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The United States to China's trade protectionism are looked up,Only in the past week,The United States is to"Double reverse"Investigation and"National security"Investigation on the press, currently in the United States market gradually wind water on China pv industry and communication industry.This is not only in the beauty of Chinese enterprise plonk,And hope to enter the American market of Chinese enterprise set up obstacles.


"Double reverse"Refers to the"anti-dumping/countervailing",Be in conformity with the provisions of the wto trade relief measures.According to its definition,The dumping of the key lies in predatory pricing,That is a product to disinvestment price into another country business,Be regarded as dumping.And subsidy is refers to the government or public institutions to particular industry or region to provide financial assistance,To support a particular industry or the development of the region,Make its win under the condition of market economy is difficult to obtain funding.


As long as there is enterprise or industry to the ministry of commerce or the United States international trade commission submitted to appeal,The government will be able to start for a product"Double reverse"survey.


Generally speaking,In the case of anti-dumping appeal submitted within 160 days/Countervailing case appeal submitted to 85 days,The us department of commerce will make a preliminary decision.If the margin of a commodity that conform to the anti-dumping and countervailing terms,The us department of commerce will have the right to suspend the import of these goods.And in the antidumping case appeal submitted to 235 days/Countervailing case appeal submitted after 160 days,The us department of commerce will make"Double reverse"The final award.If the us department of commerce of the final results still must exist a commodity dumping and accept the subsidies,The final results will be submitted to the United States international trade commission for final consideration,The committee will be in 45 days given a final answer.Once the United States international trade commission decided in violation of a commodity"Double reverse"act,The us department of commerce will make the decision to impose punitive tariffs on this commodity.


In between China and the United States for years"Double reverse"Investigation of the clash of can be said to be mutual have a point.Compared with"Double reverse"survey,under"National security"flag,The committee on foreign investment in the United States the behavior criterion more show arbitrariness.


The committee on foreign investment in the United States to foreign company merger and acquisition is the most important safety review levels.It was founded in 1975,Is belongs to the ministry of finance but cross functional operation of the government agencies,Including secretary of state/Defense minister/Commerce secretary/Justice minister/The President's national security adviser, etc, with the main members of the 12,Responsible for the evaluation and monitoring of foreign investment to the influence of the U.S. national security.


If a foreign enterprise in the beauty operation or investment,The committee on foreign investment can actively report for review,But the committee member of any one of a enterprise produce security concerns,Can start review procedures.The first phase of the committee review deadline is 30 days,Once there are three or more institutions agreed,Commission will be able to enterprise in the United States on the trade for 45 days of investigation.After the investigation,The committee will obtain the final report and forwarded to the President.The President has 15 days of taking time,Then will decide whether to prevent enterprises in the trade,And to make a written description of the congress.In the entire research process,In addition to administrative/The judicial action or program Chinese and foreign,All information will be kept strictly confidential not announced.


According to the statistics,The committee on foreign investment in the United States rarely an official complete investigation.By February 2005,The committee accepted the case of the notice of more than 1520 up,Submit investigation cases only 25 up.The President of the United States decided to submit the case is wind hair unicorn horns.Generally speaking,Once the enterprise"incur"The committee on foreign investment in the notice,Often in the first stage of the review of the had strong pressure and decided to quit.In 2002, the Chinese Hong Kong li ka-shing's hutchison whampoa company buying American global telecommunications companies,Namely in the review process is not yet finished before the initiative has revoked the application."National security"Question submitted to the President of the United States decision more rare,22 years only two up,And all related with China.In 1990,,President bush vetoed the China aviation technology import and export company for Seattle aircraft parts manufacturers of mergers and acquisitions;September 30,,President Obama to national security for reason,Called for a Chinese company a wind power project.


In addition,The United States in the trade"hammer"China's place and:To prevent the excessive growth of China export commodity influence their employment"safeguard"measures/To import trade of unfair behavior launch investigate and take the sanctions"337 survey"/Hype the RMB exchange rate/Set up special law enforcement agencies deal with so-called unfair trade and so on.


What blow to open the umbrella


The United States trade with China"Double reverse"And in the field of security research nature and closely related to the political wind.In 2006,,The United States only to China has launched one up"Double reverse"survey,2007 surge to 7 up,2008 for 5 up.however,As the U.S. economic crisis encounter,Unemployment soars,The United States government save lack of power,Rising China will become the scapegoat.From 2009 to 2012,The United States launched China trade investigation has 50 multiple,More than 2006 ~ 2009"Double reverse"Total survey nearly twice the amount.


Especially since this year,As the U.S. presidential election unfolds,China's imports of products to throw dirty water become barack Obama and Mr Romney's conventional excuse.


