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With the development of the Burmese democratic reforms,Japan/Europe and the United States and other countries and relevant international institutions accelerating the main support,In this background,Is to investigate all countries to the main support framework"The first development cooperation BBS",In 19 in Burma in the capital than are held.BBS for two days,To strengthen the Burmese government and provide the support of information communication between countries/To explore more efficient support measures.From Japan/The United States/The European Union to wait for about twenty countries and regions and on behalf of the UN organizations/Non-governmental organization and a group of about 200 people attended the meeting.
meeting,Burma's President WuDengCheng introduces Burma"Economic and social reform framework",It not only contain to 2030 long-term goals,Also have the next three years to complete the short-term goals.
Yangon some diplomats will"Economic and social reform framework"called"Than are in agreement",Say this is Burma to get rid of decades of military rule in the new era"The second stage".It is understood,A new round of reform measures aimed at improving foreign investment environment.
2015 main mobile phone signal coverage rate will reach 80%
The Burmese government in"framework"to,Will strengthen resource development areas of transparency,The government will be released from the oil/Natural gas and coal mine in the profits,In the main operation of mineral company also to social public its bid amount.
WuDengCheng said,Burma has realized its economic development lags behind in its surrounding neighbors,Therefore Burma is necessary to speed up the trade and investment liberalization,In the medical/Education and infrastructure field increasing investment,And try to get the governments to transparent operation.
WuDengCheng BBS in the opening ceremony of the speech said:"I hope you partner to better support Burma in-depth meaningful discussion."He offered to let Burma become a"Industrialization of the modern state",But he also stressed,The Burmese government never neglect in agriculture investment,At the same time also will narrow the gap between regions.
WuDengCheng hope,In the help of the donor,The Burmese people life level and professional skills are more efficient."This will help us continue to promote political reform,The final transformation into a modern/The developed democracy."
WuDengCheng since President office,Burma's government is through the legislation/Administrative means,Efforts to attract foreign investment.After the Burmese government has unified the official exchange rate between the exchange rate and the folk HuiLvCha,it,The country will cancel all non-tariff trade barriers,Expand import.Burma's government has promised to make a new"The central bank",Give the central bank more authority.
By the end of last year,The new Burma"Foreign investment law"Through the WuDengCheng signed a formal law,In WuDengCheng day open"Economic and social reform framework"in,The Burmese government promised again,"Foreign investment law"Not only fall on paper laws,The government will work to implement.
"framework"Also promised to improve the personal income tax threshold,Into value added tax,And state budget more transparent.In addition the Burmese government will allow a bank to deal with personal payment business.
Mobile coverage is contained in the finished in 2015"Three years rapid target"in,"framework"Mobile phone signal coverage for Burma in 2011 from less than 3% to 80% in 2015.
According to official figures showed Burma,Burma's 100 people at present only nine people can use mobile phones,Telephone penetration not more than 10%.By the end of 2012 in October,Myanmar communication service station only 2061 units.
In the short term and tourism development in the target,The Burmese government will further relax visa policy,Absorption Thailand tourism destination mature experience;At the same time the Burmese government has promised to improve economic capital Rangoon public traffic,Estimate the government will improve on the motorcycle driving limit.
BBS on,The Burmese government and donor country etc is given priority to with project exchange opinions and affirm.
The government/Energy companies must announce tax
WuDengCheng about Burma energy development still is one of the highlights of the BBS.
WuDengCheng announced,Burma will take further measures to expand its transparency in the energy sector.The government will open from oil/Natural gas and coal mine in the profits,At the same time,Engaged in the related industry enterprises also need to publish to the society to pay the government all the tax.
After a day,Burma's department of energy website said in a news release said,Open and an offshore oil and gas block for bidding,Invite all interested in the company,And in two months the submission of tenders.The company shall state energy company with myanmar cooperative development.This is the government's published since 2011, the second round of the offshore resources bidding plan.
According to the report,Burma has about fifty offshore oil and gas block,The bidding of the oil and gas block total more than one third.
In 2011 the myanmar outside resources for the first round of the tender,Most of the auction company from Asia.
Along with the western countries gradually lift economic sanctions on Burma,This round of oil and gas block bidding may cause the western enterprise interest.
speech,WuDengCheng said,The Burmese government in promoting social and economic development at the same time,Also want to seek the peace and stability of the country,"We are starting with domestic ten major minority armed political dialogue process,Hope in the near future with a ceasefire."
On the same day,WuDengCheng also met with the Chinese government envoy/Vice foreign minister FuYing and the Chinese people's liberation army deputy chief of staff QiJianGuo.The further deepening of Burma comprehensive strategic partnership in-depth exchange of ideas,And agreed to maintain the good Burma border regional peace and stability.
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