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Only depend upon the export quota and export tariff measures can not fundamentally solve resource protection.At present,Big mining power market economy almost all set up with royalty system as the core mining tax system.Through the collection of appropriate royalty can prevent the mine enterprise"Mining rich abandon poor",Cause the waste of mineral resources,And domestic resources tax is the tax,Do not distinguish between resource is export or sale in domestic market,The domestic and foreign enterprises will not cause differentiation treatment,Can avoid such raw materials trade dispute case happened,The nation in the international negotiations and international pricing negotiations master more initiative.Our country to improve the system of taxes on resources,In order to protect domestic resources development and utilization of sustainable development.


Lessons drawn from others' mistakes


China has consistently stressed set export quotas and export tariffs purpose is to protect the resources and environment.Reasonable protection of natural resources is the world trade organization(WTO)allowed,But the premise is to the domestic and foreign enterprises alike.In 2009,,The United States/The European Union/Three Mexican party for iron and steel in China/Aluminum and chemical products production of alumina/coke/magnesium/zinc/Fluorite 9 types raw materials exports in quotas and export tariffs to WTO practice of a lawsuit,Think this violation of the China's wto commitments,And to think that China's the 9 kinds of raw materials for export restrictions,Pushing up the prices of the raw materials in the international market,And make the relevant enterprise in the international competition gain"Unfair advantage".


In July 2011,The world trade organization (wto) panel report,That China cancelled export price and other relevant measures,But the ruling involved export tariffs and export quota measures do not conform to the Chinese commitment and the wto rules,And does not meet the protection of natural resources can be used, such as the condition of escape clause.August 31, 2011,China is the raw material export restrictions to the wto dispute settlement mechanism of appeal,Request to overthrow group report part of the award.


On January 30, 2012,WTO appeal body(DSB)Is the case report an award,Said China unfairly limit are widely used in iron and steel/Aluminum and chemical industry raw materials of nine export,said"China must reduce export tariffs,Remove export quota",To meet it as a member of the world trade organization's obligation,Based on environmental protection in China and rejected or supply shortages to put forward the preliminary decision to appeal.


This award,China's commerce ministry said,The Chinese side will carefully evaluated the wto ruling,And according to the wto rules for resource products the implementation of scientific management,To realize the sustainable development.then,In China[2013 tariff implementation plan]Clearly in the,Since January 1, 2013 the implementation of the new tariffs,Cancel the export of alumina/coke/Yellow phosphorus/fluorite/magnesium/manganese/Silicon metal/Silicon carbide and zinc 9 kinds of raw material product tariff.


Rare earth from the


obviously,This "disputes involving the implementation of China's export quotas and customs issues.Although the decision did not involve China rare earth export policy,But under the canvass,China has in recent years has been committed to rare earth mining and processing business to carry on the conformity and cleaning,Rare earth export to the quota management,This area is likely to become a controversial goal.The lawsuit as Europe and the United States"Testing of the waters"an,The final result is likely to lead Europe and the United States in the rare earth export restrictions resort to WTO.The United States and other countries of the reaction is confirm,Such as the United States trade officials say,Raw materials for China export restrictions of action may be in China for how to limit the rare earth export to take action to provide help;The United States trade representative RON kirk said,The WTO ruling for the United States is a great victory,May cause the United States and Europe to China's rare earth export to take similar action;European Union trade commissioner carlo dracula hutt urged China to take action:"Now China shall cancel the export restrictions as soon as possible,Hope China to the export system(Including rare earth)For policy adjustment,In accordance with the provisions of the WTO."


In fact,Since 2009,The United States/The European Union/Japan and Mexico have accused China of rare earth export restrictions,Against WTO rules and China's WTO commitments,And lead to global supplies/High technology product component prices.so,China must save for a rainy day,Timely adjust rare earth export policy,In insist on rare earth export restrictions to when,To timely adjust the policy on domestic producers and foreign export is the same,In the WTO dispute occurs reference environmental protection exception clause.


