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The author:XuYiLi
The United States/Europe's quantitative easing policy releasing,Japan recently even issued not limit loose policy,China's currency issue even more than half the world,Countries have entered a print chao game.The game is the worldwide currency devaluation rivalry,And then a trade war on the field of the export rivalry.Especially recent Japanese even openly will trade protection under the table,International on a global trade war voice is more and more big.
The most like trade war,Lost in the war,The cash is equal to the trade.In time of peace,Trade in turn also like war,Trade friction is but exploratory cross swords.
A lot of people are away from the trade field,No experience.basically,This is the origin of the trade currency,And its core is the struggle currencies undervalued.In the trade market,Which countries like your local currency devaluation.In the export enterprise stay everyone know,Local currency devaluation even if only a little,Export advantage immediately tilt,The country's exporters immediately increase,Act very fast.If a stronger currency,Export enterprise profits immediately squash,Staff a lot of unemployment,Export reduce.
If the scale of the trade war broke out,Then the victorious nation and fight for the countries that lose,Influence is very large.80 s Japan extreme expansion,At that time a lot of Japanese people,Japan surpass the United States is just a matter of time,Has even catch up with the United States.At that time of the Japanese in the west all advanced industrial sector occupy the core position,There seems to be no one field it is not more than its western rivals,Even the U.S. missile will be Japanese technology of traction.
In the face of such situation,The countries all over the world to Japan in the outbreak of a trade war,First the semiconductor chip war,Washington to Japan some electronic products take 100% of the punitive tariffs,The severe post-war is never.Then the British government also launched a strong offensive in Japan,To Japan to the British open market,Otherwise, Britain will be denied or revoked in London of the Japanese financial institutions business license.The European Community survey in Europe and Japan"wrongly"Dumping some semiconductor chip situation.Japan is in be besieged on all sides of the potential.The trade war with[Plaza accord]For the signing of the end mark,The yen appreciation overnight or even a times.The trade war over Europe and the United States,Japan's defeat.After twenty years of Japanese export badly damaged,Economy cannot recover after a setback.
From this example on,We have seen between China and the United States "shadow?We are also catch up with the United States,Our currency super hair and RMB underestimated problem is also from abroad for,All kinds of trade friction appear constantly.Some say we Chinese have military strength to do guarantee,Don't fall into the plight of Japan at that time,This not exactly.
In China,Modern history also by a famous trade war opened the opium war in modern China, become the most humiliating experience, are also the most unforgettable trade war.War to western countries free"dumping"Opium to end the,Maybe go to take a series of unequal treaties.The end of a trade war,Also led to the China and western powers between the opium trade back to"normal"situation.
Ridiculous is,Opium war,Western countries demand is called"free"Sales of opium rights.However, when time from modern history back to the beginning of the 21st century,Western gentlemen not advocate absolute free trade.The trade between countries by"free"Into the"limit".China's world trade platform,It may be said is limited most populous country.
It is beyond doubt,Even if the accession to the WTO,China also needs to endure a long list of banning goods.And because China in world trade seldom master commodity pricing,In the stand at the same time -- goods,Chinese perennial in trade ACTS as a very passive role.The most typical example is China's iron ore this - China's lack of iron ore pricing,And the world's largest consumer of iron ore,So most of the iron and steel industry profits to the buying cost as raw materials in the international monopoly giant.Not only is the iron ore trade problems,China in many areas are international trade rules of the restricted party.
Why China's international trade restricted party?The reason is very simple.China's processing trade is mainly export countries,Such export orientation,Because the alternative is strong,So from strictly speaking,Trader does not exist the win-win situation,One side of the market will be in addition to the country.China perennial manufacturing route,Is the price distortion factor and bear the corresponding cost and obtain the cost advantage.This let China in the past ten years of foreign trade on Abraham adversary,And the rejection.that,More than 30 years,China's long-term low state of factor prices,Including low land cost/Low environmental cost/Low cost of capital and low labor costs, etc,This just is other countries do not have.China has become the most attractive to foreign market,The multinational enterprise's import and export trade,Become the Chinese perennial large surplus of the main parts.
This is not good,From the evolution of global trade war to see,ShunChaGuo has always been a scapegoat.Biggest ShunChaGuo,Must be the biggest sheep.
China, as the most conspicuous surplus countries,It is very possible to become the target of public criticism trade war.Recent Japanese openly will trade protection under the table,The scope of the trade is more and more big.A global trade war further upgrade,Must be with with all sorts of excuse set with trade barriers,With the European Union as a sample of trade protectionism,Will greatly encroach on China's manufacturing international living space.Recently the western countries to competitive loose on the basis of currency depreciation,This very easy to push up the RMB exchange rate,China's merchandise exports and inhibition,Even reverse for the Chinese market.And the lack of export to the domestic production of digestion,China's economy is likely to fall into a vicious circle of deflation in among,And then produce severe social unrest and economic recession.From this point of view,A new round of trade war has been launched.
Since the founding of,China experienced a few truly have the massive trade war,The only experience might as well call friction.The outbreak of real trade war,Will be very deadly.Similar examples we might as well look after the plaza accord a lost twenty years of Japan,And after the oil embargo will face the most major financial crisis of Iran.New China is far from experienced the true scale of trade war,And once really begins,Who will gain supremacy. Really need to observe.
But start a trade war really can solve the United States,Even the western employment problem?The answer is not so sure,After all, after a thirty years of manufacturing after migration,China and the western countries export capacity of domestic manufacturing contact ratio is low.however,It does not stop the enthusiasm of the western countries start a trade war.The current pattern of the world,Trade war has become a means,Rather than end in itself.
The current trade war is completely in the service of politics.When western domestic public discontent when peak,To our Chinese ShunChaGuo as scapegoat effect will gradually develop in the form of a trade war.Although we say trade war launched is a internecine accounts in a mess,however,In order to win votes,It became the western politician's first choice.so,Even if China has great military strength to do guarantee,Does not necessarily can avoid the possibility of large-scale trade war broke out.
Since years,Bear and wise foreign political attitude,For China to build a stable development space,however,Rapid inflation up China's economy but also the lack of real rain of experience.China's economy in crisis of true knowledge,And for the decline of the enough ideas and material preparation.And the virtual high domestic economic and JiRuo domestic consumption and private wealth,Will also become a crisis comes fueled the fuse.
China must for future trade ready for war,In addition to the exchange rate,China needs more industry upgrade,As the world factory China is unable to resist western trade protection of spring.China needs to develop their spending power,There is only so,China can get rid of the export dependence and investment rely on this,Let China economic real virtuous circle.
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