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According to the[The ministry of finance/State administration of taxation on export goods labor value added tax and consumption tax policy notice](Tax [2012] no. 39)and[The state administration of taxation, labor service export goods VAT and consumption tax management measures](State administration of taxation announced in 2012, no. 24)provisions,Suitable for VAT export goods services and consumption tax of export goods free range(Hereinafter referred to as the "export tax),Mainly divided into three kinds of 21 kinds of situations.


Export tax exemption 21 kinds of situations


Value added tax export tax exemption scope mainly divided into:Export duty-free goods services;Inspect export duty-free goods services;The drawback to duty-free exports services three categories.At the same time,The scope if there is a consumption tax assessable consumer goods,Exempted from it,Before the links of consumption tax levy no longer return,Don't allow the domestic consumer spending in the tax payable tax deductible.


(a)Export tax exemption 15 kinds of situations


Mainly includes:Small-scale VAT tax payers export goods;Contraceptive drugs and appliance,Antique books;Customs tariff number for the first four"9803"Software products;Contain gold/Platinum composition of the goods,Diamond and jewelry;In the state plan export cigarette;When purchases without obtaining a VAT invoice/Customs import VAT payment certificate,But other relevant documents is complete and has used equipment;Agricultural producers sell agricultural products;Oil painting/Peanut kernels/Black soybean and the ministry of finance and the state administration of taxation export duty-free goods;Foreign trade enterprises to obtain commercial invoice/Waste materials purchase document/The acquisition of agricultural products invoice/The government tax revenue bill of goods;The export enterprise entrusted export goods;The listing production enterprises to export the goods shall be regarded as produced;Processing complex export goods;Special area enterprise exports goods special area;To RMB cash settlement mode in the borders of export enterprise from the province(Autonomous region)Border port exported to neighboring countries and general trade and small-scale border trade export goods;Tourism shopping trade mode customs export goods.


(two)Export tax shall be regarded as the three kinds of situations


Mainly includes:Countries established with the approval of the duty free shop sales of duty-free goods;Special area for the enterprise outside of the unit or individual to provide processing repairs and replacement services;The same special area/Different special area between enterprise sales special area of the goods.


(three)The drawback to duty-free 3 kinds of situations


Mainly includes:Not in the state administration of taxation declaration VAT refund within a prescribed period(from)tax;Not declare open within the time limit as prescribed[Certificate of goods export through agency]of;Has been declared VAT refund(from)tax,But not in the state administration of taxation regulation tax authorities within the term polishing VAT refund(from)Tax voucher.


Export tax declaration mode and time limit


Export tax declaration roughly divided into don't need to issue tax exemption certificate and duty-free cancel after verification and need to issue tax exemption cancel after verification certificate and two declaration mode.


(a)Do not need to issue tax exemption certificate and declaration of cancel after verification


This way is divided into two kinds of circumstances,That is regarded as export tax declaration and other applicable tax export declaration.


1. Inspect export tax declaration


To export tax and the kinds of situations"Special area enterprise exports goods special area"One kind of situation and inspect export duty-free 3 kinds of situations(A total of 4 kinds of situations),Should be in export or sales monthly VAT tax declaration inside,The competent tax authority value added tax/Consumption tax exemption declaration.


2. Other applicable tax export declaration


In addition to inspect export tax declaration outside four cases,Export enterprises and other units shall use[Duty free export goods schedule of services]To the competent tax authority for free,And according to the rules of operation.


One is the export cargo services tax declaration.Export enterprises and other units should be in goods services free business happen second month(Quarterly for VAT tax returns as a quarter),fill[Duty free export goods schedule of services]To the competent tax authority for free,The export goods customs declaration data can be retained enterprise for future reference,Do not need to provide the competent tax authorities.


The second is the export enterprises entrusted export goods duty-free declaration.Should the goods by the client service free business happening monthly(Quarterly for VAT tax returns as a quarter)During the reporting period the VAT tax,by[Certificate of goods export through agency]data,To the competent tax authority for free.


