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 “目前欧美市场依旧占据中国出口总额的大多数,但新兴市场的消费潜力、政策优惠、劳动力成本等优势不断凸显,接下来会有越来越多的企业选择新兴市场缓解出口压力,扩大业务。” 环球市场集团运营总监魏涛分析道。 "At present the European and American market still occupied most of china's total exports,But emerging market consumption potential/Preferential policy/Labor cost advantage unceasingly highlighting,Then there will be more and more enterprises to choose the emerging market ease outlet pressure,Expand business." Global market group director of operations WeiTao analysis way.
As part of the 2014 World cup and 2016 olympic Games host,The kingdom of nuggets Brazil in the canton fair on concern.china import and export business, deputy director of the fair WangRunSheng said,Brazil in recent years has become the china export commodities fair exhibitors the most attention and export market"Go out"one of the strategic base,Between the two countries in the resources/market/trade/Investment has a lot of complementarity.
And according to the global market international e-commerce platform the latest data statistics,Since this year,From Brazil buyer inquiry number is growing rapidly,The year-on-year growth rate reached 57.4%.And during the october,Global market joint domestic 450 high quality manufacturing enterprise in the world's largest portuguese-speaking website,Brazil is one of the most popular web portal UoL home page on the first screen promotion,As of october 27,,This project click rate is adjacent position special page three times.This means that,Relative to the local enterprises promotion,The Brazilian to"Made in china"Interest is more intense.
"The next few years,Brazil continuously held the World cup and olympic Games,The chinese mechanical equipment/Building materials/And light industrial products industry is a good opportunity.And in Brazil speaking,chinese products production cost and Labour costs than Brazil local much lower,So although the Brazilian government set up many barriers,But the Brazilian is very willing to and chinese cooperation."WeiTao said.
  但是,据里约州工业发展公司(C O D IN )发布的数据显示,目前“中国制造”对巴西市场的开拓程度还远远不够。今年1月至8月,来巴与之接洽合作业务的企业数高达290家,其中只有8家是中国企业。业界人士分析,排除贸易壁垒等客观因素,目前巴中贸易之间最急切需要解决的是语言沟通问题和双方了解不足的问题。
but,According to the Rio state industrial development company(c o D in )Data released by the display,At present"Made in china"To the Brazilian market development degree is far from enough.January to August this year,To and with the cooperation of the business QiYeShu as high as 290,of which only 8 is china's enterprise.Industry analysts,Eliminate trade barriers and objective factors,At present the most eager between bazhong trade need to be solved is the language communication problems and the parties understand the problem of insufficient.

this,WeiTao said,chinese enterprises to Brazil,can with the local chinese cooperation,Through the local chinese and buyers face-to-face exchanges directly,The decrease of the intermediate links distribution.In addition,An enterprise may also, and the third party marketing agencies,Through the international e-commerce platform/To local exhibition and other forms into the local market,To reduce the cost and risk in isolation.
It is understood,Since this year,Global market group has invited and organized more than 300 Brazil to china buyers purchase,At the same time through the in UoL set on the Portuguese project,Let the Brazilian buyers more direct convenient understand china manufacturing,To reduce the communication difficulties,Also let enterprises better shows strength.November,The global market will also through"GMc manufacturer brand global expansion action",organization domestic 30 quality manufacturer enterprise to Brazil local,And the local 100 high-quality buyers face-to-face exchanges directly,Help high quality chinese manufacturers show strength,contributed to business opportunities.
  巴西美国商会负责人Giovanna Carnio表示:“我们一直致力推动巴西地区和全世界的贸易往来,近年来最多外来投资的国家就是中国。我们希望在未来能携手GMC,帮助更多中国企业进入巴西市场。”
Brazil in the American chamber of commerce Giovanna carnio said:"We have been dedicated to promote in Brazil and the world trade,In recent years the most foreign investment country is china.We hope that we can work together in the future GMc,Help more chinese enterprises to enter Brazil market."
In addition,WeiTao also mentioned,From the view of the china export commodities fair,china's manufacturing homogenization serious problem improve slightly,The enterprises, improving the core competitive power/Exploit overseas market has a great help.
"The financial crisis and the debt crisis make the European and American market downturn state,But it also forced the domestic enterprise development strategy adjustment,Pay attention to market diversification and product differentiation.In the past,Some enterprise only pay attention to the growth of the scale,But from this session of the canton fair,We know that our member enterprises pay more and more attention to product of refinement/personalized,In the design and after-sales service has made great progress."
According to WeiTao revealed,Although the canton fair overall clinch a deal is not optimistic,But there are still more than 70% of GMc exhibition member said butt down exports have the confidence.
