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To better solve contract disputes arising from the enterprise in international trade activities,Shenyang branch of ccpit decided to set up"Shenyang international trade arbitration commission the arbitration tribunal".yesterday,Arbitration tribunal in shenyang ccpit legal affairs office was officially to provide services for the enterprise.Reporter in shenyang ccpit legal affairs oblong following the abundant led everywhere,Visit the ccpit in shenyang, located in the 4th floor"International trade arbitration tribunal".
Don't have to detour in Beijing to apply for arbitration
Fang Jifeng told reporters,International trade arbitration is a part of the business trade legal affairs,Is shenyang resident agencies of the arbitration commission.Shenyang arbitration commission was established in 1997,Mainly responsible for the domestic real estate/Consumer arbitration cases, etc.after,Shenyang enterprise if contract disputes in international trade,Need to go to Beijing to apply for arbitration,Enterprise's cost and time consumption will increase.To better solve the shenyang enterprise contract disputes in international trade activities,Reduce the time of the enterprise applying for arbitration/Energy and cost,In shenyang, shenyang municipal ccpit to small and medium business administration application,Approved to set up"Shenyang international trade tribunal".
An arbitrator is retired judges, lawyers, etc
Fang Jifeng introduction,Divided into three of the arbitration tribunal and the arbitration tribunal independent arbitration tribunal.In accordance with the relevant provisions,Shenyang international trade arbitration commission the arbitration tribunal arbitrator by experts proficient in international trade law and other relevant laws/Professor of high social reputation and influence/Has for many years engaged in liaoning retired Supreme Court judge and judge of the work of famous lawyers, etc,The arbitrator must reasonable decent,Good character.
The parties may choose the arbitrator,If the parties do not choose,Is designated by the chairman of the arbitration commission.
Mainly accept enterprise foreign trade cases
International trade arbitration tribunal can be accepted by the state-owned enterprises/State-owned holding enterprises/Private enterprises/Enterprises with foreign investment/Foreign trade enterprise/Sino-foreign equity joint ventures and sino-foreign cooperative enterprises of arbitration cases.
When it comes to disputes can be accepted by type,Fang Jifeng told reporters:"International trade tribunal mainly aimed at the international trade business,Such as an enterprise with foreign company in shenyang occurrence dispute in international trade activities,Can go to the international trade for arbitration. The arbitration tribunal."
The reporter understands,Anyone in the business of international trade caused by the contract or in connection with the contract dispute,The arbitration tribunal can be submitted to the international trade.But must have an arbitration clause in the contract.For this,Fang Jifeng stressed:"If not shown this in terms of the contract in advance,After both sides reach an agreement,In supplementary to add arbitration clause in the contract or in the supplementary agreement,Arbitration is also acceptable.Points in advance and afterwards two ways,But must have an arbitration clause in the contract,If you don't have the terms of the contract,The arbitration is not acceptable."
"A ruling"High cost and low efficiency
Fang Jifeng said,The decision of the arbitration tribunal is different from international trade court,After the trial court may file an appeal,The arbitration award of the arbitration tribunal is international trade"A ruling"system,Binding on both parties,Not allowed to appeal."A ruling"The biggest advantage is a way to resolve the dispute by arbitration.It is more efficient/A lower cost."Not only that,By the arbitration tribunal ruling good secrecy,Is not made public.After the arbitration,Only the arbitrators and the parties know."Fang Jifeng told reporters.
Advice when sign the contract indicate the arbitration clause
In order to better use arbitration this way,Help enterprises to better resolve disputes in the import and export trade,Shenyang international trade arbitration commission the arbitration tribunal,When the import and export enterprises in the import and export business contract signed,Clearly marked in English and Chinese arbitration clause in the contract,As far as possible to the arbitration as a way to settle the dispute,And specify the shenyang arbitration committee for arbitration,To reduce the risk of the import and export trade enterprises,Reduce the cost of dispute resolution.
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