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There is no doubt that,China pv industry is encountered this anti-dumping investigation of the worst-hit areas.And the center of the storm,In 2011, began brewing.


At that time,The United States to China pv industry"Double reverse"The results of the survey of a,The cause of the chain reaction is to worry about,Worry that the United States"Double reverse"Although the European LaXiaShui.This situation once become a reality,With development and reform commission energy institute director LiJunFeng words,is"destruction".He thinks:"According to the Chinese enterprise now profit level,The increase has only 10% of the tariff,Can cause destruction."


"Though the United States is not the biggest market,But the potential is tremendous,worse,European countries are likely to follow suit."The dongguan a solar glass production enterprise executives said.He thinks,If the United States photovoltaic"Double reverse"Investigation result in a chain reaction,This is the most deadly.


now,The personage inside course of study to worry has become a reality.


On September 23, 2012,Suzhou's chairman of the board of directors QuXiaoHua o sun power again fly to Europe.anterior,He said:"This is a trade war of the diaoyu islands for 1


After September 6,,The European commission formally announced the start of China's export all solar pv modules and components(Including solar cell/Silicon wafer)An antidumping duty investigations involving Chinese export - 21 billion euros/Thousands of enterprise survival and 400000 jobs.This is the industry that is by far the largest amount of the European commission filed anti-dumping investigation,China has also encountered the amount of the largest trade action.To has entered the winter China pv industry,,This is a fatal blow.


The campaign began in July 24.the,Led to SolarworldAG newly established European pv manufacturers alliance EUProSun formally issued a statement,Says the organization has to the European commission for Chinese pv manufacturers of dumping behavior a lawsuit.According to the regulations,The European commission need in 45 days to decide whether to accept investigation action,And in 15 months after complete the investigation.


SolarworldAG vice President MilanNitzschke said,"Chinese company in a few short years accounted for 80% of the photovoltaic market in Europe,They are not to count the cost to dumping their products."

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