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Of the quantitative easing,Show the determination and strength of the economic recovery in the United States.QE4 make people feel the arrival of the pace of economic recovery in the United States is becoming more and more fast.The improvement of the economic situation will produce positive to China's economy?In 2013, the Chinese economy could not have been in a state of warmer?In this economic situation atmosphere,What are the process of interest rate liberalization will need one breakthrough link?The bank's chief economist commissar lu to on the correlative question[economic]Reporter made as follows.


QE4 challenge in China is more than good


[economic]:On December 12, 2012,The federal open market committee announced,From January 2013,$45 billion a month long-term Treasury bonds,Is the fourth quantitative loose measures(QE4),Due to replace"Reverse the operation"tools.Does this mean that the speed of economic recovery in the United States continue to speed up,The dollar exchange rate will be higher?


Commissar lu:indeed.Before two quantitative loose every launch confirmed all of the American economy pessimistic expectations.However, since QE3,Each time a loose policy,Will find more solid economic recovery in the United States than ever before,At the same time also means that inflation will increase for the future of the United States of America,And faster than expected.These two factors will lead to a stronger dollar,I think QE4 will like QE3 launched in dollar concussion uplink.


[economic]:If the us economy/A stronger dollar,Whether will cause certain influence to China's economy, especially the export?


Commissar lu:The economy better not necessarily good Chinese exports.China's exports to America and the correlation between the economic changes in the United States.Can be found in recent three years,China the year-on-year growth rate of exports to the United States are reduced,But during the American economy had improved.If QE4 issued like QE3 inspire the expected appreciation of the renminbi,The export of China's economy especially but has a negative effect.


[economic]:QE4 launched after the exchange rate appreciation expectations affect the value of the foreign exchange gap,Whether can bring liquidity pressure?


Commissar lu:Unless the foreign exchange gap appear sudden change of mass,Otherwise will of the people's bank through the amount of increase or decrease of inverse repurchase in the need of liquidity to the appropriate level,Not no matter how much the exchange gap are the same inverse repurchase,So for the influence of the liquidity can be neglected.


[economic]:After the QE4,Hong Kong the hkma President publicly QE4 higher risk in Hong Kong.How do you see this problem?


Commissar lu:This time the quantitative loose for the challenges of China's economy is more than good.Especially Hong Kong has fast could not support now,The hkma frequent market intervention,Hong Kong's property market will collapse in the process of the involvement of $,Between 2017 and 2022 is very dangerous.The influence of the wave relative to 1997 for.


Monetary policy would not too stimulating in 2013


[economic]:The government has also said the next monetary policy will continue to maintain the stability and continuity,You are expected to monetary policy compared with 2012, there will be any different?


Commissar lu:In 2013, the monetary policy and the second half of 2012 than there will be no special change.Countries to maintain stable and rapid economic development in the past,But now no longer.Xi jinping speaking also said without water,Promote the transformation and upgrading of the structure.So expect 2013 M2 will be set at 14%,For the year 2012 in new loans 8.3 trillion yuan,Estimates will be 2013 in 9 trillion.


[economic]:At present is widely forecast China's economy warmer trend will continue to 2013 years in the first quarter,Does that mean to the middle of 2013,Economy will be affected by the influence of the peripheral appear down?


Commissar lu:Outer influence is not decisive factor of China's economic situation.In the face of the global situation at the moment,As long as the policy to deal with it,Can avoid the maximum economic crisis.Australia, for example,This with the Chinese economy in essence is similar to the height of the export-oriented economy,Twenty years from the eastern and western all previous recession of the economy.However, in China,Even though it is not belong to the country by the direct conflict,But every time the price is less,The reason is that China's rigid exchange rates for other countries transferred the crisis of the cost,When part of the country to the dollar,We are standing on high.


The RMB exchange rate"World of Yin and Yang"


[economic]:Recently you also mentioned the RMB exchange rate has arrived"World of Yin and Yang",Specific how should understand?


Commissar lu:That is now within the territory of the RMB has the higher,In the future are likely to fall more malicious.If only from the market situation,Available by draft at sight in renminbi appreciation,Then forward the expected appreciation is also on the increase.But this time is different with before,Even if every day harden,The value of the relative expectations are unchanged.Depreciation of the expected that has come to economic limits of bear.In the past say currency is undervalued,No matter how l is undervalued.But now is not the same.Now that has come to appreciate the limit,It shows that will fall down soon,The critical point of RMB has come to change at any time,This is what I said the Yin and Yang.


[economic]:As the world's largest trading nation,China's foreign exchange market scale is from around the world.There are what we need to pay attention to?


Commissar lu:This fully shows that the enterprise at present, there are huge in the sense of hedge risk.Itself a hedge consciousness is not strong,Even a hedge is a symmetrical arrangement of hedge,Only know the dollar appreciation of the renminbi is risk,And ignore the RMB appreciation against the dollar devaluation can also have risks.Enhance the enterprise the risk awareness is very important.In the first place,Enterprise management by exchange rate risk.Second can't just guess the direction of the exchange rate fluctuations or gambling,But should make a practical measures.


