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美国总统奥巴马周二表示, 美国正在“顺利迈向”在2014年年底将出口额翻倍的目标,这个目标的实现也将伴随着与亚洲和欧洲之间新贸易协定的达成。
U.S. President barack Obama said on Tuesday, The United States is"To smoothly"At the end of 2014 to double exports,Will also be with to achieve the goal of the new trade agreement between Asia and Europe.
President barack Obama is meeting with export industry advisory committee, many business leaders when the forecast is put forward.He said,Representative of the United States and the European Union reach a transatlantic agreement"Has a quite optimistic".Obama pointed out that,"Compared to the past,They reached an agreement on the need to be more robust",Eu countries are seeking to restart economic growth.Mr Obama said,"There will be more countries impose more pressure"Required to reach a agreement,And will give up the past agricultural protection clause has hindered the deal.
Obama created in March 2010, the advisory committee,And established in 2014 at the end of the year will be the United States exports of $2009 in 1.57 trillion compared to double to around $3.14 trillion goal.Obama pointed out that,Achieving this goal will be able to provide support for an additional 2 million jobs.
Mr Obama will be the focus of the trade for a second term.He received the 2011 congress of the United States and South Korea/Approved by the free trade agreement between Colombia and panama.These agreements as soon as the bush administration's negotiating and signing.
Obama also pointed out,In agricultural products in 2012,Progress on manufacturing and export of high-tech products are helpful to finally achieve this goal,And the progress is not just limited to large companies,"Small businesses will greatly benefit from this process."
根据这个出口顾问委员会周二提交的报告,美国已经实现了在2014年出口额翻倍这个目标的“47%到50%”。波音公司首席执行官吉姆迈克纳尼(Jim McNerney)是这个委员会的主席,施乐公司首席执行官厄苏拉伯恩斯(Ursula Burns)是委员会的副主席。
According to the export advisory committee report on Tuesday,America has achieved in 2014 export volume doubled this goal"47% to 50%".Boeing chief executive Jim McNerney(Jim McNerney)Is the chairman of the committee,Xerox chief executive officer Ursula burns(Ursula Burns)Is the vice chairman of the committee.
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