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在白酒经历了塑化剂风波之后,进口洋酒日前也卷入其中。据法国媒体报道,近期一些法国干邑白兰地因为酒中塑化剂含量严重超过了中国新出炉的塑化剂残留值方面的标准而被滞留深圳海关。至少有Camus(卡慕)、Frapin(法拉宾)、Remy Martin(人头马)三个法国干邑白兰地酒品牌产品,部分老干邑中塑化剂含量更超过每公斤30毫克。昨天,相关企业一致否认产品塑化剂超标,但对于货物 “滞留”海关的原因却说法不一。
After the plasticizer storm in liquor,Imported wine has also involved.According to French media reports,Recently because some French cognac wine plasticizer content in severe than the Chinese new plasticizer of residual value standard and was stranded in the customs in shenzhen.There are at least Camus(Card for)/Frapin(Method of rabin)/Remy Martin(Remy Martin)Three French cognac brandy brand products,Some old cognac plasticizer content in more than 30 mg per kg.yesterday,Related companies denied products plasticizer exceeds bid,But for the goods "stranded"But the cause of the customs are different accounts.
Experts say,Abroad detection threshold increases will directly affect the wine import business,More foreign wine sales and consumers concern about security.
Several times the plasticizer exceeds bid stranded in the customs
据法国《夏朗德日报》2月27日报道称,“就在春节期间,至少有三个品牌被中国海关发现不符合塑化剂限值新规定。据我们所知是Remy Martin(人头马),Camus(卡慕)和Frapin(法拉宾)。”根据中国检验检疫局发给进口贸易公司的关于蒸馏酒3类邻苯二甲酸盐允许最大残留值标准,DEHP为1.5 mg/kg,DINP为9.0mg/kg,DBP为0.3mg/kg,《夏朗德日报》报道称,一些干邑白兰地陈酿被检出邻苯二甲酸酯残留值可能超过 30mg/kg,“这批产品已超标数倍,被装箱滞留在深圳码头。”
According to the French[Sharan, daily]On February 27, according to the report,"During the Spring Festival,There are at least three brands from being discovered by the Chinese customs does not comply with the plasticizer limit the new rule.To the best of our knowledge is Remy Martin(Remy Martin),Camus(Card for)And Frapin(Method of rabin)."According to the China inspection and quarantine bureau to issue import trading company about phthalates distillation wine class 3 allows maximum residual value standard,DEHP is 1.5 Mg/kg,DINP is 9.0 Mg/kg,DBP is 0.3 Mg/kg,[Sharan, daily]Reports said,Some cognac brandy aging phthalate was detected residual values may be over 30 Mg/kg,"This batch of products has exceed the number of times,Be stuck using the terminal in shenzhen."
French sharan, local reports,Some of the problems the cognac was shenzhen customs to return to France.
Reporters call to shenzhen customs customer service telephone 075512360,The personnel of the service told reporters,They are not clear about it.
Three different levels but is rejected by big brands
The reporter learns from the aspects of remy Martin,The relevant person in charge of company is French on a business trip,At present, the company has opened a hotline for plasticizer doubt.Reporters to the hotline,Hotline staff is only responsible for the record,Don't answer.
人头马前天发表声明说,当地时间3月5日,《夏朗德日报》(Charente Libre)在其官方网站发表声明,针对其此前报道所引发的媒体不实报道及流言作出回应,称“这根本不是事实。干邑产品符合法国和欧盟的所有法规”。
Remy Martin said in a statement the day before yesterday,Local time on March 5,[Sharan, daily](Charente Libre)A statement on its official website,According to the previously reported by media of false reports and rumors to respond,According to"It's not the truth.The cognac products comply with all regulations of the French and the European Union".
Remy Martin emphasized,The company's all products comply with eu standards,And always strictly follow and conform to all of China's food safety laws and regulations,The newly proposed regulatory requirements including China's management department.
Card company public relations manager miss zhang denied that the product was returned to the reporter,But she admitted the goods stuck in customs.She said:"[Sharan, daily]Last month, 28, has hung a correct description in's official website,cognac products in our company is not at least plasticizer exceeds bid.In fact,Our products export to shenzhen customs,China has not started to implement the new rules,So at the start of the entry was prepared according to the provisions of the original,Due to new rules execution requires us to prepare customs declaration formalities of this led to were delayed.Our new materials are all hand made a now,Also hope to shenzhen customs to complete the examination and approval as soon as possible."But she stranded on the customs said the amount and type of goods"Don't know".
The day before yesterday,Card for a stated emphatically,The quality of cognac"There is no doubt about that".
We have learned,Method rabin cognac domestic importers for changyu pioneer corp. 's international wine industry.Changyu yesterday also responded:"Company has a strict quality control system,Company products not plasticizer overweight problems."
Stranded in the customs for goods,[Sharan, daily]Also to clarify,The incident was just an administrative process,Imports from China's government is launching new rules,Lead to clearance is longer than before.
Lack of standards is not only China
"Brandy is a kind of spirits,Alcohol content is higher,If in the process of production use plastic containers or pipes,Easier to have a plasticizer migration into the wine."Shanghai wine industry association secretary-general Wu Jianhua said,Before the alcoholic wine event,In China to import foreign wine testing standards without plasticizer in the project and standard,Cope with its strengthen inspection in the future.
"Liquor inside it should be said that there are residual plasticizer,But small amount will not harm people's health.As far as I know,At present is not only China,The rest of the world nor plasticizer alcohol residue limits standards,"Alcohol monopoly bureau deputy director of guangdong province Zhu Sixu told reporters,"and,Abroad they don't even check all liquor products detect plasticizer.I just went to Spain,Know when to communicate with the local wine industry managers,They are very concerned about China strengthen the regulation of alcohol plasticizer,In order to enter the Chinese market,They have to follow China's policy changes,But now only Switzerland has agencies in Europe to do the test."
