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近年来,Whether it's domestic or imported milk powder milk powder,Negative news is emerge in endlessly,In order to their children's safety,Some parents in the choose and buy hesitate between domestic milk powder or imported milk powder,In order to eliminate some parents concerns,The morning of May 2nd,Reporter made a special trip to visit the city more than infant formula brand shop.
婴幼儿辅食汞超标,Relevant brand milk powder in question
近日有关"Bei because of beauty"/"heinz"/"Xu bell"品牌的23份以深海鱼类为主要原料的婴幼儿辅食被发现汞含量超标的新闻被各家媒体爆出after,Has received the attention immediately.2, on the morning of reporters in JunShan address found in supermarkets,Milk powder zone only several supermarket staff on this job,The large shop in.Reporter observed a period of time in front of the shop,Found during this time, though I have the customer to choose milk powder,But also to buy little q more.When a reporter asked whether the supermarket within the available by the involved related products,Sales staff said,Problem batches of the product is not for sale in the supermarket.When asked why the supermarket sales staff infant formula counters when few customers,Sales staff said,自从爆出婴幼儿辅食有问题after,Not only related to the brand of milk powder has been left out,Some of the domestic milk powder more recently few takers.
"Although exposure assist food contains milk powder products not clear problem,But milk is really not be included or temporarily didn't monitor out,Had better be careful."A child in her arms to the new supermarket mother ms hou said.
国产奶粉再次面临考验,At this time,"dads""The nurse"Are impatient.Not long ago,New Zealand milk powder containing melamine/"The element beautiful son"Change the adulterated...The milk powder of negative news is also common occurance,How to choose,Became a"dads""The nurse"Facing a big problem.recently,The reporter learns from the related department,From the 1st of this month,The import of foreign milk powder threshold is increased,Foreign milk powder part of the implementation of the new standard again to woo consumers' hearts.
为了解除一些家长的顾虑,The new rules are put forward,Need to do to destroy or return processing unqualified imported dairy products,进口商完成处理after,Want to be in 5 working days the situation report to the inspection and quarantine organ,Prevent unqualified milk is mixed 2 times to market.At the same time,Import milk dealers want released to the public the dairy category/Of origin/The information such as brand,Record the entry inspection and quarantine of imported milk products certificate number/The name of the/Production date or batch number/Shelf life, etc.,Record keeping is not less than 2 years.In addition,When exporting to China dairy country region may affect the dairy safety of animal disease and other major food safety incidents,Quality supervision, inspection and quarantine issued a risk early warning,Again according to the epidemic/Food safety disposal,评估after调整或解除控制措施.
洋奶粉新监管政策的实施,Let some swing between domestic milk powder with imported milk powder infant parents determination again."Believe that these imported milk powder's regulatory policy implementation,Imported milk powder's quality should be able to get protection,Relative to the domestic milk powder,If the milk powder of regulation in place,I will choose to give children buy imported milk powder,The price is ok,The most important thing is that the quality is good."Is liberation road, a large supermarket to buy milk powder for children liu said.
国产VS进口,Comprehensive nutrition is the most important
"We always give the child to drink dumex,Children born to drink dumex is in a hospital,But everybody said the imported milk powder more comprehensive nutrition,So I haven't considered domestic,after来又因为三聚氰胺的事,Is particularly glad to choose imported milk powder.If the domestic good,Why melamine,Domestic brands of milk powder have failed to escape,Without imports.Not we don't want to support the Chinese,But domestic too not let us rest assured."To choose domestic milk powder is good for children,Import milk powder is better,City near the infant milk powder stores within the research and a is the choose and buy milk powder for children chan published their views.
"As for the quality of the product,The milk powder is much better than domestic milk powder,But in terms of formulation,I personally think that domestic milk powder is suitable for people's physical fitness,My baby I like to drink domestic milk powder,Imported milk powder drink is angry."JHF way within a infant milk powder brand shop is for baby milk powder of choose and buy ms xu said,"But my subconscious did not agree with the price expensive is good milk powder,Instead some of the prices are relatively economical domestic milk powder packing box on the back of the additives are much less than the imported milk powder."
对于该给宝宝选购国产奶粉好,还是进口奶粉好的问题,2日上午,记者咨询了我市高级营养师黄静老师,就此问题黄老师给出了我们几点建议。首先,为孩子选购一款好的奶粉,并不在于价格是否昂贵,奶源是否进口,主要还是得针对孩子的体质来选择,如果家长能母乳喂养还是最好的选择。其次,家长在为孩子选购奶粉的时候一定要看清奶粉的包装盒或包装袋甚至是包装桶背面标注的添加剂成分,最好为孩子选购一款少添加甚至零添加的奶粉。黄老师还特别强调,国产奶粉和进口奶粉无比较可言,作为家长,为孩子选购一款营养全面的好奶粉才是最重要的。 (记者 董艳 特约记者 寇光)
对于该给宝宝选购国产奶粉好,Good question or imported milk powder,2 in the morning,The reporter consulted senior nutritionists city huang teacher,On the issue yellow teacher gives us some Suggestions.First of all,For children to choose a good milk powder,Is not that price is expensive,Whether milk imports,Mainly aimed at children's physique to choose,If parents can breastfeeding is the best choice.The second,Parents in the choose and buy milk powder for children must see milk boxes or bags or even packaging barrels of additive composition label on the back,Best for the child to choose a little add even zero added to milk powder.Miss huang is also emphasized,China imported milk powder and milk powder with no more,As a parent,All the nutrition for children to choose a good milk powder is the most important thing. (reporter Dong Yan stringer KouGuang)
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