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China's foreign trade still have endogenous growth kinetic energy,If you can implement scientific and effective development strategy,Implementation of the positive promotion policies,China's foreign trade lead the new round of world trade growth is still worth looking forward to.
Recently announced the general administration of customs import and export data in September 2012,Compared with last month,September import and export in data mainly presented in three change:One is obviously higher than import and export growth last month,September import and export growth of 6.3%,Is 6.1% higher than last month;The second is a record export scale,September export growth of 9.9%,Increased by 7.2% than last month;3 it is import turn fell to ascending,Last month the import growth was 2.6%,But September imports rose 2.4%.
September import and export significantly better on August has two main reasons:One is the time node factors,General every September is order/p more months,For Christmas market began to advance layout,therefore,September import and export growth is also higher;The second is expected policy factors,The United States led a new round of quantitative easing policy in the short term will drive the raw material prices and consumer demand increase,Will also promote the activity of the corresponding import and export trade.
China's foreign trade growth kinetic energy is still strong
Only from monthly performance data changes in our country is difficult to determine whether there will be a trend of import and export of change and reverse,But overall,The first three quarters import and export trade in our country present three obvious window,That is the general trade growth faster than processing trade,And emerging market trade is better than traditional market,The Midwest and private enterprises become the new growth point,The three big window has become the next few years China's foreign trade in the overall development trends.
General trade growth faster than processing trade.Since the financial crisis,China's general trade import and export growth is commonly higher than processing trade,General trade in our country the proportion of import and export of climbing.The third quarter 2012 years ago,Total volume of import and export of $345.03 billion in our country,Year-on-year growth of 6.3%,General trade import and export $1.49897 trillion,Year-on-year growth of 5.9%,A processing trade 3.7% faster.By the end of September 2012,General trade accounts for 57.1% of the import and export trade in our country,A 4.2% higher than the same period last year,And processing trade accounts for the proportion of import and export trade in our country was reduced to 34.5%,Over the same period decreased by 1.4%.
Our country belongs to the industrialization in the middle of the country,Improving self-directed innovation level is this one phase the key to economic development,General trade reflects a national independent brand products export capacity and level of innovation,General trade import and export expansion,China's economic development is not only the needs of the stage,China's foreign trade is also boost the confidence of the positive factors.But it is important to note that,China's general trade and processing trade appears is characterised by the situation,Manufacturing is still China's leading industry,Despite the rising cost factors lead to the development of the processing trade advantage weaken,But the development of processing trade is helpful to consolidate the global manufacturing center position,Enhance the industrial development level,Should avoid to replace general trade processing trade development concept,Form the general trade and processing trade double drive type development pattern.
And emerging market trade is better than traditional market.With its major trading partners from the import and export situation,The first three quarters,In addition to the European Union/Outside Japan and India,And other trading partners are positive growth of import and export,And the United States the total import and export growth of 9.1%,And Canada/Australia and New Zealand import and export growth of 8.7%, respectively/7.5% and 13.5%.And emerging market is also maintained a good growth momentum,And asean/Russia/Brazilian import and export growth of 8.1%, respectively/14.2% and 5%,The highest growth for South Africa,Growth of 37.1%.
The European Union and Japan were the first and fourth largest trading partner,And the two big market trade has a direct effect on the decline in China since 2012 has the growth of import and export trade.The first three quarters,Our country to the European Union and Japan import and export amount reduced by 2.7% and 1.8% respectively,The European Union and Japan accounted for 14.5% of the total foreign import and export in our country and 8.8%,Only the two big market pull down our country import and export increase about 0.5%.Although the European Union and Japan will follow the United States to promote a new round of quantitative easing policy,But as a result of the debt crisis is still not eliminate the hidden trouble of the upgrade,The Japanese economy recession lead to domestic demand weakened,Together with"Diaoyu islands events",Make the contradictions sharp,The next period of time,Enterprise will reduce the layout of these markets,The European Union and Japan's trade will continue to reduce,The drag effect makes China's foreign trade in the short term it is difficult to realize sharp growth.
The Midwest and private enterprises become the new growth point.Since 2012,Although our country's import and export trade has been present low growth situation,But the Midwest strong growth becomes inspired market a major bright spot.The first three quarters,Chongqing export growth is 1.5 times,henan/Sichuan and jiangxi export growth was 62.8%/42.8% and 39.1%.
