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"The results some pity."Beauty v. China wind tower products trade relief case attorney/The jin cheng TongDa law firm Jody January 21, in accept international business newspaper reporter to interview said.
United States international trade commission(ITC)In the local time 1 month and make a final day,That imports from China and Vietnam application level wind tower substantial damage or threat to the American industry,To this kind of product will collect"Double reverse"(Anti-dumping and countervailing)tariff.
Jody is felt"but",Because of the ITC six members vote in rare appeared three votes/Three votes against the results,Defense one step away from success.
China's mechanical and electrical products import and export chamber of commerce legal department related person in charge on the same day in an international business newspaper reporter to interview stressed,China's wind power industry exports to the steady growth of the internal cause is,China's wind power equipment enterprise after years of development has high management level/Advanced production technology and certain production scale advantage;External causes is the increasing number of market demand,Rather than rely on dumping and subsidies.
International business newspaper reporter learned that,ITC will in February and announced after a detailed report,The Chinese side will continue to appeal or according to the circumstances.
Only sent a ticket
The us department of commerce(doc)The final Chinese wind tower products are sign"Double reverse"tax,ITC decision has been placed"after"hope:If the Chinese products are not to the United States that ITC related industry cause substantial damage or threat,doc decision will become invalid.
But now it seems,Results and expectations.What is more I regret,case"after"Seems to be only difference step.
It is understood,ITC six among the members of the committee,Two people think that imports from China and Vietnam application level wind tower substantial damage to the industry,1 people think that a substantial threat,3 people think that neither substantial damage also does not have the substantive threat,Rare appeared three votes/Three votes against the final results."He sent substantive threat that 1 ticket."Jody said:"If the Chinese enterprises to provide before with some data words,The results may be different."
ITC decision basis is the submitted materials.The Chinese need to ITC is clarified,China's domestic wind tower production/consumption/inventory/Order and data that the future is not on the industry of the impact.But leave no stone unturned to enterprise with related data,Jody is frequency eat"Given a cold shoulder".
"Contact us for nearly companies,But many Chinese tower drum production enterprise is not exports to the United States,So there is no power and interests fit."Jody said.
Association party also beyond your control.Due to the tower drum in the wind power industry belongs to the supporting products,So association about tower drum without special data.In the association continuously through the telephone or SMS, and other means called member enterprise discuss the countermeasures,A lot of enterprise also choose silence.
Data missing let Jody to ITC submit data representative sell at a discount greatly,Also makes the authority of evidence is greatly reduced."Today's American pursuing is tower drum,Tomorrow is likely to be a fan,While the latter is a Chinese enterprise exports to America's leader.so,If the enterprise did not BaoTuan counterattack/The consciousness of the other is in danger,It's not always has high hung words,Each other always have a way to get you in trouble."Jody said.
Exports to the basic hopelessness
Because after the final doc has been to the United States that China export application level wind tower exist dumping and subsidies behavior,According to the program,doc can now ask the customs for the collection of such products"Double reverse"tariff.
According to the range of the ruling in December,The United States will to chinese-made application level wind tower collection of 44.99% ~ 70.63% of the anti-dumping duties and 21.86% ~ 34.81% of the countervailing duty."so,Enterprise can't export to the United States,(rate)Is too high,Two added up to more than 70%."Mechanical and electronic chamber of commerce legal department responsible for international business newspaper reporters.
After the final release in the doc,One of the enterprises involved in the desire of wind that announcement saying,this"In 2012 the annual business performance is expected to also have no effect,But for the subsequent company for the U.S. market and undertake export orders will bring adverse effect".According to the doc's ruling,Tianshun wind power for 34.33% of the anti-dumping tax rate and 34.81% of countervailing rate."Collecting countervailing duties will make the products of the company in the United States market price advantage greatly weakened,The company's products in the U.S. market status may be its domestic manufacturers to replace."Tianshun wind dong secret ZhengKangSheng added.
ITC figures showed,In 2011 the United States from China and Vietnam were import application level wind tower about $265.9 million,That accounts for about 63% of total imports.China and Vietnam are respectively the second and the fifth big application level wind tower source of imports,Canada in the first place.
Reserves the right of appeal
"In fact,China's wind power industry exports to the steady growth of the internal cause,Is China's wind power equipment enterprise after years of development has high management level/Advanced production technology and certain production scale advantage;External causes is the increasing number of market demand,Rather than rely on dumping and subsidies."Chamber of commerce in.
Jody said,2 months before and after,ITC will issue detailed report award,The ruling reason will be clear at a glance."From the present the vote to see,This case is not like pv that is overwhelming defeat lost the case.We will study detailed report,Don't give up the right to continue to appeal."Jody said.
It is understood,Appeal body is likely to award translate directly,May also ask the doc to adjust the arbitration award.
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