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According to the total import and export volume calculation,China's 2012 more than the United States as the world's largest trading nation.This is 1945 years after the end of the second world war,The first United States lose global business overlord position.however,Profit from trade to see,America's trade profit far more than China.This shows that China's import and export trade quality than the United States.


The reason for causing this kind of situation,Because although China is the world trade country,But without the world trade rules set right.In other words,In sino-us trade relations,China is in absolute disadvantage position.In the world trade pattern,Because of China's lack of trade rules set right,so,China has always in a very passive position.After China's accession to the world trade organization,Not only did not get equal competitive position,It is constantly dumping and subsidies by the accused,Chinese enterprises in the international market in the process of the jitter,Dot and carry one.The reason for causing this situation,Because at the beginning in China joined the world trade organization talks,Not getting"Market economy status"Such a minimal introduction note,Chinese enterprises and other national enterprise happen when the trade friction,Are being forced to use"TiDaiGuo import prices"Such an unfair not reasonable calculation method,Against other countries anti-dumping countervailing charges.now,The European Union already on the market can rarely see China's export color TV products.Not only that,China's overseas investment fields was also more and more trouble,Many countries through the political review veto China enterprise investment project.More incredible is,Because of Chinese tourists in any other country in the world a lot of buy luxury goods,Lead to these countries in China established special discriminatory price.Now Chinese consumers to buy in the overseas well-known brand product price is more and more high,Chinese consumers nouveau riche image are deeply printed into other citizens in mind.


The current,China's trade import and export growth momentum is going down,On the one hand because China to attract foreign investment policy change,Foreign enterprise to invest directly in China get profit more and more low;On the other hand it is because China is facing more and more non-trade investment restrictions,Trade protectionism is in extreme way,Chinese enterprises in the field of foreign trade are facing unprecedented predicament.If the Chinese government does not give full play to their own political influence,As far as possible in the world trade organization framework,Promote trade liberalization,By formulating bilateral and multilateral agreements to improve China's foreign trade environment,so,China's import and export enterprises would be greatly influence.


Though the United States to become the world's second largest trade exporter,but,The United States to China still take stringent export restrictions.recently,The United States government excuse suspected export weapons of mass destruction,So the world range of some Chinese enterprise take including frozen account and a series of sanctions.This shows that the United States does not concern China's total trade more than the United States,On the contrary,The United States is trying to by formulating special trade rules,Change yourself in the position in the international trade,And the Chinese government in the face of the aggressive attitude seems to be some at a loss what to do.


In the history of world trade,There have been many classical theory.Mercantilist think,Trade the purpose is to earn real gold and silver,As long as can give countries brought a lot of gold and silver,so,The country's trade policy is effective.Now more and more countries have realized,Due to the gold and silver as a general equivalent position step down,The purpose of the trade should be to improve its economic structure,Or is it for its economic development services,so,They do not pursue trade surplus,But hope from trade to be more interests.Because of this,U.S. lawmakers on one hand on pronouncing between China and the United States there was a huge trade deficit,but,On the other hand, did not take any measures to reduce the trade deficit between China and the United States.The reason is very simple,Sino-us trade deficit is not only to the United States the development of economy has brought tangible benefits,Imports from China Daily consumer goods,Not only greatly reduce the price of the market in the United States,So that ordinary americans get huge profits,And because of China's trade surplus use of millions of dollars in foreign exchange,Greatly to buy us treasuries,So that the United States can continue to implement the huge fiscal deficit policy,Maintain the welfare level,Let ordinary americans benefit from it.


visible,The pursuit of absolute number of trade for a country's economic growth and there is not much good.Of course,From the point of view of the development of foreign trade,No certain quantity is difficult to guarantee quality.but,When the number increased to a certain degree later,To ensure the quality of foreign trade,Clear the goal of trade is the key of the problem.Chinese leaders have repeatedly said,Not the pursuit of a large number of trade surplus,Continue to implement the policy of the trade balance.Now it seems,This is not so much a mature foreign trade policy,Rather than a foreign of promotional attitude.Whether the trade surplus or trade deficit,Are not enough to reflect a country the essence of the trade.On the face of it,The United States to run a huge trade latent crisis,A large number of trade surplus may America bring uncertainty factors,but,Due to the United States from the trade deficit in a great benefits,The United States government is easy to enjoy trade deficit brought about by the various"bonus".


In the past we have on the analysis of other countries trade policy,Always from the traditional endowment of resources theory,Think the theory of comparative advantage is to promote a national trade development core theory.Now it seems,Influence a national trade quantity and quality,Not only is the endowment of resources or comparative advantage,But a country's trade policy and trade policy relevance fiscal policy and monetary policy.If did not see the American trade policy core value,No trades to the United States in the economic development of the promoting effect of comprehensive evaluation,so,Will blindly into a trade surplus of ecstasy.In fact,China's trade surplus with the United States has become China's trouble,If China can't expand trade based on the number of improve quality,From foreign trade especially for American trade gain more benefit,so,China's foreign trade policy is a failure.China's foreign trade amount of increase,Not only won't improve the economic structure of China,In the service of ordinary Chinese people,It will give the development of China's economy bring serious harm.(The central finance and economics university of politics and law department of the institute/Economic law professor)