From 1 ~ 8 month of data to see,Import and export growth of the highest provinces and cities for Tibet respectively(183.1%)/chongqing(132.9%)/henan(64.3%)/guizhou(40.8%)/sichuan(31.4%)/anhui(26.5%)/jiangxi(24.9%)And yunnan(22.4%).
In addition,The private enterprise active also become our country foreign trade another growth window.The first three quarters,Private enterprises(Including collective/Private enterprises and other enterprises)Import and export of $877.97 billion,Growth of 18.8%,Our country foreign trade more than 12.6% overall growth,Among of which accounted for 85.4% of China's export increment,Pull the export increment of 6.1%;To import incremental contribution of 78.6%,Pull the import increment of 4.1%.
The first three quarters,Private enterprises accounted for the proportion of the total import and export volume in China has been developed from the same period last year of 27.6% to 30.9%,Increased by 3.3%.The western provinces and cities group rise/Rapid growth of the private enterprise has become the new growth point of China's foreign trade.
to"Three transformation"and"Three breakthroughs"To deal with the international market change
The above three trend that China's foreign trade still have endogenous growth kinetic energy,If you can implement scientific and effective development strategy,Implementation of the positive promotion policies,China's foreign trade lead the new round of world trade growth is worth looking forward to.
Master Chinese foreign trade development period of strategic opportunities.In September the supplier management association issued manufacturing purchasing managers index(PMI)Rebound sharply to 51.5,Over the previous three consecutive months below"50 vicissitude line"State of recession,Presupposes the United States to be the third wheel quantitative easing policy in the short term will stimulate economic recovery,Expected from the end of 2012 to 2013,China's foreign trade of the external environment will be improved accordingly.But as a result of stimulus policy did not fundamentally solve the U.S. economy and developed countries economy itself exists structural problems,The United States financial currency to control the global idea also did not see improvement,In the stimulus policy effect after the play,The world economy is still might fall into a new round of recession,Now by the leading China's foreign trade is still there is greater pressure.
In fact,The developed countries period of adjustment is also our period of strategic opportunities,China's foreign trade development need to conform to the market rule,In the market adjustment phase,To avoid in data change fuss,With a long-term vision to plan the current foreign trade development strategy,Cluster development of endogenous power,Promote foreign trade structure adjustment and transformation.
To keep foreign trade strategy and policy stability.Since September,China has issued a number of measures to promote the development of foreign trade,Issued by the general office of the state council formally[Several opinions about promoting foreign trade growth],Puts forward eight measures;The customs general administration issued a 16 measures to promote the steady growth of foreign trade;The ministry of finance and the state development and reform commission jointly issued regulations,Cancellation of customs supervision charges;State general administration of quality supervision announced in the fourth quarter will be exempted from legal entry and exit inspection and quarantine expenses, etc.These measures in a certain extent, stable market confidence.
however,Short-term policy issued by intensive counter-productive,Because of the unstable and policy to the new policy is expected to make the enterprise is difficult to determine the new investment and layout.The role of the policy is expected more sex and directivity,In the world economy next date of departure,Actively promote the policy is inevitable,But stable/Long-term foreign trade development strategy and policy can give enterprise in order to make clear expectations,The more help to enterprise's transformation and layout.
Makes great efforts to realize the"Three transformation"and"Three breakthroughs".No matter from the theoretical level or from a practical level,The current,China's foreign trade or to respect the objective law of the development of the market,To strive to accomplish"Three transformation",That is to promote foreign trade mainly by the government leading to the market and the government a joint role transformation;The quantity can expanding development pattern to the mass effect type development model transformation;By relying on traditional cost advantage to cultivate comprehensive elements advantage transformation.
Especially in three aspects as far as possible to achieve some breakthrough:One is to put the data and number of appraisal to the quality and ability of the assessment;The second is the construction of innovative country formulation and adapt to the import and export strategy;Three is to form the coordination of trade and industry of the foreign trade policy system.
If you can achieve this"Three transformation"and"Three breakthroughs",China's foreign trade can be"Three changes"Should changing,No matter how the international market change,Meet with market demand/Conform to the development of The Times/Heavy quality/Keep promise of China's foreign trade in the international market will get more robust/continuous/Considerable development.
(The author is the ministry of commerce by institute of foreign trade strategy, deputy director of the foreign trade)
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