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Chinese medicine health products import and export chamber of commerce said on Monday,In 2012,,The world economic recovery and difficult,Our country foreign trade downward pressure increased.Medical foreign trade over the years formed a good fundamentals continue to maintain,Foreign trade grew faster than the overall level of the national foreign trade,But the decrease rate.It is estimated that our medicine import and export growth rate is expected to reach 12%,The fundamentals are still good.


The main import western medicine class and medical equipment goods

  2012年,我国医药产品进出口总值809.5亿美元,增幅10.5%,再创历史新高。其中,出口476 .0亿 美 元 , 同比增长6 .9%; 进口333 .5亿美元,同比增长15 .9%。对外贸易顺差142 .5亿美元,同比减少9.5%。从全年情况来看,我国医药外贸的比较优势依在,同时,在复杂多变的经济形势和日益趋紧的国内外监管环境下,一些深层次、结构性的变化正在酝酿、生成,并将对未来形势发展形成重要影响。

In 2012,,Our country medicine products import and export (GDP) of us $80.95 billion,10.5%,Hit a record high.the,Export 476 . 000 million beauty yuan , Year-on-year growth of 6 . 9%; Imported 333 . 500 million dollars,Year-on-year growth of 15 . 9%.Foreign trade surplus of 142 . 500 million dollars,Reduced by 9.5% year-on-year.From the situation,Our country medicine trade in accordance with the comparative advantage in,At the same time,In a complicated economic situation at home and abroad and increasingly tightens regulatory environment,Some deep/Structural change is brewing/generation,And for the future development of the situation will be formed an important influence.


Chinese medicine health products import and export chamber of commerce said related personnel,In 2012, foreign trade situation of medicine has four characteristics.


A is three types of export commodities,Western medicine class/Medical equipment products export $27.52 billion and $17.59 billion, respectively,Total exports accounted for more than 94. 8%,Still occupy my export commodities mainstream status.


The second is the European Union/The United States/Japan and South Korea are still the pharmaceutical products import and export main market,Of the situation to continue,Our country the market into/Export proportion is as high as 78. 2% and 53.1% respectively.

  三是医药贸易更趋平衡的势头不变。随着外贸政策取向由鼓励出口向扩大进口转变,我国医药外贸更加趋于平衡。2012年,我国医药产品进口额为333 .5亿美元,同比增长15 .9%;对外贸易顺差142 .5亿美元,同比减少9.5%。三大类商品进口持续增长,其中,中药类产品进口额涨幅最大,达22.04%,延续了近年来年均20%~30%的涨幅。西药类和医疗器械类商品是我国进口的主要产品,占比高达97.4%。

The third is medicine trade more hasten is balanced momentum constant.As foreign trade policy orientation by encouraging export to expand import transformation,Our country medicine trade more tend to balance.In 2012,,Our country medicine product imports for 333 . 500 million dollars,Year-on-year growth of 15 . 9%;Foreign trade surplus of 142 . 500 million dollars,Reduced by 9.5% year-on-year.Three kinds of goods import growth,the,Traditional Chinese medicine products largest increase imports,Up to 22.04%,Lasted in recent years with an average annual increase of 20% ~ 30%.Western medicine class and medical equipment goods is our country imported main products,Accounted for more than 97.4%.

  四是企业国际注册认证步伐的加快,体现出我国医药企业提升国际竞争力的积极性普遍增强。2012年,我国医药企业共向美国食品药品管理局(FD A )提交申请201份,较2011年同比增长33.1%,申请总数达到1259份;向欧洲药品质量管理局(E D Q M )提交申请173份,较2011年同比增长34.1%,有效证书总数达到393份。获得证书许可后,企业原料药产品就能顺利进入欧美市场。

Four is the enterprise international registration speed up the pace of authentication,Reflects the medicine enterprises in our country to promote international competitiveness enthusiasm generally increased.In 2012,,Our country medicine enterprise common to the United States food and drug administration(fd A )Submit the application of 201,A year-on-year growth of 33.1% in 2011,Apply for a total of 1259 copies;To Europe for the quality of medicines(E D Q M )Submit the application of 173,A year-on-year growth of 34.1% in 2011,Valid certificate for a total of 393 copies.Obtain the certificate approval,Enterprise API product can smoothly enter the European and American market.


Western medicine preparation products export momentum strong

  来自中国医药保健品进出口商会的数据显示,2012年我国传统的大宗原料药出口强势品种在2012年普遍表现不尽如人意。统计显示,出口额排名前25位的西药原料出口额总计为41 .2亿美元,较2011年同比下降18.9%。

From Chinese medicine health products import and export chamber of commerce data shows,In 2012, the traditional bulk API export strong varieties in 2012 generally do not satisfactory.Statistics show that,Export the top 25 of western medicine raw material export amount to 41 . 200 million dollars,A 18. 9% year-on-year drop in 2011.

  而且,2012年,我国医药大省出口放缓,江苏、山东和广东医药出口 分 别 增 长4 .7 %、- 0 .2 %和2.5%,低于全国平均水平。中西部的西藏、贵州、山西、青海的出口分别则增长422 .8%、150 .7%、51.0%和50.2%。但中西部地区出口基数小,对出口的贡献度不大,尚难以从根本上改变医药外贸的整体走势。

and,In 2012,,Our country medicine province export slowdown,jiangsu/Shandong and guangdong medicine export points Don't increase Long 4 . 7 %/- 0 . 2 % and 2.5%,Below the national average.Midwest of Tibet/guizhou/shanxi/Qinghai export growth respectively is 422 . 8%/150 . 7%/51.0% and 50. 2%.But the Midwest export base small,To export contribution is not big,It is difficult to fundamentally change the overall trend of pharmaceutical trade.


But for a long time,Western medicine preparation has not been main export products.In 2012,,Western medicine preparation export growth,Export growth of 17. 9%,Show a strong momentum of development.

  尤其是多年来,我国药企被国外药 企 控 股 或 收 购 的 案 例 频 仍 , 从2011年的情况来看,国内药企在全球化布局的战略思维已在悄然发生变化,内资企业更多地与国外药企展开合作甚至收购国外药企,不但“走出去”,还要“走进去”,更要“走上去”。2012年,一系列并购案例的出现,印证了中国医药企业正逐渐以强者姿态跻身国际市场。

Especially for many years,Our country medicine enterprises by foreign medicine enterprises control shares or accept purchase of case An example frequency still , From 2011 years of the situation,Domestic medicine enterprises in the globalization of the layout of the strategic thinking has set up a file in the quietly changing,Domestic enterprises and foreign enterprises more medicine cooperate even purchase foreign medicine enterprises,Not only"Go out",also"Went in",more"Went up".In 2012,,The emergence of a series of acquisitions,Confirm the Chinese medicine enterprises are gradually to the strong attitude among the international market.


This medicine import and export growth rate is expected to be at 12%


Chinese medicine health products import and export chamber of commerce said related personnel,In 2013,,China's international trade environment is expected to be good in 2012,But will remain in general"Slants cold area".The European and American economic recovery on uncertainty,The strict international regulatory environment,RMB appreciation for the impact of factors such as the pressure,Our country medicine trade development space is very limited.Along with the medicine foreign trade enterprise transformation and upgrade to further,Domestic reform constantly pulling expansion import growth,And the pharmaceutical industry, rigid demand drive, etc,In 2013 our country medicine import and export growth rate is expected to reach 12%.
