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"compliance"The apparent characteristics of trade barriers 


美国对华发起贸易摩擦所采用的手段日益呈现多样化特征.Since joining the WTO,Our country has been the biggest victims of sino-us trade friction.After the outbreak of the financial crisis,The domestic economy,For reasons of maintaining domestic political and economic stability,Not only in China were hit by the United States"compliance"Barriers to trade,And again the concentration time filed anti-dumping investigation against our country/A variety of"compliance"New features such as trade barriers used at the same time,Make the beauty trade situation in our country is becoming very serious.Mainly for the United States antidumping against China/countervailing/Safeguard measures in.At the same time,Barriers to suffer product range has expanded from traditional products to high value-added products,Technical measures to trade losses increase year by year.In addition,The WTO allows the proper protection,Also became the American trade protectionism"legal"The survival of the soil,Was used as a legal basis for trade protection,Many brand"compliance"In the implementation of the measures of the hidden deep is not reasonable. 


到At present为止,Anti-dumping is still the sino-us trade friction main forms,Safeguard measures(Especially the special safeguard measures)/"Section 337"Investigation and technical measures to trade has become America's China adopts a new means of trade protection.In addition to the traditional"LiangFan a bartender"Such as the WTO allows the use of trade relief measures,The United States and from got the 12 years in China's accession to the WTO agreement"Safeguard measures"/For 15 years"Non-market economy status"/Eight years of"Textile restrictions",And a decade of WTO multilateral trade policy review mechanism.Along with the traditional trade protection function decline,New compliance trade barriers gradually being abused by the American government.A few years ago the United States to China paraffin wax candles/Loose-leaf ring/Steel pipe fittings and other products for launch anti-circumvention investigation;Also vitamin C in China/Magnesia and magnesium products mentioned that antitrust litigation,This is the first time in the history of our country antitrust litigation.In addition,The United States as the world science and technology powerhouse,It's up to more than 50000 all kinds of technical standard.With the increase of Chinese export products to the us,More covert and flexible technical trade measures will undoubtedly become a routine method in the United States restrict imports of Chinese products. 




美国紧盯中国加入WTO承诺不放松,In a variety of ways to supervise the condition of the agreement for China,And use a variety of government and non-government report put pressure on China.About China and the United States"Consumer market economy status"Problem is that in recent years, the United States anti-dumping cases has increased dramatically,Since the accession to the WTO,The United States frequently cited[China's wto accession protocol]Article 15"Determine the subsidy and dumping price comparability"In the"Non-market economy terms",Make it replace the eu anti-dumping on China's first power.In addition,In order to supervise the implementation of China's wto accession commitments,The United States has formed by the government/enterprise/Congress of multi-level supervision mechanism,Trade with China/investment/Export controls/Human rights/The law/Religious policy and a series of problems to blame.In fact,,Through trade in goods to the United States/Trade in services/Trade-related intellectual property rights, and other fields were analyzed,There are a lot of nominal meet or don't violate WTO rules,But in essence is to protect the United States related industries and market abuse a series of barriers to trade,including:The anti-dumping/countervailing/Safeguard measures and technical measures to trade/"Green barriers". 


美国滥用"compliance"Barriers to trade is, in fact, the inevitable result of industry competition in China and the United States.By the U.S. government to more than $800 in investment,Provide 460000 jobs for the people,In order to gradually implement the that year[Country export promotion plan].The program's goal is to double U.S. exports in five years,The addition of 2 million jobs.At present,The U.S. unemployment rate remains at historically high levels,Slow the recovery process,The government's plan to boost U.S. exports.The implementation of the plan is known as an important means"To accelerate the construction of free and fair access to world markets".In the previous"Currency wars"Failed to succeed,The United States and with the aid of seems to impose high anti-dumping duties, etc"compliance"Means of trade friction strategy would be logical. 




多年来,Our country pursues"Export first"The foreign trade strategy,Lead to deteriorating terms of trade,The government financial burden is rising.The current,China should shift the focus of the attention from the trade surplus and trade volume to trade balance and productivity,Gradually change the way of export growth,To encourage/To promote and guide the enterprise independent innovation,Our export products of technology to upgrade as soon as possible.With the deepening of the economic transactions between China and the United States,Many U.S. companies invest and set up their own factories in China,Should be in a favourable conditions in our country,Draw lessons from American companies advanced production technology and experience,For technical innovation,So as to improve the technical level of China's enterprises,Increase the technical content of foreign trade products.In the long run,China needs through the transformation of economic growth and industrial structure adjustment,Change the investment/consumption/Export the three pattern.Market and the ability to increase domestic consumption,Play the role of consumption economy,Less dependent on exports to the United States. 