But the personage inside course of study also revealed,The relevant state ministries and commissions have began to brew resource products export the New Deal,The main direction may be agile adjust the export restrictions,At the same time will be restricted from export link transferred to domestic production links.But the author thinks that,More important is,China should draw lessons from international experience perfect domestic resources tax system.


Stones from other hills


Royalty is mining right person mining and mineral resources depletion of non-renewable mineral resources and the cost of pay,By mining for mining this is not all his non-renewable mineral resources and to all the people pay,Reflect the concept of resource.At present,The world market economy mining country almost all set up with royalty system as the core mining tax system.


The United States:The rich mineral resources,Also is the world the consumption of resources"superpower",So very attaching importance to the resource tax regulation effect.But the United States no unified national resources tax system,The tax system on its own, formulate by state governments.This makes the state according to the actual situation of local resource consumption,Independent selected rate,Obtain reasonable income,Such as mining tax is to natural resources exploitation to the collection of taxes,In the United States currently has a state and collecting the mining tax.States can, in accordance with their respective circumstance reasonable development resources,For natural resources mining keep in a rational range,Mining tax also help reduce the resource recovery and environmental protection.Although the states mining tax levy object is not the same,However, from the overall perspective levy range is wide,In addition to outside in minerals,Also include forest resources/salt/stone/sand/Shellfish and other resources.


Russia:In 2001,,Russia began to comprehensive reform system of natural resources,The mineral resources exploitation tax,To promote the tax and fee:Utilization of mineral resources of the enterprise and individual operators is a,All kinds of mineral is the main levy object,The central and local governments according to a federal law provisions of tax distribution.Russia resource collection scope includes land/forest/grassland/beaches/Sea and fresh water and other natural resources,At the same time do special fund is special.Russia a central tax,In the 2002 years ago to the collection of water resources tax 60% into the Treasury,Rest belongs to the local government,But 2002 years later water tariff all turn over to the state Treasury.The Russian resource from quantity tax and AD valorem tariff combination/With the method of levying on the AD valorem tariff is given priority to.


Australia:In November 2011,Australia's parliament house of Commons through the mineral resources tax bill,Provisions from July 1, 2012 collection"Carbon tax"and"Mineral lease tax"Two new taxes."Carbon tax"The main collection objects is one of Australia's top 500 carbon emitters,"Mineral lease tax"The collection objects body profit more than $75 million of coal and iron ore enterprise,The tax rate shall be 30% of the assessable profit.In addition,Mineral rich western Australia and new south wales also said it would improve the running royalty rate.


Canada:Mining tax ranging from oil/gas/coal/forest/Mineral resources,The general rate is 18% ~ 20%,Its characteristic is to encourage the mining enterprise priority selection in wood province,Especially in the wood province less developed areas are minerals processing and smelting.


Chile:In 2007,,Chile operating profit of more than 5% of the mining of 0 ~ 3% levy sales ranging from royalty,To get more income from mining industry for the development of agriculture and forestry mining new technology.In October 2010,Chile issued[The new mining tax],Provisions in the 2012 years ago,The mineral enterprises will choose the current operating profits accounted for 4% or 5% of the fixed rate change is 4% ~ 9% of the floating rate;In 2013 to 2017 recovery use 4% or 5% of the fixed rate;then,To 2023 years ago,Will use 5% ~ 14% of the floating rate.


India:The current,India for iron ore mining collect 10% of mining tax rate,For the highest,And consider to iron ore enterprise imposing a windfall tax and review to ten kinds of main minerals to the collection of mining tax rate,Including iron ore/bauxite/Zinc concentrate/Lead concentrate and copper concentrate,Aims to improve the rate.India to the collection of mining tax most and LME(London metal exchange)Price hook.


