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酒香也怕巷子深。青岛外贸业比较发达,数以万计的进口商手中掌握着各国的精品资源,但由于卖家找不到合适的销售渠道,而消费者要想买到心仪的进口商品要么要花高价 ,要么只能出国的时候狂购。“主要是找不到好的"娘家",从国外进口来的商品,如果放在商超卖,各种加价比较多 ,售价高了销售量难以上去,售价低了连本钱都挣不回来 ;如果自己租门头开专卖店,成本高昂不仅人流量得不到保证,消费者还但心买到假货。如果有一个地方,能将各种进口商集中起来,进店费不要那么高,我们成本低了,让消费者花更少的钱买到更优质的进口商品 ,那就好了。”岛城一位做奶粉生意的进口商张先生说。
Bouquet of deep alley.Qingdao foreign trade industry is developed,Tens of thousands of importers armed with national quality resources,But because the seller couldn't find the right sales channels,And consumers want to buy imported goods or the right to spend high price ,Or only when going abroad, crazy purchase."The main is can't find good"maiden",The goods imported from abroad,If in the quotient overselling,All kinds of more tariffs ,The high price to go up sales,Price low capital even 4 does not come back ;If you rent door head open store,Not only can guarantee high cost etc,Consumers also but the heart to buy fake.If there is a place,Can be lumped together various importers,Into the store fee don't be so high,We cost low,Let consumers spend less money to buy more high quality imported goods ,It might be better."Located a do milk powder business importer said Mr Zhang.
The importer lack of platform was into the difficult
人人都知道青岛有美丽的海岸风光、鲜美可口的海鲜,但很少有人把外贸当成青岛的品牌。“青岛的地理位置在这儿,从事外贸的人才非常多 ,进出口产业相当发达,外贸产业甚至辐射到周边多个城市,因此,外贸绝对是青岛的第三大旅游产品。”青岛一位外贸商崔英说。
Everyone knows that Qingdao has a beautiful coastal scenery/Delicious seafood,But few foreign trade as the Qingdao brand."Qingdao geographical position here,Engaged in the foreign trade talented person very much ,Import and export industry is developed,Foreign trade industry even radiation to surrounding cities,so,Foreign trade is absolutely Qingdao's third largest tourism products."Qingdao a foreign trade business CuiYing said.
CuiYing said,This year's economic situation is severe,Export growth fell more obvious in previous years,Import become an important means of stimulating the economy.A lot of enterprise for export turns sale in domestic market at the same time,Will import as a new breakthrough."Expanding domestic demand is the way/Adjustment of the structure of an important means,A lot of exporters turned to do the imported."CuiYing said.
不过,进口商单打独斗,发展起来会非常困难。“做进口跟做出口不同,各种成本相当多 ,长期以来,国外中小型出口企业,由于缺乏对中国市场的了解,销售渠道窄,外派人员成本高,产品很难进入中国市场。”崔英说,进口的商品要想卖出去,需要借助一个平台。“通过商超销售,渠道成本非常高 ,一件商品往往要翻番才能有钱赚。”
but,The importer contribution,Developed will be very difficult."Do do import and export different,Various cost quite a lot ,For a long time,The small and medium-sized foreign export enterprise,Due to the lack of understanding of the market in China,Sales channel narrow,Expatriates high cost,The product is hard to enter the Chinese market."CuiYing said,Import goods to sell,Need with the aid of a platform."Through the business super sales,Channel cost is very high ,A commodity often can make double money."
CuiYing said,Part of the importer located in lease door head their sales."This model the risk is very big,If enough people,High rent cost will also will import enterprise pressure span.We need a for the import and export business of building public service platform,Can provide customs clearance for import and export business/inspection/logistics/propaganda/planning/consulting/Butt agent and purchaser/Market depth development etc.Small and medium-sized enterprises directly for foreign products to enter the Chinese market,Provide effective solutions."
Import commodity distributing center be vividly portrayed
“单打独斗不可取,报团作战才是王道。”业内人士说,青岛做为一个外贸大市,需要一个进口商品的集散地。这个集散地得有出口商品展销区,进口商品展销区及超市,并有餐饮、玩乐、休闲、商务商贸区等多种业态为一体的商业综合体。青岛有没有这样的地方?笔者近期即将探寻 ,为进口商家找“娘家”。
"Contribution not desirable,To combat group donations."The personage inside course of study says,Qingdao as a foreign trade market,Need a import commodity collection and distribution center.The collection and distribution center have export commodity sales area,Import commodity sales area and the supermarket,And catering/play/leisure/Business developed commercial and so on many kinds of formats for the integration of commercial complex.Qingdao have such a place?The author will search in the near future ,For import merchants looking for"maiden".
Text/wang ying
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