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New liberal economists to Adam today?Smith's theory of free economy in if the gods,But watch British economic history of the United States,The truth is not so.

  例如,英国通过保护主义的重商主义经济政策,不仅击败了荷兰和西班牙而崛起,而且也造就了对世界近代史具有决定性影响的产业革命。据历史记载,英国国王乔治一世1721年在英国议会开幕时经人授意的开幕词就概括了英国重商主义的基本原则:“输出制成品并输入原料,对于公共福利的促进显然是再有利不过的。”但是,在其早期历史上,英国却是输出原材料和农产品,输入制成品,这是一种在经济上处于他国殖民地的地位。因此,英国为了扭转这种不利的国际分工地位,从15世纪末开始,就孜孜不倦地展开了长达三百多年的保护主义探求:1485年,亨利七世推出了大力支持羊毛工业的贸易保护主义政策,1587年完全禁止羊毛出口;1699年通过“羊毛法案”禁止进口殖民地的羊毛制品;1700年英国国会通过一项禁止销售印度棉布的法令。1721年,英国首相沃波尔以提升制造业为目标,推行明确的重商主义政策改革。1760年至1830年是英国产业革命时期,虽然亚当?斯密在1776年发表的《国富论》中提倡自由贸易,但是 1815年英国仍通过了新的谷物法,提高了对农业的保护力度,一直到1846年,当英国产业革命已经完成相当一段时间后,英国才通过取消《谷物法》,开始了维护其工业绝对领先地位的贸易自由化进程:1849年废除《航海法》,1860年取消所有贸易和关税限制,并把自由贸易打造成自由、民主和和平的化身,劝说落后国家也实行自由贸易。

Such as,Britain through the protectionism of mercantilism economic policy,Not only beat the Netherlands and Spain and rise,But also makes the modern history of the world has a decisive impact on the industrial revolution.According to historical records,In 1721, king George I of England dictates the opening speech at the opening of the British parliament by the people is the basic principle of the British mercantilism:"Input output of finished products and raw materials,For the promotion of public welfare is obviously beneficial but again."but,In its early history,Britain is the output of raw materials and agricultural products,Input manufactured goods,This is a world economy in the position of the other colonies.so,The international division of labor of Britain in order to reverse this bad status,From the 15 th century,Will continue to explore launched more than three hundred years of protectionism:In 1485,,Henry vii launched vigorously support of the wool industry trade protectionism policy,1587 completely banned export wool;In 1699 through the"Wool bill"Banned imports of colonies of wool products;In 1700 the English parliament passed a banned the sale of cotton cloth in India.In 1721,,British prime minister Walpole to improve manufacturing as the goal,Clear the mercantilism policy reform.From 1760 to 1830 is the British industrial revolution period,Although Adam?Smith was published in 1776[The wealth of nations]In advocate free trade,but In 1815 the English still passed a new grain law,Improve the protection of agriculture,Until 1846,When the British industrial revolution has been completed after quite some time,Britain only through the canceled[Corn laws],Started to maintain its industrial absolute leading position of the trade liberalization process:Abolished in 1849[Navigation act],1860 all trade and tariff restriction shall be cancelled,And the free trade by free/The embodiment of democracy and peace,Persuade backward countries also carry out free trade.


similarly,Since the 1820 s and 1930 s,The United States implemented the world's rare high tariffs protectionist policies,As Thomas?K. McGraw-hill wrote,"In more than a century of time...The designed to protect American emerging industry in the United States congress/Growth industry as well as weak political power often win.So the American economy is in the 30% import duty of bronze or iron wall of protection into adulthood".