Vietnam:According to Vietnam[Investment report]reports,Vietnam Treasury designed new resources tax and tax rates table greatly raised all sorts of minerals resources tax rate:In the deposits in the class,Gold and rare earth ore of the highest rates,15%;The second is aluminum and vanadium soil ore,12%;Manganese and titanium ore again,11%;The rest of the minerals such as copper/nickel/mercury/magnesium/silver/tin/lead/zinc/Tungsten minerals such as the tax rate is 10%.According to the current tax system,iron/manganese/titanium/silver/tin/tungsten/lead/zinc/Aluminum and other types of minerals resources tax rate is 7%.The new tariff schedule will also nonmetalliferous ore type of resources tax rate generally increased 1% ~ 4%.


Brazil:Brazil resource taken from price collection,As for iron ore mining collection of profit 2% of royalties,The mine enterprise comprehensive tax burden level of 10% ~ 15%;But it is possible in the near future will iron ore mining concession tax from 2% to 5% ~ 10% increase,To meet the international trend,And try to change the present only according to the oil recovery to tax,Strive to foreign oil company profits as the basis of tax;And now plans to 0.2% ~ 3% of mining royalty doubled.Brazil is in a certain formula for the excess profit collection of 10% of the excess profits tax,And resource for central tax,And special fund is special.


Peru:Under the current system,Peru to mineral enterprise's minerals sales revenue collection of 1% ~ 3% of the concession use tax,But in the end of 2011, improve the mine enterprise's annual franchise use tax.In addition,According to Peru mineral minister carlos · HeLeiLa new revealed,In order to avoid tax increases contusion investor enthusiasm,The government no longer consider in minerals sales assessment,Instead, according to the mineral enterprise operating profit tax.


Although these domestic resource name is not the same,But has the following common:First of all, through legislation and legal means to regulate the from the source,And strengthen the supervision and management,In order to protect domestic resources development and utilization of sustainable development;Then through the collection of appropriate royalty can prevent the mine enterprise"Mining rich abandon poor",Cause the waste of mineral resources,Because the royalty is in before mining is proportional to the collection,Mining enterprises will fully mining mineral resources,In order to improve mine income;Once again by increasing the cost of mining resources,Elimination of backward enterprise,Promote the power-and-power union and technological innovation,Promote industrial upgrading;finally,Domestic resources tax is the tax not border tax,Do not distinguish between resource is export or sale in domestic market,The domestic and foreign enterprises will not cause differentiation treatment,Can avoid the occurrence of similar materials dispute case,The nation in the international negotiations and international pricing negotiations master more initiative.


In recent years,The rapid growth of the international iron ore prices make the enterprise gain high profits,To improve the mineral resource has become a global trend.As in Australia announced a 30% resources excess profit after tax,The Chilean government will mine use tax rise to 9% from 4%;The government is also considering collection resources excess profits tax,And the mining department general rate from 38.5% to 42.7%;India/Vietnam also has successively improve the iron ore taxes;Russia is to improve the gas and oil(95.25,0.24,0.25% -)Mineral mining tax, etc,The international monetary fund [micro bo] is also suggested that some countries impose mineral resources excess profits tax,In order to ensure that the local can best benefit from non-renewable mineral resources development and utilization.so,China should draw lessons from international experience,Perfect the resource system,Mineral resource protection policy more accord with the international standard/More utility.


Innovation way


Practice has proved,Only depend upon the export quota and export tariffs border measures and can not fundamentally solve resource protection,China should improve the system of taxes on resources.


By the tax and fee - 1986[Mineral resources]The promulgation of the,Established in our country mining area resources tax concurrent situation,As in the mineral resources production and sales stage the tax collection of main mineral resources compensation fees/Resource and special oil gain;In the field of mineral resources,According to the[water]/[Forest law]And other laws and regulations,A water resources compensation/Cultivation fund waited more than ten charges.Taxes coexist,Especially the different resources/In different areas of the different charging standard,Not only cause the unfair burden between enterprises,More make enterprise in developing bear a heavy burden,Affect the enterprise management and reform,Will increase the difficulty of the tax collection and management of tax department,Block tax in resources to adjust action,The construction of the restriction of resource system.


