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In the crisis repeated shocks/The slow economic recovery process,In 2012, the Chinese foreign economic and trade still got a relatively satisfactory results.In 2013,,With the improvement of the environment,Our country foreign trade import and export growth is expected to rebound present situation,Low speed growth is still the big trend.




Staggering forward


In 2012,,With the deepening of European debt crisis and spread,The international market demand atrophy,International commodity market price weakness,International trade protectionism serious tendency towards,China faces the external situation is serious.In the country has issued a series of steady growth/Adjustable structure/For the purpose of promoting balanced policy support,China's foreign trade to speed up the transformation and upgrade,Structure was further optimized,Innovation ability enhancement.


In 2012, the Chinese foreign trade development presents the following features:


Our country in Asia/Africa and Latin America and other regions the stable growth of import and export,European exports to decline.January 2012 to October,Our country in Asia/Africa/Latin America/North America/Oceania export maintain stable low growth,Growth of 11%, respectively/20%/12.7%/9.6% and 10.6%.Due to the debt crisis of the drag,Our country to European exports fell by 3.6%,Exports to Europe fell by 5.8%.January 2012 to October,Our country from Asia/Africa/The European/Latin America/North America and Oceania import growth of 2.8%, respectively/24.6%/1.4%/9.3%/7.7% and 3.9%.The diaoyu island question dispute affect the bilateral trade,Our country to Japan rose by only 4.1%,Imports fell by 6.8%.And the Middle East in political unrest in Iran and Syria import and export were down by 19% and 46.5%.In recent years,Our country to speed up the pace of the regional economic integration,Market diversification strategy achievements have been made,Promote the our country with Asia/Africa/Latin American countries and regional economic cooperation,Disperse the export market is too centralized risk,Promote the China's international influence.


Export growth is slowing,Since the financial crisis and into a bust.From February 2012 the our country foreign trade export monthly for low growth,Growth rate for 2009 years after has left the lowest level.If eliminate inflation and currency appreciation,China exports is almost negative growth,In foreign trade growth and a bust.The international financial crisis deepened the international market demand atrophy,A glut on the market,prices,Market risk increase,A large number of foreign orders to reduce,Can received are mostly short-term order.Processing trade exports of our country export proportion about 50%,In this crisis is the biggest impact,The greatest reduction.Because the domestic prices,Rising labor costs,International transport price increase,Part of the processing trade diversion to surrounding other countries and regions.


Export commodity structure optimization,Advantage brand product risk resistance capacity increase.January 2012 to October,Our country primary products export reduced by 0.4%,Accounted for more than a further decline.According to the classification of SITC,Food and live animals/Drink and smoke class/Non-food raw materials/Fossil fuels and animal and plant oil and grease/Wax export growth of 3.7%, respectively/12.6%/5.1% -/5.2.the,coffee/tea/cocoa/Condiment and honey/drinks/Oilseeds oil fruit processing agricultural products export have increase,Growth of 41.5%, respectively/18.7%/28.6% and 27%.Manufactured goods exports,Chemicals and related products/According to the raw material classification of manufactured goods/Machinery and transport equipment and miscellaneous products were growth of 1.7%/5.2%/6.4% and 16.9%.Travel supplies/Handbag and similar products/Clothing and clothing accessories and shoes and boots and China's traditional advantage products export only increased by 5.2%/2.5% and 10.6%.


In China's foreign trade development is facing the severe situation,In march of 2012 countries launched the first foreign trade development"1025"planning,Puts forward five years in the development of foreign trade of main task and safeguard measures,Is our country foreign trade of the transformation and upgrade of strong support.Then country has issued a series of encouraging measures,For the enterprise to create a good development environment.


