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Work ZhuHongRen letter department chief engineer today at the conference said,In recent years,As the international financial crisis continue to affect,In 2012, the industrial production to export dependence since 2007 fell to about 40% of the 2012 years of 25%.Domestic market,A period of time,Because of the industrial growth downward pressure increasing,Economic growth in the continuous back,In the period of rapid economic growth,The formation of the release of production capacity is not effective,Increased overcapacity in some industries contradiction.
Dissolve excess capacity contradiction is a complicated system engineering difficult,We will be in accordance with the central economic work conference proposed"Respect for law/Separated ShiCe/Multi-pronged approach.we/paper"By the general principles,and"Digest a batch of/Transfer a batch of/Integrated a number of/Out a batch of"Total thought,Will steel/Electrolytic aluminium/cement/Flat glass/Ship industries as a breakthrough,Through the"Control increment and to reduce stock combination,Policy guidance and market regulation combination,The innovation system mechanism and the perfect combination of policies and measures",Make full use of the international financial crisis DaoBi formation mechanism,Increasing working momentum,Strive to achieve the effect as soon as possible.
The following is a writing memoir:
Under the condition of market economy,Moderate excess capacity to play the role of competition mechanism.but,If the excess capacity beyond normal range,There was a serious excess capacity,May cause disorder competition/Destroy the market order,And then cause a series of problems.Cause the cause of surplus production is very complicated,Direct performance is glut,So we start with analysis of the causes of overcapacity.We're on the international market and domestic market two parts to the influence of supply exceeds demand.
The first is the international market.In recent years,As the international financial crisis continue to affect,In 2012, the industrial production to export dependence since 2007 fell to about 40% of the 2012 years of 25%.From 2012 years of the situation,The national foreign trade export growth dropped substantially,For industrial products export value of influence is very significant.Domestic market,A period of time,Because of the industrial growth downward pressure increasing,Economic growth in the continuous back,In the period of rapid economic growth,The formation of the release of production capacity is not effective,Increased overcapacity in some industries contradiction.
Cause the cause of overcapacity,Is not entirely is caused by market factors,And system mechanism/Development mode/Management mode, and so closely related.Due to energy/resources/Elements such as land market reform is not in place,The basic role of the market in resource allocation has not been full play,Enterprise as the main body of investment of the status and the function of also is not clear.At present,Investment approval system still needs further perfection,Industry access management also wasn't strong enough.
Dissolve excess capacity contradiction is a complicated system engineering difficult,We will be in accordance with the central economic work conference proposed"Respect for law/Separated ShiCe/Multi-pronged approach.we/paper"By the general principles,and"Digest a batch of/Transfer a batch of/Integrated a number of/Out a batch of"Total thought,Will steel/Electrolytic aluminium/cement/Flat glass/Ship industries as a breakthrough,Through the"Control increment and to reduce stock combination,Policy guidance and market regulation combination,The innovation system mechanism and the perfect combination of policies and measures",Make full use of the international financial crisis DaoBi formation mechanism,Increasing working momentum,Strive to achieve the effect as soon as possible.
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