In march this year,The us department of commerce on chinese-made photovoltaic products countervailing investigation make an initial award,That China lost beauty photovoltaic products exist accept government subsidy behavior,Subsidies range 2.9% to 4.73%.United States international trade commission trade experts Edward al meal in a commentary articles said,The amplitude greatly less than expected in the industry,reflect"Obama government does not wish to come from China's low-cost photovoltaic products really closed the door",Because from Chinese photovoltaic products is beneficial to clean energy industry in the development of the United States.however,As the election"China brand"Crazy playing,Two candidates competitively says it will take a hard line with China,The United States government on China pv product ambiguous attitude has plunged.On October 10, the us department of commerce"Double reverse"When the final results issued,China lost beauty photovoltaic products subsidies range has been greatly raised to 14.78% to 15.97%,And dumping margin is as high as 18.32% to 250% range,The majority of China pv enterprises were greatly influence.Although the results still need the United States international trade commission confirmed,But in today's political environment,China pv enterprises right a wrong opportunity is not big.


Both sides because the basic political system in different position differences but also open trade umbrella a big reason.In 2005, cnooc purchase unocal trading,The United States to energy security for reasons forcing cnooc give up acquisition;In the United States congress for China and zte in an investigation,The house intelligence committee chairman Mr Rogers although did not produce any evidence,But still stubbornly said,Huawei and zte close relations with the Chinese government,Can't take the network service and security make"From China's enterprise hand".This year on September 30th Obama as President called chinese-invested enterprises rawls company Oregon military base near a wind power project,More caused a public outcry.External media reports,In wind power projects have been stopped nearby,There is Germany and Denmark wind power project operation,The United States government but there are not any"Security concerns".With the reporter's interview,Experts asked Obama decided whether the fair,Expressed that"Not say".


Should say,Political wind just to trade protectionism add fuel to the fire,No American enterprise and industry federation repeatedly appeal,The sino-american trade friction the frequency of the occurrence would not be so high,Corporate America in international trade industry benchmark lead and interests has become hold up umbrella of a powerful driving force.In the information industry,The enterprise always control the global market,And tried to keep his leadership,Cisco is the information industry one of the mainstay.But in recent years,As zte/Huawei's rise,Cisco is facing the huge pressure of competition.Although zte and huawei are telecommunication equipment is given priority to,but,Are increasingly increase chip/Enterprise network/The expansion of the mobile phone, etc,If enter the American market,Sooner or later, to cisco network business enterprise threat.Especially in the enterprise network market,The United States occupy global market share of nearly half,Cisco sales accounted for in the United States than is extremely high,And has low cost advantage of zte/Huawei intervention must be seriously weakened its profits.therefore,In the United States XingHe of huawei low-end market points when a cup of soup,Corporate America not too big rebound,But when Chinese enterprises want to go to industrial chain upstream development,"Safety problems"On the surface.


The same,In the photovoltaic products in the trade friction,Also visible the United States for the efforts of the industry market.The mid 1990 s,The United States almost account for photovoltaic field 47% market share,And in recent years but go from bad to worse,Share shrunk to 7%,While China pv industry, by right"Well-known brand blossom/Complete industrial chain/Complete supporting industry/The world's leading integrated technical level"Global market occupation deodorants.In the short term,The United States is difficult to enterprises in technology has new breakthrough,And not on cost and China enterprise competition,Had to offering the"Double reverse"Magic weapon.


Coping with trade protectionism


To boost the U.S. economy,Increase jobs,Both Democrats and republicans,Will export as a panacea.In such cases,In the future period of time between China and the United States in the manufacturing field of competition will be intensified,In the field of trade friction is likely to increase further.In addition to the upstream industry chain for electronic products and new energy products outside,Like stainless steel drawing water tank/Steel wheel/Galvanized steel wire and fluorescent whitening agent,Bedroom furniture and foundry coke and no technical advantage/Focus on industrial chain end of products is also faced with the influence of trade protectionism.


In fact,The United States in"Double reverse"Investigation has many logical loopholes and double standards.The United States does not recognize China's full market economy status,In march,The United States federal court ruling to"Non-market economies"Countervailing measures after illegal,The congress of the United States on the legislative process,The speedy completion of the anti-subsidy act changes,Keep on China to receive government subsidies national commodity tax power.In China's products when anti-dumping investigation,Because do not recognize China's market economy status,The United States can use third countries(TiDaiGuo)Data to calculate the cost of Chinese goods.So the United States tend to select cost higher than China the third country costing,Dumping margin natural a rising tide lifts all boats.


In the face of the United States"Double reverse"survey,Positive appearance is the enterprise should take way."Double reverse"In the world trade is under the framework of trade remedy behavior,Nature also must follow the principles of the wto.At present,China has been in the wto framework and the United States is coated paper/Oil well pipe/Steel wheel hub, etc more than a trade dispute consultations.


For the United States"Security concerns",Many American scholars do not agree with,Think safety review mechanism should be more transparent,Without sacrificing the U.S. national security under the premise of economic and trade issues will avoid political.At the same time,Chinese enterprises can also show the transparency,Huawei has expressed the hope that public,This means that the public ownership structure/Source of income/Risk factors and access to government information support, etc,Help to reassure China for doubts.