Imports down,Structure optimization.January 2012 to October,Our country import growth slowed sharply,Growth dropped by 20% compared with 2011,Weak import growth,Monthly growth trend of decline.In 2012, primary products imports rose 6.8%.According to the classification of SITC,Food and live animals/Drink and smoke class/Non-food raw materials/Fossil fuel and lubricating oil and related raw materials/Animal and plant oil and grease and growth of 29.2%, respectively/22.9%/4.1% -/15.4% and 12%.the,Activity content/Meat and meat products/Dairy and egg/Grain and its products/Juice products and honey/drinks/coal/Coke and coal briquette and gas and synthetic gas import growth of 41.1%, respectively/26.5%/26%/159.9%/59%/48%/26%/29.5% and 59%.Manufactured goods imports rose 3.4%.According to the classification of SITC,Chemical products and related products/According to the raw material classification of manufactured goods/Machinery and transport equipment and miscellaneous products import growth - 0.9% respectively/1.4% -/2.8% and 6.2%.the,pharmaceuticals/Fertilizer made/Telecom and voice recording and heavy placement equipment/Other transport equipment/Travel supplies and handbag and similar products/Clothing and clothing accessories and shoe import growth of 26.4%, respectively/32.7%/18.4%/17.1%/15.3%/13.9% and 18.5%.


In recent years,According to the foreign trade development goals,The country has issued a series of encouraging imports and the import convenience measures,Import promote system has been improved gradually,Promote the rapid growth of import.In order to further improve the management of import,In 2012, the state council announced the strengthens the import to promote foreign trade balance development direction,Foreign trade development put forward the main task is to optimize the structure of imported goods,Stability and guide the commodity import,Extend the advanced technology and equipment/Key components and energy raw materials import,Enlarging the consumer goods import.In the macroeconomic policy,In 2012, although the domestic economic growth speed slow,Market demand atrophy,Import growth slowdown,Import structure optimization,Advanced technology and equipment/energy/Food and consumer goods import is growing rapidly,Meet the national economic development and the increasing of people's material demand,Improve the national welfare level.


The state-owned enterprise export growth lack of power,The stable growth of enterprises with foreign investment,The private enterprise is active.January 2012 to October,By the international financial crisis,Import and export of all kinds enterprise performance is different.State-owned enterprise/Foreign investment enterprises and private enterprises to export growth of 3.5%, respectively/3% and 20.4%,Import growth of 1.3%, respectively/1.4% and 16.2%.Enterprises with foreign investment structure optimization,Transformation and upgrading of,New product/New technology research and development,The development of emerging strategic industries and the green industry,In the transformation and upgrading of industry plays an important role.A large number of small and medium-sized private enterprises began to go out of business because of poor management,And benefited from the country's strong support,A group of innovative consciousness strong enterprise growth,Such as Beijing mei accessible electronic image co., LTD., and other enterprises due to pay attention to product development and design and the brand cultivation,Introduced many new products/New technology/Brand new,Export products in foreign markets sell like hot cakes,As the economic crisis under the window of foreign trade development.


In April 2012,The country has issued a on further support the healthy development of small miniature enterprise opinion,Offered to further strengthen the small miniature enterprise finance support,Strive to reduce small miniature enterprise financing difficulties.September,The state council through the[On promoting the steady growth of foreign trade some opinions],Determine the eight policy measures.The support of the country to foreign trade enterprises in difficulty is cardiac,To enhance the enterprise's confidence,Further improve the enterprise management environment.


China faces the external environmental deterioration,Trade friction constantly upgrade.With the debt crisis spread and deepen,Global trade protectionism is becoming more and more serious,In 2012, the Chinese export products frequently suffer from international trade friction,Unprecedented damage.Products involved not only covers the ceramic/The traditional advantage of cycling products,Photovoltaic products and other new energy products also suffer.Trade friction mode constantly upgrade,From the anti-dumping countervailing rise to,To trade restrictions and quality standard;Involved in countries and areas of the United States/The European Union/Australia/Argentina/Brazil and India and other countries,Some emerging economies also follow suit suppressing Chinese products,Protect its interests.Especially in Europe and the United States in order to pass on the domestic crisis,Increased trade protection efforts,Again and again to China has launched trade remedy investigation,And collect high anti-dumping duties.International trade friction to some of the export enterprise cause bigger loss,Some enterprises to cope with trade friction paid a high price,Some enterprise sell at a low price,Lose everything,And enterprise was forced to withdraw from the market,Closed or reduce capacity,disastrous.Investigate its reason is outside,More important is the internal macro management.In recent years the economic transformation and upgrade,Many enterprises follow suit the benefit good capacity,Due to the insufficient domestic demand,A large number of surplus capacity into the international market,The international market demand atrophy made between enterprises have to low price competition,Pursuit of quantity expansion.




