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To China for foreign trade enterprises,This year's"winter"More than ever come earlier.The international financial crisis haze do not come loose,The global economic recovery lack of power,China's foreign trade enterprise suffered unprecedented challenges.In addition to the rise in the cost of domestic/Foreign domestic demand of objective factors such as outside,China and other emerging economies more trade friction between has become the important factor of affect export.Not only China's traditional trading partners flanked China commodity,Some emerging economies also join them,"Made in China"Encounter house of flying daggers.


Trade protectionism now why up again?Under the situation of foreign trapped inside,Trade friction is ceaseless upgrade to"Made in China"Will produce what kind of impact?The face of overseas come to look for trouble round and round of trade protection measures,Chinese enterprises and should be how to deal with?


With Europe and the United States"Trade brand"


In the first half of this year,The United States has on Chinese products launched many times"Double reverse"Investigation and"337 survey",Most of the investigation of the product were to impose trade sanctions.


The United States and the European Union,Is China's two largest trading partner,This happen to coincide to choose hit"Trade brand"As a boost employment/A magic weapon to save the economy,"Made in China"They become the target of attack.


The us department of commerce on October 10, China pv double reverse case to make the final,That China exports to the us of photovoltaic battery and components exist dumping and subsidies behavior,Decided to impose punitive tariffs on high.Although this case still need through the United States international trade commission the final vote,But in the industry seems little after may.


after,The European Union is also the above products the anti-dumping investigation.After China's commerce ministry has sent a delegation to the European countries is the case with many negotiations,But analysts worry that the United States will be the final of the European Union investigation impact.


Photovoltaic products just Chinese enterprise since this year suffer from the American trade protection measures of a miniature.Held a U.S. presidential candidates debate,Sino-us trade imbalance has once again become the target of each other.Republican presidential candidate mitt romney attacked China is"liar"/"Don't abide by the trade rules".President barack Obama says the counterattack,He has taken measures to China,In 2009, for example, imports from China of all the cars and light truck tire to take special security measures,Collect a three-year punitive tariffs;He also says,In recent years the RMB exchange rate has significant rise,Is the strong pressure on China to the results.


The European commission announced on August this year,Will China export bicycle and bicycle parts to the collection of anti-dumping duties extend to 2016;Since mid-september up,The European Union on imports from China ceramic tile collection five-year punitive tariffs,The highest rate is 69.7%.


China international economic exchange center deputy researcher WangTianLong said,This according to China's trade protection measures and increased global economic growth has a lot to do with fatigue.Major developed economies economic downturn caused by falling domestic demand,Lead to increased unemployment;For the protection of domestic enterprises/Increase employment,Will implement the trade protection,For other countries import products to improve the threshold.


Chinese commerce ministry spokesman ShenDanYang previously said,Recently some American politicians on china-us economic and trade relations gossiping,And take some protectionist measures,This kind of political need to politicize economic and trade issues,The domestic contradictions on to the practice of other countries will damage the development of bilateral economic and trade cooperation atmosphere,Maybe the china-us economic and trade relations will be led astray.


Emerging economies"Follow suit"


In addition to America and beyond,India/Brazil/Argentina/Countries such as Turkey recently also frequently to Chinese products"revolt".


Is not only developed economies,Emerging economies and China's trade friction also markedly increased.According to the ministry of commerce news,After the Europe and the United States,Indian anti-dumping bureau will also on China's export of photovoltaic products anti-dumping investigation,India solar manufacturers calls for collection of anti-dumping duties as high as 200%;On October 15,,Mexico is China's textiles and clothing subsidy policy to the wto dispute settlement mechanism of the request for consultations,Accused of China through the reduction of income tax/Value added tax and local tax means such as textiles and clothing enterprise to the subsidies,Have great negative impact to Mexico.Mexican textile enterprises have been and China enterprise competition,Export products to the market.


In addition,September this year,Peru has to come from China's glazed wall ceramic tile anti-dumping investigation.This is the after Argentina,Latin America for Chinese ceramic industry launched the second antidumping duty investigations.India/Brazil/Argentina/Countries such as Turkey recently also frequently to Chinese products"revolt","Made in China"Was besieged.


The ministry of commerce data display,In the first half of this year our country had a total of 18 countries and regions launched anti-dumping/countervailing/Safeguard investigation, such as a total of 40 up,Growth of 38% year-on-year;Involving a value of $3.7 billion,Growth of 76% year-on-year.From the country put on record to see,Brazil/India and other developing countries to our country put on record the number of 70% of the total cases.


WangTianLong think,Emerging markets for China's trade relief measures to increase,Does not exclude"Follow suit"Suspected of developed countries,But the deeper reason there is competition."Emerging market and China's economic development stage/Industrial structure has certain similarity,Export products also have a lot of convergence,Has alternative,So they through these measures to crack down on Chinese products,Maintain its interests",He said,"But countries different resource endowment,In fact can be done completely cooperation division of labor/Have complementary advantages".


Part of the shipment the losses of the enterprise


Trade friction on involving influence on enterprises,Part of the enterprise will lose the overseas market.


Customs data display,1 - September this year,China import and export (GDP) of us $2.84247 trillion,Compared with the same period last year growth of 6.2%;Export growth of 7.4%,Imports rose 4.8%.This early and for 10% of the growth target there is still a certain gap.Although since this year on the introduction of the series"Steady growth"Under the influence of the policy,Month in September foreign trade statistics showing signs of stabilising picks up,But whether the general administration of customs or enterprise,In the future foreign trade situation cautiously.


