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欧车企联合阻挠不给力 日本突进自由贸易圈--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  11月29日,经过四个多月的“争吵”,欧洲车企的联合抵制似乎并没有起到太大的作用,日本最终还是进入了欧盟自由贸易签订进程。尽管欧盟贸易专员Karel De Gucht对此感到十分高兴,但欧洲汽车制造商协会(ACEA)却并不看好这一协定。因为此举意味着日本对欧洲汽车出口10%的关税将消失,这对本来就低迷的欧洲车企来说,无异于雪上加霜。

On November 29,,After four months"quarrel",European car to boycott did not seem to have much effect,Japan eventually into the European Union signed free trade process.Although the European Union trade commissioner Karel DE Gucht was very happy,But the European automobile manufacturers association(ACEA)But don't think this agreement.Because it would mean a Japanese car to Europe export a 10% tariff will disappear,This was the weak European car for enterprises,Would be frightening.


European car to boycott


Although the security council has decided to release to Japan,But ACEA is still said to the opposition.

  ACEA秘书长Ivan Hodac抨击欧盟对待日本的相关政策时说:“与日本的自由贸易协定(FTA)将会对欧洲的汽车业造成负面影响。独立研究已经表明,这样的协定只能是一个对日本有好处的单边协定。去年韩国加入自由贸易协定的后果就是前车之鉴。”

ACEA secretary general Ivan Hodac attacked the eu to Japan said related policies:"The free trade agreement with Japan(FTA)The automobile industry in Europe will cause negative effect.Independent studies have shown that,This agreement is only a Japan has the advantage of unilateral agreement.Last year, South Korea to join free trade agreement consequence is that the lessons drawn from others' mistakes."


Ford earlier this year, according to statistics released,South Korea exported to Europe car has increased by 70%,And the number of the export South Korea increased by only 15%.Fiat CEO and chairman MaErQiao ACEA within the European Union in South Korea(FTA)Comment said:"obviously,What we call a partner just Europe as a big fish it."


In fact,In addition to the fiat,Many European car soldier said:"European overcapacity has become a reality,European domestic automobile market began to atrophy.If the Japanese to join the European free trade agreement in automobile industry in Europe so will cause blow."


It is reported,Now in Japan Europe vehicles imported imposed a 10% tariff,If the two sides reach a free trade agreement,Means that the Japanese car into Europe for zero tariff.Many analysts say,This will greatly enhance the competitiveness of the Japanese.instead,Although Japan is not one to Europe tariff,But one of the European markets were in Japan a series of technology and non-tariff barriers even than import tariffs.


ACEA in its website notice issued by the said:"We are aware of the European commission and each member may face heavy political pressure,But they should see South Korea to join free trade agreement of the European car market to the impact of."


The European Union self-assertion

  “这是一个极为重要的决定。” 在欧盟贸易专员KarelDe Gucht看来,“如果我们想要提升欧洲整体的经济或者增加就业,那么与日本的自由贸易协定(FTA)将是必要的。FTA能够提供大约0.8%的欧洲整体GDP,并为欧洲增加超过40万个就业机会。这正是我们最为需要的,另外我们将能进一步开拓日本市场,欧洲企业在日本本土将获得最为切实的利益。”

"This is a very important decision." In the European Union trade commissioner KarelDE Gucht seems,"If we want to promote European the economy as a whole or the increase of employment,So the free trade agreement with Japan(FTA)Will be necessary.FTA can provide about 0.8% of the overall GDP in Europe,And for Europe, more than 400000 jobs.This is what we most need,In addition, we will be able to further develop the Japanese market,European companies in Japan will get the most tangible benefits."

  Karel De Gucht还表示:“应该注意到,我们针对欧洲的敏感产业有一个保障条款。另外,我们已经表明了自己的立场。如果日本在未来一年当中没有消除非关税壁垒,那么欧盟将保持原有的关税额度。”

Karel DE Gucht also said:"Should pay attention to the,We focused on Europe's sensitive industry have a safeguard clause.In addition,We have shown that his position.If Japan in the future a years did not eliminate the non-tariff barriers,So the eu will keep the original tariff quota."

  “在过去几个月当中,我们已经针对日本市场的封闭性进行了相当多的调研。令人高兴的是,日本已经表示会尽快消除非关税贸易壁垒。” Karel De Gucht称,“我们必须看到,日本是欧盟第二大贸易伙伴,也是欧盟最重要的合作伙伴之一。未来二十年的经济发展必然来自亚洲,特别是日本。我不想以后因为没有与日本有更深一步的合作而悔恨。如果与日本的协定成功,那么欧洲整体GDP未来将提升2%以上,相当于2500亿欧元。对于丹麦或者奥地利这样的小国家来说这是一块很大的蛋糕。”

"In the past few months of,We have been in Japan market closed the quite a lot of research.To the delight of,Japan has said it would eliminate as soon as possible non-tariff trade barriers." Karel DE Gucht said,"We must see,Japan is the eu's second largest trading partner,The European Union is the most important one of the partners.The next two years of economic development will inevitably come from Asia,Especially in Japan.I don't want to later because no and Japan have further cooperation and remorse.If the agreement with Japan successfully,So the European overall GDP future will improve more than 2%,The equivalent of 250 billion euros.For DEnmark or Austria such a small country, it is a big cake."


Japanese industry"Steal to smile"


Early in October this year,The Japanese economy of group on FTA expressed full confidence.

  “我们并不担心FTA的谈判前景,”日本经济团体联合会会长Hiromasa Yonekura表示,“在此之前,日本、欧洲的企业界已经针对如何开放各自的市场进行过长时间的磋商。日欧企业界对双方市场的了解程度在交流过程当中不断加深,这对尽快签订FTA是有意义的。”

"We don't worry about FTA negotiations prospects,"The Japanese economy of the group Hiromasa Yonekura said,"Before this,Japan/Europe's business has been on how to open their markets for too long time negotiations.European businesses, for both sides of communication understanding of the market in the process of deepening,This as soon as possible to sign FTA is meaningful."

  “虽然有一些意见表示韩国-欧洲自由贸易协定签订之后,由于韩国汽车的大量进入,实际上并没有给欧洲经济带来良好的效应。但是与日本的合作则不会产生这样的后果,因为日本车企的生产原本就集中在欧洲。” Hiromasa Yonekura解释说。

"Although there are some opinions says South Korea - the European free trade agreement after signing,Because a large number of south Korean car into,In fact and not to the European economy bring good effect.But with Japan's cooperation is not such consequences,Because the Japanese car enterprises production was concentrated in Europe." Hiromasa Yonekura explained.


AFP report says,After the yen's strong/Domestic car market shrinking and because the diaoyu islands event caused difficulties in the Chinese market,The eu's decision to Japanese cars for enterprises is definitely a good news.


Toyota President and Japanese car manufacturers association chairman Toyota chapter male to comment on the FTA said:"Japanese car enterprises and European car enterprise competition and cooperation between the deepening,European car, between enterprises have established a profound partnership.We firmly believe that,The day FTA will be two economic and trade body auto industry growth and expansion provide impetus."
