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By the middle of next year,Part of the imported furniture brand will complete a 30% price reduction.


For people to develop new products additional services more do fine


Super comfortable international household its various imported furniture next reduce the price by at least 30% or so;Leonardo Da Vinci home agent more American furniture brand prices have been cut,And are considering 2013 new price system;The mattress brand silk ripple Sealy China established for user name"Silk ripple half a life"The domestic brand,New product price is only a third of the imported products...


Or reduction/Or a domestic line,Or ascend additional services,When imported furniture aura receding,How to in the fierce competition in the Chinese market for survival/Strives for the development of a required course.The personage inside course of study to,After this round of rational and fierce battle,Part of the technical content is high"the"Furniture or will become popular type of consumer goods,2013 years is expected to into ordinary families.


Cut the price more than 30%


The part to import the furniture on"Close to people"road

  “截至明年中旬左右,我们代理的部分‘洋’家具将集中降价。”超舒适国际家居总经理王兰玉进一步解释,进口家具的价格一直居高不下,与繁复的运输路程、高额的运输成本以及销售量的萎缩有着直接关系,如果能改善以上环节中的问题,进口家具价格大幅下降指日可待。比如,像塔罗科(Tarocco Vaccari)等意大利家具,进行“以量换价”后,明年至少会降价30%左右。

"By the middle of next year or so,Part of our agent‘the’Furniture will focus on price."Super comfortable international household general manager WangLanYu further explanation,Import furniture prices have been high,And the transportation of heavy and complicated way/High transportation costs and sales has a direct relationship between atrophy,If the above link to improve the problem,Import furniture price will drop considerably.Such as,Like tarot families(Tarocco Vaccari)Italian furniture such as,for"In quantity in price"after,Next year will be at least 30% price reduction.

  无独有偶,今年10月27日,达芬奇家居旗下经典美式家具代理销售品牌——“美依美”在上海市文定路209号的大店正式开业。这个汇聚了托马斯维尔Thomasville、Maitland Smith和Jonathan Charles三大美国家具品牌的大店,不再将“高价”挂在嘴边,而是卖起了更亲民的产品。比如,一把古典的椅子,一个三人位沙发,一张高靠背双人床,价格分别是“7980元、12500元和17000元”,这些数字与印象中达芬奇动辄几万、几十万的标价形成极大的反差。

similarly,October 27,,Leonardo Da Vinci's household classic American furniture sales brand --"In accordance with the beauty beauty"In the Shanghai wen set road 209 big shop officially opened.The gathering Thomas Thomasville Wells/Maitland Smith and Jonathan Charles three American furniture brand of big shop,Will no longer be"high"Uttered by,But the more close to people to sell the product.Such as,A classic chair,A three people a sofa,A high back double,Price respectively is"7980 yuan/12500 yuan and 17000 yuan",These Numbers and impression cost tens of leonardo Da Vinci/Hundreds of thousands of price formation great contrast.


Social status gradually lower


For Chinese consumers to develop new products


The author last week in blue tangram home household square of big shop found,The famous American mattress brand silk ripple Sealy gallery of mattress new product price is in 5000 yuan or so,And had two or three ten thousand yuan price difference of many times,Is the silk ripple in China product cuts,Or other reasons?Silk ripple China marketing manager to the jade lynch said,Wire run this year just in Shanghai qingpu open a new factory,The factory next year will be a large number of supply to China.The United States established brand in China,For Chinese users targeted product research and development,And control cost price,This is the silk ripple in the blue house exhibition hall LAN can sell"low"The reasons behind the.


In fact,In order to gain the heart of the Chinese consumers,Import furniture brand has been action again and again.Known as the Italian software furniture brand Natuzzi's chart is this earlier set in China,For domestic consumers the well-being of one of the brand.In fact,This is mother's chart Natuzzi brand,100% in Italy production shipped to domestic sales,And Italsofa and Editions is Natuzzi group to catch the end consumer groups in China to create two deputy brand.In order to be more competitive in the domestic market,In addition to the above two brand design and leather from outside Italy,Production and processing has all localization,Do not only can reduce the cost and speed up the delivery time,More can provide Chinese consumers more cost-effective products.but,This group's chart will be the two brands of true identity inform consumers directly,Origin will also be marked"China".


Additional services more do fine


buy"the"Furniture can be good to serve


Flower is higher than domestic furniture double or even several times the money to buy imported furniture,In addition to buy design/Raw materials/The process and quality,Buy and service.According to[Poor age]understand,In the next new import furniture controlling China's market in the war,"service"Will become the brand for domestic consumers favor and a magic weapon.


The MHF with the national bank cooperation between eight,To provide consumers"overdraft"Buy furniture service,Can be made in installment reimbursement;Home for the consumer and household provide free art trading platform;Super comfortable international household established day this villa decoration international institutions,In the store to buy furniture consumers to provide the design/Decorate and later integrated service accessories, and so on;The Danish fu lai Sally children furniture in the study of China's present situation to live,In the end of this year to provide children room transformation design and assembly services.


For import furniture character,What kind of services can be labeled"human"and"considerate"label?this,Blue morning household general manager LiuWanYou and super comfortable international household general manager WangLanYu are said,In addition to after-sales provides consumers with perfect maintenance maintenance and additional services outside,Pre-sale and sale targeted services is essential.visible,The service work in the front,And help customer solve their worries,Can be called on the quality of service.

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