The general administration of customs ZhengYue spokesman said,The world economy is still severe,Not sure/Factors of instability are increasing,Our export products is also faced with the protection of trade barriers,Situation is very serious.According to analysis,Trade friction on involved in enterprise and industry greatly influenced,Can lead to export reduced or even was forced to withdraw from some overseas markets.In addition,Will also lead to industrial transfer and the transfer of export market.


The chairman and CEO of the energy MiaoLianSheng previously said,At present domestic photovoltaic enterprise are loss shipment,Who is the losses than less,The whole industry will face collapse.And some small and medium-sized enterprise, said,Because of such reasons as to improve trade barriers lead to cost increase,Some foreign orders have to lower the cost of the southeast Asian countries transfer.


but,Experts generally agree,Although trade friction is increasing trend,But upgrade to"Trade war"May is not big.Foreign economic and trade university international economic research institute President mulberry bacc the said,The future sino-us trade friction is expected to grow,But because the two sides are the main trade partners,As far as possible will dispute control within the scope of certain and rational solution.


WangTianLong argue that,If in the future the diaoyu islandtaiwan continuous upgrade,Does not exclude the possibility of a trade war happened.Chinese people's university school of economics, vice President of the LiuYuanChun also said,If the diaoyu islands event further fermentation,Four quarter sino-japanese bilateral trade could be affected by certain influence.


The ministry of commerce to remind the domestic foreign trade enterprise,Should be rational to deal with trade friction.First of all to coolness,Actively responding,Slam the door can't don't want to make an international case regarding the psychological and"hitchhike"psychological;At the same time don't partaking,Can form appearance alliance,Hire a professional lawyer team,According to the requirements of relevant countries,Truthfully prepare questionnaire and apply for questionnaire response.In addition,The enterprise to dodge the key or trade friction to strengthen self-discipline,Trains hard the internal strength.


On the one hand,Through the transformation of foreign trade development mode,Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of,Improve the core competitiveness of the industry,Improve product price,Jump out of the low price competition circle,change"To price to win"for"Quality win".On the other hand,To regulate internal financial and management process,To deal with trade conflicts training professional talents,To establish and perfect the trade friction early warning mechanism and rapid response mechanism,Avoid once encounter trade friction is unprepared.

  新京报记者 沈玮青

The Beijing news reporter ShenWei green

  ■ 企业说法

s Enterprise statement


Guangdong four-way group co., LTD., deputy general manager CAI town pass:


China ceramic export


Facing temporary blow


Guangdong four-way group co., LTD. Is a local large ceramic production enterprise,The production of ceramics for daily use 60% - 70% exported to Europe.


February,The European Union announced on China's export to European ceramic tableware and kitchenware anti-dumping investigation,Involving a value of $700 million.The European Union is guangdong chaozhou ceramic's largest export market,The chaozhou involving more than 200 enterprises,Involving a value of $180 million.November,The European Union will decide the initial cutting.There have been media said outside,Eu plans to impose the above products 17% - 58% of the anti-dumping duties.


Guangdong four-way group co., LTD., deputy general manager CAI town pass told reporters,The Chinese enterprises is expected to trade dispute odds are not good.


According to introducing,The European Union announced after the anti-dumping investigation,Four-way company hired a lawyer to participate in the hearing,And to Germany/France/Belgium, etc,With the local industry association/Consumers' association and ceramic enterprise's communication."We show them that our product is not dumping,They understand that,Also promised to extend government report the situation to them.But because the economy is not good enough,European governments to protect the employment,Will have to take the Chinese products operation."CAI town pass said.


CAI town is expected to pass,The European Union will eventually improve related product tariff threshold,The China ceramics export will cause temporary blow.His strategy is an appropriate increase in the price of a product,Compressed profit space,At the same time hope the government can tax cuts in respect of certain preferential measures.but,On his future prospects are still very confident."And Europe than manufacturers,Our products both production technology and production cost are very advantage,They can't meet the needs of the European market",He said,"Now the European young consumers like to buy Chinese porcelain,Even if that temporarily,But in the long term the European market still belongs to China".(ShenWei green)

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Trade protection often


And economic downturn"mate"


Historically,In the economic recession,Usually trade protection measures also can increase accordingly.In 1929,,The stock market crash,Economic crisis.In order to protect the interests of the farmers,Get rid of the domestic economic depression,The President of the United States hoover in June 1930 signed the increase of duties[He's - Holly, bill].The bill revised the 1125 goods import tax rate,Will be 34% as taxable goods;Increase rate of goods there are 890 species.


According to the data of the state council,The above after the enforcement of law,The United States imports from Europe from $1929 in 1.334 billion dip to $1932 in 390 million;The United States exports to Europe also correspondingly fell from 2.341 billion us dollars to 784 million us dollars.And because many countries and therefore to the United States adopted a retaliatory tariff measures,In response to new U.S. trade barriers,With a trade war.The bill was critics as the great depression so profound and lasting one important reason,Considered in hoover period"Biggest mistake".


But with 2007 by us subprime mortgage crisis caused by the global economic crisis,Countries trade protection measures but also emerge in endlessly.If Russia improve cars and harvester tariff,Egypt increases sugar tariff,Brazil and Argentina even hand ascension mercosur national foreign import tax rate, etc.


this,The world trade organization (wto) director-general lam pointed out,Trade protectionism seemingly protection one country economy,In fact will drag the world economic recovery,To who is adverse.In opposition to trade protectionism aspects,Can't say one thing and do another.(ShenWei green)