[economic]:The influence of the exchange rate changes to China's economic is becoming more and more attention.We also have been maintained"Stable against the dollar",Do you think in the current economic situation,Whether the policy will make corresponding adjustment?


Commissar lu:Easy to maintain"Stable against the dollar"policy,Actually does not make from external influence in our country,But can make economic comprehensive exposure under the intense shock of international economy and passive bear huge impact.If adopt more flexible exchange rate against the dollar at the same time"Keep the RMB exchange rate stability effectively"The policy of,Can as to minimize adverse impact of international environment,So as to maintain the stability of domestic economy.


[economic]:At present our country of the"Demographic dividend"From up to down,Talk a lot about the growth potential decline.How do you see this problem?


Commissar lu:Many Suggestions to improve as soon as possible"one-child"The population policy.But in my opinion,More fundamental than open population policy,Should be speed up the development of financial markets.Demographic dividend the greatest influence on the economy,There is a bonus period of high savings and investment,And under the support of the growth;And after dividend wore,There will be savings rates decline in investment/Economic growth decline.The vast majority of the country's economic growth by domestic savings,But as the core of the global financial markets can avoid the happening of this kind of situation in the country,At present, only the United States,Even in the case of national savings is negative,Can also with the help of external funding to support the technology innovation.From this point,To overcome the"Demographic dividend"The key to,Is to speed up the development of the domestic financial market and open,As a global market as soon as possible.


Interest rate marketization to inflation targeting


[economic]:Interest rate marketization has become the important issues in financial reform,Now what obstacles needed to be broken?


Commissar lu:Interest rate marketization is the first to face how to set interest rates.But if the loan the two parties fail to reach a consensus on inflation expectations,Also can not be the emergence of a reasonable price.At present only the central bank to allow people to reach a consensus on inflation expectations,Is to set up the inflation targeting regime.If the bank promised to maintain inflation within can expect the level of around 4%,The interest rate will be around 4% down on the bargaining.


[economic]:The deposit interest rate and loan interest rate and how to determine?


Commissar lu:On loan interest rate is very simple,Now in the market a lot of debt like a loan,Can be used as a reference.But there is no similar deposits and benchmarking.So called for allowing financial institutions of the people's bank issued a CD(A big negotiable certificates of deposit),Determine the price of the standardization of public buy deposit,It can be adjusted on the basis of the price of the CD.The question now is how to enterprise and individual hair CD,Find pricing reference.


[economic]:Next is to establish the new policy target rate?


Commissar lu:indeed.In the daily market for bonds pricing,If future loan floating interval continuously open,Means that the central bank is the middle of the price is more and more meaningless,That is about to give a new policy target rate.According to the experience of the western mature,Is choice within two weeks of positive repurchase or inverse repurchase rate as the index of interest rate policy,So now to the people's bank of inverse repurchase normal,Fixed a deadline and clearly,There are 7 days/14 days/28 days,I think only for 7 days.Unless the bank views on the economic situation changes,Otherwise it should not be casually reverse repurchase rate adjustment.


[economic]:Interest rate marketization leads to narrow interest spread,Does this mean that not only the bank to carry out transformation and adjustment,National policy will give follow-up support to these changes?


Commissar lu:If you want to deposit,Shall cancel the loan.If you don't cancel,Pricing is not rational.Now everyone says to improve intermediary business income,But if more western counterparts,Can be found between income are prohibited under the supervision of segregation is the current system.Strictly supervised and interest protection is symmetrical,If no longer of interest protection,That is about to release the limit of mixed operation.


Over the next 10 years land finance will still exist


[economic]:House prices are still high,You expected future countries will continue to adjust?


Commissar lu:The will of the government to control house prices are still standing,Government has repeatedly stressed that the urbanization is the largest demand in the domestic demand,Too high house prices, however, raised the threshold of the urbanization.


I think the future will still adhere to the regulation.Due to the exchange rate on the high side/Export weakness let everybody feel,Since the exchange rate can't,Is internal policy to relax,This lead to determination of the real estate regulation becomes weak.In addition,High rate lead to lower profits of industrial enterprises in China,Because of the RMB exchange rate and profit of export enterprises have very strong relations of reverse.Do you from industrial transfer to real estate,As appreciation brings the risk of the assets of the frothy.


[economic]:Land finance is in a long period of time will still exist?How should we think about this phenomenon?


Commissar lu:In whatever names in direct or indirect way to get the money from the land can be called land finance,It is the product of specific stages of economic development.The economic development of each stage has a leading industry,In the period of industrial civilization,Urban land price has risen,Become a dominant industry,The highly profitable natural become the preferred source of income of local government.


From this point of view,Land finance itself.Not only is China's things,Even from the perspective of the development of the United States,In the stage of industrialization and urbanization,There is the problem of land finance,Just a specific form of different.Finance will land in the future ten years even more time.

  作者: 谢长艳 陈希琳

The author: XieChangYan ChenXiLin
