.As to encourage its foreign investment,"Go out"Expand overseas markets.therefore,The current key or from the overall situation Angle,Further adjustment trade structure,Promote balanced development of internal and external trade market,Finally realize the prosperity of the whole trade.
综上而言,目前在全球经济低迷的情势下,外贸出口不能仅看增长,而是要促进结构与区域的均衡发展,这样才能解决好量与质的问题,同时也兼顾经济发展。 .
In conclusion in,At present in the global economic downturn conditions,Foreign trade export not only see growth,But to promote the balanced development of the structure and area,In order to solve the quality and quantity problem,At the same time also take account of economic development. .
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