AD valorem from quantity combination - January 1, 1994 the implementation[Provisional regulations of the People's Republic of China]provisions:The tax payers should according to the assessable products sales quantity and quantity for assessment of resources tax,Shows that our resource of specific duties.Although according to the same assessable product reserves/quality/The difficulty of mining/The geographical position differences,Design a different rate,But difficult to comprehensive considering the area/The enterprise resource endowment/Business efficiency/Environmental cost differences,Easy to"Mining rich abandon poor"and"Abuse rich ore mining".According to the sales and the other for tax number,Split the tax and the relationship between the price,Easy to induce hoarding resources/To price and sale/Price high stockpile phenomenon.


To profit tax added output tax - China currently USES the resource for specific duties,According to the assessable product sales quantity assessment of tax,Belong to the output type resource.Because the levy method was not considered mining and ore grade scale factors,Easy to cause the waste of mining rich abandon poor behavior,And improve the mining cost,Only those large scale/High grade of the mining enterprises to have the ability to digest tax,Small businesses to cause discrimination.Considering our country mining grade is generally low reality,This collection way to adjust.On foreign,More and more countries began to assessable profit of enterprise for tax object,Such as profit resource type,As Australia's mineral resources lease tax/Brazil mineral resource/Chile new mining tax/India's windfall tax and Peru consider collection resources excess profits tax, etc,Not only make tax really fall in mining enterprise body,Inhibition tax burden,And through the state intervention adjustment for different mining enterprise resource abundance and other natural conditions caused by different of the mining right holders on the income gap significantly.


Expand the scope of tax - synoptic countries all over the world,At present the main resource collection objects focus on four aspects:Mineral resources(Especially natural gas and oil)/Forest resources/Water resources and other resources.But China's current resource tax object limited to mineral resources,Will definitely affect tax in the allocation of resources in the field of mechanism,Cause no tax resources exploitation,Against resource conservation and environmental protection and comprehensive protection and management.


Implementation of high dynamic rate - although countries royalty rate and assessment of different measures,But countries of royalties collection rates are relatively high:Most of the national oil/Natural gas royalty rate at 10% ~ 20%,Such as the United States, 12.5%/Malaysia 16.7%/Pakistan's 10%/The French 12.5%/Norway 8% ~ 20%/Saudi Arabia 8% ~ 20%.Although the rate of countries in different forms,But its common feature is a dynamic rate is given priority to.Can be used for reference in China to change the current low static quota rate.


Reasonable income distribution, and the world different practices,China's current resource,In addition to the ocean petroleum resources tax revenue to the outside,Other resources tax revenue is much by local collection and use,Has many disadvantages:Weakened by the central government to the resources development control effect;The local government to increase resources recovery,Even acquiescence predatory mining,The resources in the process of mining waste is serious;The benefits of high income drive/Resource exploitation will reduce mine safety awareness,In mining safety incidents,A serious threat to people's life and property safety, etc.so,For the practice of Russia,Resource to the central,Again by the central and local governments according to a certain proportion distribution.


Standard tax use - in the resource tax income distribution,The United States/Russia/The Netherlands and other countries are prescribed resource taxes specialist,A special fund is special,As for environmental protection and technology development.The United States Alabama forestry tax regulations,At least 85% of the forest cutting taxes for forest protection work;Russia's water resources tax regulations,At least 80% of the water resources tax for water resources protection and recovery;Chile specific provision will come from mining more revenue for the development of agriculture and forestry mining new technology,For technological breakthrough/Keep resource advantage/Master pricing,To realize the sustainable development.China international experience for reference to use standard tax.


Construct supporting measures, to ensure the effective implementation of the resource,Still need a series of supporting measures,Such as to improve the resources exploitation assessment criteria system/Establish the resources strategic reserve system/Promote the power-and-power union and integration of resources at home and abroad/The enlargement to steal mining and illegal smuggling efforts/To strengthen the management and construction industry association export consultation mechanism, etc.
