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网易机构预测指数第十四期对CPI/The credit/Such as import and export data,April CPI recovered slightly according to the survey,Or 2.3%;Producer prices continue to fall,Positive point or delayed to the third quarter;New loans dropped sharply in March,M2 growth and flat in March;Export and import fluctuation is not big.
调查显示,April exports year-on-year growth forecast of 11.4%,Minimum value is 5.9%,A maximum of 27.4%.March forecast slightly higher than the ministry of commerce released by 10.0%.
欧美复苏势头仍不稳定,Various uncertainties continue impact in Europe and the weak economic fundamentals.April PMI's new export orders fell to below 50,Expected future exports continue to face high pressure,Degree of Europe and the United States economic recovery is still the main factors influencing the export.
Guotai junan认为3月出口额达1822亿美元,At a high level,1 quarter, exports increased by 18.4%,Earlier than expected.Is expected in 2013 China's export recovery trend is continuing,Exports rose 5.9% in April.
招商证券认为今年外围环境好于去年,The U.S. economy continues to recovery,Europe tends to be stable gradually,Situation in Cyprus relatively controllable,But need to pay attention to the competitive devaluations impact on exports of our country.Considering the disturbance arbitrage funds,Along with the relevant departments to strengthen supervision,Export growth in the future will gradually back to more normal levels.
从今年广交会的参会厂商和新订单增长统计数据看,Although the eu market of new orders growth remains sluggish,But demand for exports from the us market is much better than last year,And export demand is derived from Latin America and other emerging markets is strong.Overall estimated,Since the second quarter, the U.S. economic recovery will continue,China's foreign trade development is facing at home and abroad environment also improved than last year,But restricting factors is very complicated,Challenges and pressure still bigger.If the external environment not happen big changes,2013 China import and export will continue steady growth,Growth is expected to be slightly higher than the previous year,But dramatic recovery is unlikely.
调查显示,April imports year-on-year growth forecast of 12.5%,Minimum value is 6%,A maximum of 18.1%.Forecast the growth rate of less than 14.1% of the march bureau.
国内经济复苏仍然较弱,Although economic bottom,But take the initiative to fill inventory does not appear all the time,Import growth will not be substantial fluctuations.
二季度是企业传统的开工旺季叠加去年同期的低基数效应,Drive continued growth of April year-on-year growth in imports.At the same time considering the import of new and high technology products in the first quarter this year compared with 27% of the growth in over our heads,Environment, plus the RMB continue to appreciate in the near future,Does not exclude foreign capital will be by means of import payment in RMB in the domestic money left at home,Is expected in April"Small in size/Light in weight/价值高的electronic和高新技术产品"Imports will continue to increase over our heads,And then pushing the whole April imports growth continue to stabilize at double-digit levels high.
至于未来的进口走势,Bank of communications that,As the main body of micro enterprise import demand grows,And domestic investment in fixed assets accumulated compared to continue to rebound,In the next few months China's import demand will remain high growth.At the same time,Under the impetus of the national foreign trade rebalancing strategy,The government will further perfect the import policy in the future,Expanding energy resources/Advanced technology and equipment/The import of key components and there's a demand of consumer goods in the domestic,To promote foreign trade balance development.In addition,The dollar slightly strong drives international commodity price shocks down the backdrop,The future imports increase possible quantity price flat pattern.Overall annual import year-on-year growth is expected to about 10%.
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