In addition,Our country should reasonable overall domestic development and economic and trade relations with the us,Want to foster a sense of global strategy at the same time,Adhere to the development of comprehensive economic and trade cooperation with the United States,Comprehensive construction of a harmonious china-us economic and trade relations,For the sustainable and healthy development of economy in our country, to create a good economic environment. 


(Author unit oceanian affairs department of the ministry of commerce institute of research) 






4月8日,The ministry of commerce announced in China since the accession to the wto in our country about the trade friction.According to data,With the continuous expansion of exports,In China into a trading powers at the same time,Has become the world's one of the countries suffering most from trade remedy investigations. 


据商务部统计,From 2002 to 2012,China encountered anti-dumping/countervailing/Safeguard measures and other forms of trade remedy investigations since 842,The amount of $73.6 billion.At the same time,Chinese products by us"Section 337"Survey, a total of 130 cases.In 2012,,China suffered 21 countries of trade remedy investigations since 77,The amount of $27.7 billion,Year-on-year growth of 11.6% and 11.6% respectively.Only the European Union to China pv products"Double inverse"survey,The amount is $20.4 billion. 


"Increased trade friction is China to become the world's second-largest economy and trade powers associated phenomena,Has certain inevitability,成因较为complicated."The ministry of commerce bureau of fair trade commissioner said peace song.Since the international financial crisis,Weakening demand in the global market,Major in economic growth in developed countries,Internal contradictions,Result in protectionism.Market diversification patterns in the current China's export products has been,But the market balanced layout is still not enough,Some products of excessive dependence on the international market,Some enterprise still to be specification,Also become the cause of trade friction. 


今年一季度,Our country launched in 12 countries and regions trade remedy investigations to 22,Up 22.2% from a year earlier.Song think peace,今年中国enterprise面临的贸易摩擦形势仍很complicated/Is not optimistic,Should not only pay close attention to/Actively respond to,Also want to be common in mind. 


商务部新闻发言人姚坚表示,The Chinese government opposed to all forms of protectionism,Under the wto mechanism,To solve trade disputes through dialogue and consultations to properly.In addition,The Chinese government will continue to promote the establishment of a more fair and reasonable trade order,And will be fully using the wto rules,Resolutely safeguard the interests of Chinese enterprises. 


据了解,In recent years,The ministry of commerce building"Four segments linkage"The working mechanisms of,Actively respond to trade frictions.Mainly including strengthening trade friction early warning/Trade remedy knowledge popularization;To strengthen overall coordination,Using political bargaining/Legal defense/The industry cooperation/A variety of measures such as public opinion guide to do a good job of major cases to deal with;Efforts to maintain and stability between developing countries/Predictable trade environment,To oppose trade friction spread to developing countries, etc. 


宋和平指出,The ministry of commerce to use legal defense/The industry cooperation and other measures,To respond effectively to the U.S. tire safeguard case/The data card, etc. A large number of wide scope of influence of major cases,In response to the cold-rolled stainless steel sheet and galvanized sheet anti-dumping cases and other cases more resounding victory,Protecting the export market share. 


经过10年来对世贸组织争端解决机制的积极参与,China has formed the one whole set to participate in the wto dispute settlement mechanism of case,Enhanced's ability to participate in the wto dispute settlement mechanism.And started to use international rules,On the domestic market to unfair trade import products trade remedy investigation measures,Maintaining domestic industry security.By the end of last year,China has launched anti-dumping investigations since 203/Six cases of countervailing investigation/Safeguard measures 1. 




The current在倡导贸易自由化的国际大背景下,Both countries spare no effort to develop domestic related industries,American industry was rapid rise of the industry in China brought the huge pressure of competition.History of America's main trading partners,Such as the European Union and Japan,Has been influenced by"compliance"Barriers to trade,Have a pain.Can foresee,The United States if abuse"compliance"Barriers to trade,The beginning danger is the damage to china-us economic and trade relations,The danger is that the unilateral,This kind of unilateral with existing multilateral dispute settlement mechanism of WTO is conflict,At the same time the danger is that if other countries follow suit in the United States,Is likely to weaken the competitiveness of Chinese products.