Or show picks up trend


In 2013, the external environment will be improved,But also a lot of uncertainty.In December 2012 the central economic working conference put forward,To maintain macroeconomic policy continuity and stability,Continue to implement the positive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy.According to the spirit of the meeting,To speed up the transformation of the growth mode of foreign trade in our country,To realize the growth of the quality and efficiency,Actively expand import,Achieve internal and external economic equilibrium growth.2013 effect on our country's foreign trade development of the external factors have the following several aspects:


By the debt crisis of the drag,The European Union market prospect is not very optimistic.In recent years by the debt crisis,The European Union market demand atrophy,Our country to the European Union export growth slowed,The European Union accounted for the proportion of our export gradually decreases.2012 years ago 11 months,China exports to Europe fell by 7%,To our country in the European Union an important trade partner of France and Germany were down by 10%.According to the European commission point of view,Due to the debt crisis worse,In 2013 the European Union is expected to economic downturn will continue,High unemployment rate.In the economic crisis in the circumstances,The European Union countries will continue to implement the financial crunch and trade protection measures,In order to protect the economy.It is estimated that our export to the eu will continue to decline,May is still negative growth,Bilateral trade friction war unavoidable.


The United States the slow economic recovery,The market demand stable growth.In recent years by the influence of the international financial crisis,China exports to the United States in China accounted for the proportion of total exports decline gradually,With expanded trade surplus.The United States financial cliff to the solution of the problem that the United States avoid a recession,Conducive to the smooth development of bilateral trade between China and the United States.The United States is expected to the economist in 2013 the United States economy will continue to slow recovery,The real estate market of warming and industry backflow phenomenon will benefit the industry growth,Unemployment rate,Consumer and industrial market demand stable growth.2012 1 ~ 11 months,China's exports to the United States grew by 8.2%,In 2013 is expected to sino-us trade will continue to present steady growth trend.But the United States the government continued to implement quantitative easing monetary policy and fiscal policy,Bring a huge budget deficit and trade deficit,Will lead to the dollar continues to fall,The surge of speculative capital,International primary products market price ups and downs,Increase the pressure of RMB appreciation,And may continue to cause imported inflation.


Developing countries will be the highlight of the world economic development,Is our country exports the potential of the market share.Developing countries is our country market diversification strategy important object,In recent years our country export market accounted for the proportion of rising,Accounts for more than a third than has been achieved.In 2012 by the European debt crisis on the impact of factors such as deterioration,International primary product price ups and downs/Foreign capital flows to developing countries is down,Developing countries exchange rate fluctuation significantly,Decline in exports,Economic growth slowdown.In fact,By the influence of the economic structure,Developing countries economic development also appear differentiation,Some countries economic growth slowdown,Such as Brazil and India and other countries,Some countries are to maintain the economic growth.2012 1 ~ 11 months,Our country to asean export growth of 19.3%,Among the Indonesia and Malaysia export up by 16.2% and 29% respectively,Export to Russia increased by 13%.According to the prediction of the United Nations,2012 developing countries overall economic growth is about 4.7%,2013 could rise to 5.1%.If developing countries steady economic recovery,It is estimated that our import and export to the developing countries will be steady growth,With the emerging economies countries lead the world economic recovery.


According to the above factors, the analysis,In 2013,,With the improvement of the environment,Our country foreign trade import and export growth likely picks up trend,Is still low growth.The government will speed up the transformation function,Further perfect"Steady growth/Adjustable structure/Promote balance"policy,To strengthen the foreign trade enterprise of the transformation and upgrade of industry guidance,More play the market mechanism;Implement relevant policies,Increase support for small and medium-sized enterprises;Association should be to strengthen the coordination of import and export market management,Do a good job in the market operation order;Guide enterprises to strengthen social responsibility,Deal with enterprise development and the laborer salary growth and the relationship between the environmental protection,In building up a harmonious development of social contribution strength.


(The author is the ministry of commerce research associate researcher)
