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The United States real estate recovery/Emerging market demand increases

  就在第届广交会上不少参展商哀叹生意难做之时, 记者连日巡馆发现,家具行业的出口行情已迎来一线曙光。有不少家具企业透露,今年出口增幅5%—30%不等。“主要是新兴市场需求增加,同时美国房地产慢慢复苏。”多家广东家具企业负责人如此表述。而面对国内最近出现的部分建材连锁卖场关闭的现象, 家具生产企业认为: “这只是部分企业之前过度扩张带来的问题, 其实国内房地产市场已渐有起色, 不少高端家具企业正谋划转型做内销。”

In the first session of the China export commodities fair in many exhibitors deplore the business is done hard, Reporter found that followed the house,Furniture industry export market already have a silver lining.There are many furniture enterprise has revealed,Export growth this year vary from 18 to 5%."Mainly is the emerging market demand increases,At the same time the United States real estate slowly recovery."Several guangdong furniture enterprise controller so expression.And in the face of the domestic recent cases of part of the building materials chain stores closed phenomenon, Furniture production enterprise think: "This is only part of the enterprise before the problems of excessive expansion, In fact the domestic real estate market has gradually better, Many high-end furniture enterprise are planning transformation do sale in domestic market."


September guangdong furniture export and record years

  “今年1 月—9 月我们家具出口同比增长30%。”广东雄英集团有限公司总经理吴燕娇告诉羊城晚报记者:“今年中东、东南亚市场的需求都有所增长带来了商机。”而广东德庆大一家具的相关负责人则透露,现在是有订单找不到工人做。浙江一家家具厂负责人也表示,今年美国市场有个位数增长,“可见美国的房地产市场开始慢慢复苏”。

"1 this year Month - 9 Month we furniture exports year-on-year growth of 30%."Guangdong male British group co., LTD., general manager WuYan jiao told the yangcheng evening news reporter:"This year the Middle East/Southeast Asia market demand are increased to bring the opportunity."And guangdong deqing freshman furniture is revealed that the relevant person in charge,Now there is order can't find workers do.Zhejiang a furniture factory chief also said,The United States this year market single-digit growth,"Visible in the American housing market began to recovery".

  有数据显示,2012 年1 月至7 月, 我国家具出口超过275 亿美元,同比增长28%。而据广州海关统计,今年前3 季度,广东出口家具及其零件113.5 亿美元,比去年同期增长4.7%。特别是今年9 月单月,广东出口家具14 亿美元, 同比大幅增长22.8%,环比大幅增长15.4%,创年内月度出口值最高纪录。

Data show,2012 Years 1 Month to 7 month, Our country furniture export more than 275 $,Year-on-year growth of 28%.And according to the guangzhou customs statistics,In the first three quarter,Guangdong export furniture and parts 113.5 $,Than last year the corresponding period grows 4.7%.Especially this year 9 Month month,Guangdong export furniture 14 $, 22.8% year-on-year growth,Link sharp increase 15.4%,Gen years record monthly export.


Put down the figure do ZhongDiDuan in environment under the condition of not optimistic,Why furniture enterprise appeared a ray of dawn?

  有广东家具业内人士告诉记者,从2008 年金融危机以来, 不少广东的家具出口已开始想办法应对。“比如由于欧洲高端家具需求的萎缩,不少家具企业开始转做中低端产品, 这样就打开了市场,目前中低端家具在欧美、南美、中东的市场需求还是非常可观的。”不仅如此,广州一家家具进出口生产企业透露,为提高产品竞争力,去年专门从意大利请来设计师设计新产品, “今年的产品在美国市场就非常受欢迎,设计独特应该加了不少分。”该厂的负责人表示。

Have guangdong furniture the personage inside course of study tells a reporter,From 2008 Years since the financial crisis, A lot of guangdong furniture export has started to think of a way to deal with."For instance because of European high-end furniture demand atrophy,A lot of furniture enterprises began to turn to do ZhongDiDuan products, That turns on the market,At present ZhongDiDuan furniture in Europe and the United States/South America/The Middle East market demand is very considerable."Not only that,Guangzhou a furniture import and export production enterprise has revealed,To enhance the competitiveness of their products,Specially last year from Italy please stylist design new products, "This year's products in the American market is very popular,Unique design should add a lot of points."The plant's person in charge said.


Prospect forecast:The Spring Festival next year industries or recovery

  多家家具企业表示, 作为重要市场的欧洲市场今年没有增长迹象,这也逼迫家具企业要转型。

Several furniture enterprise said, As an important market the European market this year has no signs of growth,It also persecute furniture enterprise to transformation.

  “欧洲市场去年还增长了30%左右, 今年则未见上升。”一家浙江的家具企业负责人称,今年上半年,欧洲的客户反映生意越来越难,高端市场萎缩近一半,中低端市场变化还不太明显。

"The European market has increased by around 30% last year, This year it did not see rise."A zhejiang furniture enterprise is responsible for the person,In the first half of this year,European customers reflect the business has become more and more difficult,High-end market atrophy nearly half,ZhongDiDuan market change is not obvious.

  为应对危机, 很多做高端家具的企业将目光瞄准国内市场。广东家具协会相关负责人认为,目前国家已有的3600万套保障房就是一块大蛋糕。经济形势也看到了转好的希望。“广东家具企业正在积极开拓内销市场,特别是一些外销高端家具企业转型内销。”该负责人表示:“今年国内出现的多家家居建材卖场的倒闭被解读为倒闭潮, 其实我们并不这么看。家具行业形势转好大概将在明年春节以后。” 

In response to the crisis, Many do high-end furniture enterprise are aiming to the domestic market.Guangdong furniture association that the relevant person in charge,At present the country has 36 million sets of security housing is a big cake.Economic situation also see turn good hope."Guangdong furniture enterprises are actively explore the domestic market,Especially some export high-end furniture enterprise transformation sale in domestic market."This person in charge said:"This year the domestic appear several household building materials sells the collapse was interpreted as a closed tide, Actually, we don't think so.Furniture industry situation turned for the better probably will next year after Spring Festival." 
