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In 2012, the stable growth of investment in fixed assets,The fixed assets investment(Does not contain the farmers)36.4835 trillion yuan,Growth of 20.6% year-on-year name.The Midwest regional investment growth more than the eastern region.In 2012, total retail sales of 20.7167 trillion yuan,Growth of 14.3% year-on-year name.2012 years of Chinese consumption accounted for 51.8% of China's economic growth
2020 years ago,China's economic growth probably maintained at 7% - 8% more reasonable.And adapt to the,investment/consumption/Export the troika is expected to growth than in the past and historic changes to happen.Investment will enter into a relatively stable growth,Consumption will be steady increased slightly,Export growth should be used to singly
Last year the national investment in fixed assets increased by 20.6%
Reporters from the national bureau of statistics to know:Last year the stable growth in fixed asset investment,The fixed assets investment(Does not contain the farmers)36.4835 trillion yuan,Growth of 20.6% year-on-year name,After adjusting for inflation grew by 19.3% in real terms,A drop of 3.4% more than in 2011.The Midwest regional investment growth more than the eastern region.
Points industry see,Last year the first industry investment of 900.4 billion yuan,Growth of 32.2%;The second industry investment of 15.8672 trillion yuan,Growth of 20.2%;The third industry investment of 19.7159 trillion yuan,Growth of 20.6%.Points area to see,Last year, the eastern region investment of 16.9939 trillion yuan,Growth of 17.8%;The central region investment of 10.3713 trillion yuan,Growth of 25.8%;The western region investment of 8.615 trillion yuan,Growth of 24.2%.
2012 1-12 months,The national folk investment in the fixed assets 22.3982 trillion yuan,Growth of 24.8% year-on-year name,After adjusting for inflation grew by 23.4% in real terms.Folk fixed assets investment accounts for of the proportion of investment in fixed assets was 61.4%.Points area to see,The eastern region folk investment in the fixed assets 10.9594 trillion yuan,Growth of 21.4%;The central region is 7.0042 trillion yuan,Growth of 28.1%;The western region is 4.4345 trillion yuan,Growth of 28.4%.
Social total retail sales of consumer goods last year increased by 14.3%
Reporters from the national bureau of statistics to know:In 2012 the national market sales steady growth,Social total retail sales of consumer goods up to 20.7167 trillion yuan,Last year increased by 14.3% than the name,After adjusting for inflation grew by 12.1% in real terms,Compared with a drop of 2.8% growth.2012 years of Chinese consumption accounted for 51.8% of China's economic growth,Investment accounted for 50.4%,Net exports accounted for 2.2%.
In 2012 the limitation above enterprise(unit)Retail sales of consumer goods is 10.1129 trillion yuan,Growth of 14.6%.According to the business unit seat points,The town of retail sales of consumer goods is 17.9318 trillion yuan,A 14.3% increase from the previous year;Rural retail sales of consumer goods is 2.7849 trillion yuan,Growth of 14.5%.According to the consumption form points,Catering income is 2.3283 trillion yuan,A 13.6% increase from the previous year;Retail is 18.3884 trillion yuan,Growth of 14.4%.In the retail,Limitation above enterprise(unit)Commodity retail sales is 9.333 trillion yuan,Growth of 14.8%.Over the same period,China auto class sales increase of 7.3%,Compared with a drop of 7.3% growth;Furniture kind of growth of 27.0%,A drop of 5.8%;Household appliances and audio-visual equipment class increased by 7.2%,A drop of 14.4%.
Short-term investment growth and could accelerate
Fixed asset investment growth of short-term and further accelerate the speed of may.Any investment impulse to see opportunity,If this year's economic is better,Investment growth is likely to increase
Fixed asset investment growth last year than in 2011 fell 3.4%,There are two reasons.First of all,In the long run,China investment growth rate may not always be remain high,With the further development of the economy,The proportion of consumption in promoting the economic aspects of the role will be more and more big.Investment gradually back is understandable a trend.Economic development in first stage investment is given priority to,To a certain degree,The economy no longer shortage,Fixed asset investment would not need so much.
secondly,2012 fixed asset investment growth decline although there are long-term factors in it,But the main or short-term factors in play a role,Short-term factor is because of the depressed economy,People don't know what the economy when saw bottom,For the future confidence there will be short-term shortage,Thus affecting investment growth.but,Fixed asset investment growth of short-term and further accelerate the speed of may.Any investment impulse to see opportunity,If this year's economic is better,Investment growth is likely to increase.
Folk fixed asset investment growth generally will be more and more high,Specific gravity will also more and more big,Because the proportion of private economy growing.This trend will continue.
The problem of private investment in the final analysis the main problems or the development of private enterprises,Corporation investment depends on two points,One is the capital of the channel,Such as our financial system how to corporation provide more investment opportunities,Including Banks/Capital market.Corporation should give more money for channel,Bank loans to more for corporation;The capital market will face corporation more open.Now a lot of corporation financing difficulties,Investment financing difficulties of course is difficult,Through innovation/Reform let corporation get more money.
The second,More important is,For corporation open more areas.Because what can enter the existing areas are relatively small investment fields,There are many fields are wrong corporation open,Open field,Will allow the folk capital investment high-end field,Such as financial/traffic/Communication, etc.Only let go,To make corporation as the main body of investment and economic development.
Troika historic changes
采访人:本报记者 熊建
Interview people:Our reporter XiongJian
解读人:北京大学副校长 刘伟
Reading people:Vice President of Peking University Liu wei
Export to economic future growth contribution I'm afraid also stays at a fraction of of the level,The role of consumption will be improved steadily,The role of the investment will be reduced
China's economy has shown signs of a new.Troika of function and structure changes,Export demand for economic future growth contribution I'm afraid also stays at a fraction of of the level,The role of consumption will be improved steadily,The role of the investment will be reduced.
From the investment for,Since the second half of 2008 against crisis,Chinese investment in fixed assets of the actual growth is not low.The name is 20.6% growth last year,More than 2011 fell 3.4%.Key problem is,2012 years of inflation rate is 2.6%,2011 years of inflation rate is 5.4%.Eliminate price factors,In fact 2012 fixed asset investment growth than in 2011 was a little also.
From the consumer to see,Last year's social total retail sales of consumer goods and the rate of growth of the previous year,From the statistical data on the same general,But to eliminate price factors,The previous year is also slightly increased.
It is because the two slightly increase,Make the fourth quarter of 2012 economic growth rate reached 7.9%.The 7.9% it is significant.Begin from 2011 to 2012 years ago in the third quarter,For seven consecutive quarter of decline of economic growth,The fourth quarter of last year before recovering.This shows that China may be over for seven consecutive quarter of decline of economic growth,Back up the direct power is investment and consumption in 2012 more than the previous year growth began to improve slightly.
From the outlet to see,In 2012 did not complete the intended target,To keep the economy effect is very slight.In the future China's export growth should be used to the singly.
2020 years ago,China's economic growth probably maintained at 7% - 8% more reasonable.And adapt to the,investment/consumption/Export the troika is expected to growth than in the past and will happen a historic has changed.I'm afraid to investment growth gradually have convergence,The future will enter a relatively stable growth,And consumption in this period will be steady increased slightly,But won't be a big increase,Because China's weak consumer demand reason is very profound,Short-term overcome also not easy.
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