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According to the Australian media reported,Australia Lincoln energy company 23 announced,The energy company in south Australia inland found a huge shale oil field,Oil reserves can be as high as 35-233 billion barrels,Australia's fuel can make more self-sufficient. 


Headquartered in Brisbane Lincoln energy company said,According to the company for 2 copies of independent evaluation report,The company in south Australia, colin add basin found shale oil field value can be expected to a $20 trillion(Us $21 trillion). 


This important news,Lincoln energy market value soared by 23.6%.but,Australian officials said,From the current understanding of the situation to see,Still can't judge whether the oil could get valuable development. 


At present,Lincoln energy company has set up a file in the akko forest and basin drill four Wells,Dozens of mouth shallow well,Cost 130 million dollars.The company plans to drill horizontal Wells 6 mouth,In the final confirmation for oil reserves.The next exploration is expected to be $1.5 - $300 million.therefore,Lincoln energy companies ready,Has been the British barclays bank for its looking for investment and cooperation partners. 


According to the current gain of the drilling results,Company chairman Peter - bond are confident.He says,South Australia's mineral resources potential is very great,Even the most conservative estimate,The oil field also can at least 3.5 billion barrels of oil production,This is a great scale the.After production,A day of 1000-2000 barrels of oil.South Australia will become the source of oil production. 


With the development of economy,Australia's fuel consumption is rising year by year.According to the Australian national resources oversees estimates,2050 years ago,Australia's oil import will average increase at an annual rate of 2.1%.Energy security problem increasingly drawn the attention of the government departments.Akko forest and basin shale oil deposits found for Australia will remove the trouble back at home.Bond chairman said,If in good condition,"The oil reserves will be higher than Australia existing many times the sum of the oil reserves".The proven reserves to Australia by importing oil to oil output state-owned large potential. 


South Australia mineral resources minister Tom?Library mulberry Tony, this also is looking forward to,South Australia said resources industry will usher in the dawn of the full of hope.He said:"Shale gas and shale oil to guarantee Australia energy security situation and the future will play a very important role."
