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中国社科院昨日发布的 “2013年《经济蓝皮书》”指出,总体来看,2013年全球经济发展环境将有所改善,弱势增长的态势将转为温和复苏。
The Chinese academy of social sciences released yesterday "In 2013,[Economic blue book]"Pointed out that,In general,In 2013 the global economy development environment will be improved,Weak growth trend will be to a modest recovery.
Considering the factors,Is expected in 2013 China's total import and export will reach about $4.315 trillion,Up 11.6% from a year earlier.Among them,Total exports about $2.295 trillion,Growth of 12%;Total imports of about $2.02 trillion,Growth of 11%;The trade surplus of about $275 billion,Range is still in the balance.
蓝皮书指出,2012年,全球经济整体低迷中出现增速分化。美国经济表现出一定韧性,经历了短暂低迷、欧债危机及“财政悬崖”冲击后,仍保持复苏态势。欧洲经济则节节走低,整体陷入衰退。日本经济在短暂复苏后再次失速。新兴市场经济也有所动荡、下滑。2013年初以来,全球主要经济体通胀总体平稳,略有下降。各国普遍处于危机后的调整期,经济增长动力不足,物价水平还在下行趋势。目前国际大宗商品价格持续下跌,预计未来1~2个季度,将呈现温和状态。考虑到全球经济弱势复苏至下半年将趋于稳定温和,下半年全球物价有可能止跌,逐步出现回升态势。2013年我国经济增长将快于2012年,进口需求也会有所增加,但同样达不到以往高速增长的水平。随着我国加快调整经济结构、转变经济发展模式,我国经济将更多地依靠内需拉动,外贸依存度或将进一步降低。(记者常红 实习生董雪飞)
Blue book pointed out that,In 2012,,The overall downturn in the global economy growth differentiation.America's economy showed a certain toughness,Experienced a brief downturn/The European debt crisis and"The fiscal cliff"After the impact,Remain the recovery.Europe's economy is lower,As a whole into recession.The Japanese economy after a brief recovery stalling again.Emerging market economies have unrest/Decline in.Since the beginning of 2013,The world's major economies overall inflation stable,Slightly down.Widespread in the post-crisis period,Economic growth momentum,Price level downward trend.At present the international commodity prices continue to fall,In the next 1 ~ 2 quarters,The moderate state.Considering the weak global economic recovery to moderate will stabilize in the second half year,In the second half of the global commodity prices may decline,Gradually picked up momentum.China's economic growth will be faster than the 2013 to 2012,Import demand will also increase,But the same high growth level amounted to less than ever before.Along with our country speed up the adjustment of economic structure/Transformation of the mode of economic development,The economy in China will be relying more on domestic demand,Or will further reduce foreign trade dependency.(The reporter Chang Gong Interns Dong Xuefei)
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