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Vitamin C 80% market share of Chinese products in the United States,Will once again came under pressure from the antitrust litigation,It is estimated that in the worst case is three times the damages.
According to bloomberg,A jury in federal court in brooklyn, New York will begin in 15 to discuss.On behalf of the American food supply by firms and manufacturers of vitamin C's lawyer, 14, said in a civil lawsuit,Vitamin C China manufacturers to raise prices.The plaintiff's lawsuit for a stand still,The vitamin C antitrust case began seven years ago,The Commerce Department said on this matter as early as 2006"Very interested in".Some U.S. companies accused China of several vitamins maker controlled by began in December 2001 the conspiracy to export to the United States and around the world price of vitamin C and quantity,Violated antitrust laws in the United States.But the Chinese company is not really in the face of court,Because the court dismissed the vitamin C antitrust litigation the plaintiff claims all of the company.Court ruled that the plaintiff the exercise of jurisdiction over the company's lack of legal basis,So a motion to dismiss the plaintiff approving them.The court is likely to accept and trial.But the company attorney, "luo said,This will be the first Chinese companies in the United States antitrust litigation.China pharmaceutical group,North China pharmaceutical companies are on the defendant.
The case for long,First the case where the judge had died in 2011.Now is in charge of the trial is the magistrate KeGen brooklyn, New York.The prosecution in Texas"Animal science products"Food companies and New Jersey, company"Pull the loch"Just filed a lawsuit in 2005,According to Chinese companies to manipulate prices by reducing the supply.The plaintiff said Chinese companies manipulating prices,That makes vitamin C increased from $2.5 / kg to $15.
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