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United States international trade commission has announced for China/Zte and so many of the company's wireless equipment launch"337 survey",To make sure the products whether there is any infringement of the American company patent.This is since this year the United States on Chinese products launched since 4"337 survey".


Again and again the United States on Chinese products launch"337 survey",Reflect the Obama government trade protection further warming.Obama the first term poor jump-start the economy,The federal government of the United States more debt,High fiscal deficit,The fourth quarter of last year's economy shrank by 0.1%,The unemployment rate rose to 7.9% in January this year.In this context,The United States has been waving trade protectionism stick.


Throughout the United States this round of trade protection measures,Presents two prominent feature:One is started to aim at the emerging industry.The us department of commerce in China have been ruling solar cell and application level wind tower anti-dumping and countervailing duties.Last September,The U.S. house of representatives intelligence committee is under protection"National security"Under the banner of survey huawei and zte,The two Chinese companies and the United States for network equipment investment market.The second is trade protection means more hidden.In addition to the common"Double reverse"survey,Also frequent use concealment stronger"337 survey"means,In order to protect patent as suppressing Chinese products.If the enterprise is involved in violation of the terms of the ruling,Means that the product will completely lose involved in the American market for sale.


The United States is the advocates of free trade and globalization of the beneficiaries,But frequent on unilateral protectionist measures,No doubt in the world with a bad head.This approach reflects the United States open/Fell free values,Also with the current countries to jointly promote global economic recovery of the big trends.The international financial crisis after the outbreak,In order to seek new economic growth space,Major economies are to a new industry commanding heights of competition.In the process,International coordination and cooperation is particularly important.Let the trade protectionism transverse,Will strangle global economic recovery engine.


Economic and trade cooperation between China and the United States is the strategic cooperation"stabilizer".In 2012,,Bilateral trade between the two countries close to all-time high of $500 billion.Sino-us trade and economic scale/Development quick,There was no wonder some problems,The key is to properly handle.Domestic zed the economic and trade issues/politicization,And for this to take protectionist measures,The two countries will only to"Trade war"edge.


Protectionism is never benefit dog in the manger,And don't get to the root of the enterprise less competitive/Jobs such as outflow of internal problems.today,Sino-us trade close interdependence,Who suffer no,Who take advantage.Not in the face of the global economic system,The United States needs to realize that,China both competitors,Is more important partners.