Zhu Sixu think,Alcohol standard lack of plasticizer is a problem,But never is the issue of China alone.Since liquor plasticizer storm,Domestic wine plasticizer unprecedented attention,Now is the world's most heavily regulated.
A famous imported liquor staff revealed that Chinese trading company,On February 1st,Regulatory requirements distillation wine importer submitted about three kinds of phthalates(DEHP/DINP/DBP)Residual value of the third party test report,And need to submit report every batch.
据了解,虽然我国尚无针对烈性酒产品专门的塑化剂限制国标,但中国对食品及其容器的塑化剂残留却早就有限值要求。根据《食品容器、包装材料用添加剂使用卫生标准》(GB9685-2008)规定邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)最大残留量不能超过每公斤0.3毫克。此外,自中国台湾地区出现塑化剂事件后,中国卫生部2011年又签发了551号文件(《卫生部办公厅关于通报食品及食品添加剂中邻苯二甲酸酯类物质最大残留量的函》),规定塑化剂DEHP、 DINP、DBP在每公斤食品及食品添加剂中的最大残留量分别为1.5毫克、9.0毫克和0.3毫克。
We have learned,Although in China there is no special plasticizer for liquor products limited national standard,But China on plasticizer in food containers and residues would have limited value.According to the[Food containers/Packaging materials used additives hygiene standards](GB9685-2008)Provisions of phthalic acid dibutyl ester(DBP)Maximum residual amount can't more than 0.3 Mg/kg.In addition,Since China's Taiwan region in plasticizing agent after the event,China's ministry of health in 2011 and issued a document no. 551([General office of the ministry of health, reported on food and food additives in the phthalic acid esters material maximum residues]),Provisions of the plasticizer DEHP/ DINP/DBP in maximum residue in the food and food additives per kilogram of 1.5 mg respectively/9.0 mg and 0.3 mg.
Consumers to review foreign wine safe
Last year,,General administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine/, head of the ministry of health has revealed in an interview,Some imported wine trace amounts of plasticizer residue was detected,But not for further instructions.The personage inside course of study points out that,After imported wine quality problem rarely mentioned in the Chinese market,The famous cognac was exposed plasticizer exceeds bid badly,Hit the brand might not be exposed,The imported wine industry will be probably reconsider.
The city several traders said,At present in the sale of imported wines,There are legal customs import documents,Quality qualification.Vanguard has said,South China area market is longed for and two kinds of France remy Martin cognac in sales,Another practice rabin did not purchase.but,For sale including card longed for and imported wines such as remy Martin,Have the customs inspection report,So the CRC for sale and no this problem in these two kinds of wine.Officials said,Two manufacturers have cognac is explained,To enter the Chinese quality of the products are no problem,But in China resources are negotiating with factory,To provide a written statement.
Yesterday afternoon.,Reporter in zhuhai some supermarket found a remy Martin liquor monopoly area,Series of products are still in the normal sales,Its flagship product, remy Martin XO each costing 1498 yuan.Sales staff said it was not clear what plasticizer exceeds bid,"Our products are imported,There should be no problem."
Reporters found,In many consumer of wine plasticizer exceeds bid situation,Resident liu said,Had heard of imported food found to have problems,Excess wine appeared plasticizer scandal,It seems foreign things also can't rest assured.More consumers hope countries clear wine as soon as possible if there is a plasticizer exceeds bid,So that consumers buy at ease.
Wine in the near future sales will be affected
China is the world's second largest city(cognac)importer,According to market research firm euromonitor,In 2011, Chinese consumer cognac reached 25.5 million litres.
According to the statistics,French cognac brandy in the number of sold to the Chinese market more than 40 million bottles every year.China has become the largest market of French cognac brandy.
Due to the customs declaration formalities need to increase the plasticizer residual test report,While several European wine exporter does not yet have testing conditions,Zhu Sixu said,"Domestic import detection is strict on big trends,Imports of wine over a period of time will certainly be affected,And this range is very wide,May lead to some of the best-selling brand supplies are blocked."
Remy Martin has said,China's management department"The newly proposed regulatory requirements"Increased the complexity of the process of customs clearance.
卡慕方面昨天表示,卡慕对有关部门这一措施的宗旨是“欢迎的”,因为这一措施旨在使中国法规向现有欧洲标准――通常被认为是世界上最严厉的标准靠拢。 “目前,为了更迅速地提供新监管措施所需的相关检验证书,我们正努力调整我们的物流流程。”同时,对新监管措施可能引起的交货延迟表示歉意。
Card for said yesterday,Card for relevant departments is the aim of this measure"Welcome to the",Because the measures aimed at making China laws and regulations to the existing European standards - are generally considered to be the world's most stringent standards. "At present,In order to more quickly provide new regulatory measures to the relevant inspection certificate required,We are trying to adjust our logistics process."At the same time,For new regulation may cause delay in delivery of the apology.
Guangzhou old enterprise of guangzhou alcohol, tobacco, sugar chain co., LTD. According to the relevant person in charge of the male years ago,Since last year,Wine sales growth is obvious,hennessy/Martell cognac on behalf of the brand products such as occurrence break goods phenomenon.Affected by the New Deal,If the import of these drinks extended cycle,Will directly increase the outages of the market,Loss of both share.
Sharan, according to a newspaper,Event triggered the French cognac industry concern about the Chinese market sales situation.
Wine industry insiders told reporters,According to a recent remy Martin China regional dealer meeting,Were hit three Chinese consumption/Factors such as the economy is weak,During the Spring Festival sales situation is not satisfactory.And get caught up in the drink may have quality hidden trouble,Is definitely icing on the cake.
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