  美国经济在 1894年就崛起了,但其高关税保护主义却又继续实行了四五十年,只是在其工农业帝国的稳固地位无法被其他国家所撼动的时候,也就是在第二次世界大战结束后,美国才开始大力推行自由贸易,乃至到最后,美国总统乔治?布什在2001年5月7日的讲演中把自由贸易神话成了“在道德上也是势在必行的”。

The U.S. economy in the In 1894 will rise,But the high tariffs protectionist and continue to implement for four hundred and fifty years,Only in the agricultural and industrial empire the stable status of couldn't shake by other nations,It is at the end of the second world war,The United States began to vigorously promote free trade,And even to the end,The President of the United States George?President bush's speech in May 7, 2001 in the free trade myth"In the moral is imperative".


so,For late development countries,Trade protectionism is a necessary measure of economic rise.Its theoretical basis can be traced back to the political economy of liszt and the protection of the 19 th century American school socialist economic theory.Based on the technology progress of capital to replace labor or even alternative land is the driving force of economic development,International competition is shaped by the productivity of capital and labor.If using a machine a country's capital productivity is another country physical labor productivity of dozens of times or even one hundred times,so,Even the country's wage levels higher than another country several times or even dozens of times,It is the unit cost in the production of products and product price can still be lower than another country.so,High productivity of capital is what makes the country's high wage labor force on the price can be low wage labor cheaper than another country.Due to the productivity gains more than salary income,So in the country,Profits and wages can improve together,And the improvement of the level of wages can not only stimulate the capital instead,Which will further raise the productivity of capital,And because of the high salary,Workers can be more good education,Manipulation and build higher productivity of capital goods,So the country can in the high productivity and high wage rate between forming a virtuous circle of a positive feedback.today,We Chinese people and American people do the same work,Salary is far less than the americans,Quality of life is far lower than the United States,In essence is because of China's industry is in the low end of industrial chain,High technology industry and the upstream industry of the United States.Including the college students' employment difficult,Lies in our industrial structure is not reasonable,Major export oriented,Engaged in the processing of low-end manufacturing,Not high technology position,So don't need too much technical personnel.


Here is only in the United States, for example illustrate this problem.When the United States in 1815, after began to implement trade protectionism,By the free trade of fierce opposition:Protection of the market the price must be high quality time in industrial products,Consumers will pay a high price;More serious is Europe to the United States industrial high tariffs will revenge,The agricultural product export encountered great difficulties;And the United States grew up by protecting the industry will not be able to face the international competition.so,At that time many people predicted that the American economy will collapse.But in fact protectionism does not protect free competition and the damage,They cause the excessive competition.At that time,Shine with American high tariffs to protect domestic policy is laissez-faire,Brian to have the following comments,"It is because at the same time enjoy the free trade(Refers to the free competition in China)And tariff protection,It contributed to the prosperity of the United States unprecedented and amazing development".

  到19世纪末,美国工业制成品的竞争力在国际上使许多国家难以招架,以至于1901―1902年在欧洲出现了大量的图书,第一次向人们拉响了警惕“美国化”的警钟。我们知道,英国是第一次和第二次技术革命的唯一领导者,但在 1875年开始的第三次技术革命中,美国与英国和德国却成了共同的领导者,而到了1908年开始的第四次技术革命时,美国却成了唯一的领导者。究竟是什么因素使美国在科技落后和高度保护主义的闭关锁国情况下,造就了自主创新的辉煌?这主要归功于几个重要的因素:以收入均等为特征的广阔国内市场规模、政府支持、土生土长的国家技术群体、组织创新和装备工业的后来居上。(张学博)

To the end of the 19 th century,The competitiveness of the United States manufactured goods to many countries in the world is difficult to answer,That 1901-1902 in Europe a lot of books,Ran down to the people for the first time"americanized"The alarm bell.We know that,Britain is the first and the second revolution of technology the only leader,But in the The third technological revolution began in 1875,The United States and Britain and Germany have become common,By 1908 at the beginning of the fourth technology revolution,The United States became the only leader.What factors make the United States behind in science and technology and the high degree of protectionism seclusion case,Create the brilliance of independent innovation?This is mainly attributed to several important factors:Characterized by equality of income of the vast domestic market scale/Government support/A native of national technical groups/Organizational innovation and equipment industry of catch-up.(ZhangXueBo)
