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美对华光伏双反终裁本周出炉 光伏业遭遇三面夹击--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
The United States before the ministry of commerce has been decided to most Chinese solar panel impose a 35% tariff,And the final decision will be released on October 10,.This will also be the United States international trade commission early November vote at the end of the pitch.
According to the practice,United States international trade commission the past rarely rejected tax decision;Want to international trade commission to change a verdict,So at least 4 members last year change of votes cast.International trade commission six members in the United States last year through the solar energy industry from Chinese imports substantial damage.
据悉,美国国际贸易委员会在审理案件中,将检视美国太阳能制造业者是否在实质上受到损害、或受到实质损害的威胁。代表德国太阳能巨擘美国分部SolarWorld Americas以及其他美国太阳能业者的主要律师蒂姆·布莱特比在接受采访时大倒苦水,称已有多达13家公司倒闭、破产或大幅裁员。
It is reported,United States international trade commission in the adjudication of cases,Examines the United States solar manufacturer is in essence of the damage/Or by the threat of substantial injury.On behalf of the German solar energy giant American division SolarWorld Americas and other American solar industry main lawyer Tim a Fulbright than in an interview big grumble,Say they have as many as 13 companies go bankrupt/Bankruptcy or massive layoffs.
The us department of commerce on March 20, press releases announced,Preliminary decision since China's import of silicon solar cell/Module must pay 2.90% - 4.73% of the balance tax.In addition,According to the ministry of commerce announced on May 17, on China's solar battery products at the beginning of the anti-dumping investigation cutting results,That forced appearance enterprise wuxi suntech solar companies rate is 31.22%,Changzhou pv company rate is 31.14%,Other 59 home alone rate appearance enterprise tax rates are also more than 30%.
Since this year,China pv industry experience three surface flank.
Except the United States,The European commission on September 6, on China pv cell anti-dumping investigation.This is so far to our country's largest trade action,Involving a value more than 20 billion dollars,Converted into renminbi in nearly 130 billion yuan.Indian anti-dumping bureau recently also releases announcement to say,The council on September 12, received enterprise application,Required to originating in China solar battery components or parts for anti-dumping investigation.
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