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海南建省办经济特区Over the past 25 years,Present leap development of foreign trade,Foreign economic and trade growth 48 times,The commodity structure of foreign trade/Operators are fundamental changes have taken place,An omni-directional and diversified import and export market structure.
据海口海关统计,Hainan gross import and export of foreign trade of $290 million in 1987,In 2012 to $14.33 billion,48 times higher than in 1987,Average annual growth of 16.8%,Faster than during the same period growth of the country.Among them,Exports grew by an average of 14.1% a year,Imports grew by an average of 18% a year.
据海口海关相关负责人介绍,Over the past 25 years,The commodity structure of foreign trade in hainan/Operators are fundamental changes have taken place.Early province special economic,Hainan imports of foreign trade in home appliances/car/Motorcycle and other domestic shortage of industrial products,Exports are mainly silicon ferromanganese/pepper/Shoes and other primary products and textile products.now,Hainan imports of foreign trade in crude oil/coal/Aircraft and resource commodities such as high-tech products,Tilapia and their products/chrysanthemum/Agricultural exports lead the national coffee etc characteristics,High-tech products export proportion from scratch and constantly expanding.At the same time,Foreign trade operators are also booming,Changed the original pattern of mainly state-owned enterprises,Now foreign investment enterprises/Private enterprises of foreign trade scale has been far more than state-owned enterprises.
1988年4月,Hainan formal restructuring for the province and was designated as a special economic zone.According to introducing,Early province special economic,Hainan foreign trade partners, only a handful of countries and regions,At present has grown to 160 countries and regions,An omni-directional and diversified import and export market structure.The European Union/The United States/The association of southeast Asian nations (asean)/Japan/In Hong Kong/Africa/Middle East became a major trading partner.In 2002,,In Hong Kong/The European Union/Japan/The United States and so on four big export markets exports account for 73.7%.By the year 2012,The above four dependent on traditional market dropped to 60.8%,The association of south-east Asian nations (asean)/Africa/Rapid growth of exports to emerging markets such as the Middle East,Share up to 22.3%.
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