The third is to tax duty free export goods declaration services.If the declaration back(from)Tax before the deadline(That is the date of export declaration since April 30 days before the VAT tax declaration period),Belong to the drawback to duty-free 3 kinds of circumstances,And has determined to implement tax policy,Export enterprises and other units can be in determining the duty-free monthly VAT tax declaration period,To the competent tax authority for free.As a production enterprise on August 1, 2011 with export refund(from)Tax provisions of the goods,Since the date of declaration export to April 2012 and day(ZhengQi postpone)During the reporting period the VAT tax,Collection of all documents to the competent tax authority for retreat(from)tax,But because no declaration,Ought to be in the second month in April 2012,That may VAT tax declaration period tax declaration and the duty free.


(two)Need to issue tax exemption certificate and declaration of cancel after verification


Declaration for export tax need to issue tax exemption certificate and free of cancel after verification,Applies only to have two kinds of situations:One is in the state plan export cigarette;The second is materials processing,It is important to note that not including production enterprise processing self-supporting production of export goods,This situation only apply for the issuance of an[Duty free export goods schedule of services],Don't be duty-free cancel after verification process.


1. In the state plan export cigarette


One is the tax exemption certificate issued.Cigarette export enterprises in the duty-free plan issued within the tax authority in charge[Allow duty-free cigarettes proof for export application form],And then to the cigarette manufacturing enterprise,According to the competent tax authority to apply for tax exemption formalities.Within the scope of the approved,Cigarette production enterprise to does not contain the consumption tax/Value added tax price sales to export enterprise,And issue a[Export cigarette already free proof].


The second is free for cancel after verification.Cigarette export enterprise should be in cigarette customs export day of the second month to April 30 the VAT tax declaration period,The competent tax authority to export cigarette exemption cancel after verification procedures.Overdue of,Export enterprises may not declare cancel after verification,Should press formulary pay VAT/Consumption tax.


2. Materials processing export goods


One is the tax exemption certificate issued.Export processing enterprises to obtain an enterprise process cost plain invoice date of the monthly VAT tax declaration period,The competent tax authority[Processing tax exemption certification].


The second is free for cancel after verification.Export enterprises"processing"Trade mode and export goods customs verification procedures,The final notice issued by the customs cancel after verification,The competent tax authority for tax exemption cancel after verification procedures.


Export tax declaration of related problems of processing


(a)Not according to stipulations to claim tax exemption period of treatment


Applicable export tax policy,In addition to inspect export tax declare the four cases,Export enterprise or any other unit if not stipulated in the tax declaration period in accordance with the provisions of the tax declaration,Should be regarded as domestic goods and processing repairs and replacement services value added tax exemption/Consumption tax.


(two)Value added tax shall be exempted from export goods labor input tax treatment


VAT tax policy for export goods services,The input tax and VAT refund shall not be deducted,Into cost shall be.Assume that one has the right of import and export production enterprises engaged in processing complex export business,In October 2012, export a goods,Processing process cost is 500000 yuan(Reduced to RMB price),Sale in domestic market sales income is 2 million yuan RMB.At the same time,The electricity has the special VAT invoices indicated no tax price is 300000 yuan,Tax is 51000 yuan.This enterprise production power is used for tax exemption and tax for the goods,so,51000 yuan should be divided into for duty-free goods for input VAT on purchase turn out processing.According to the VAT provisional regulations of the detailed rules for the implementation of article 26 calculation formula,Shall not be deducted the input VAT = not all the division of the input tax × duty-free project sales/The value added tax assessable labor turnover total ÷ all the sales/Turnover total = 51000 x 500000 ÷(500000 + 2000000)= 10200(yuan).Need to pay attention to is,Involved in the export sales,In addition to materials processing and export goods for processing charges outside income,Other are export fob or sales.
