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China's import and export data are sharply again in April is higher than market expectations,With exports up 14.7% from a year earlier,Imports grew by 16.8% year on year.This data was questioned again,So before the export data in March,The market is generally accepted that,这是某些企业套取退税及境外资金躲避资本tube制,And through trade channels to the results,The government's recent series of policy is to respond to these trade speculation phenomenon.
Just before the trade figures released in April,外tube局不仅收紧了金融机构的外汇综合头寸下限,Also requires to strengthen the examination of abnormal capital inflows.According to a notice,Will have on the cash flow and goods flow warning serious don't match the import and export enterprises.The battle of foreign exchange arbitrage,Designed to ease the capital inflow pressure from the appreciation of the renminbi.
To attract capital inflows,Mainly is the continued appreciation in the yuan.Considering that the United States/Such as Japan slashed the loose monetary policy,The euro zone/Australia cut interest rates again,International capital flows into China can be double risk-free arbitrage interest rate and exchange rate.Since mid-february,The yuan has gained 1.44% against the dollar,At the same time,The first 3 months of the year,Foreign exchange has increased by 1.2 trillion yuan,More than 2.5 times that of last year increment,But the total new trade surplus and foreign direct investment is only 460 billion yuan,Accounts for only about 38% of new foreign exchange.
It is necessary to reflect on the RMB exchange rate appreciation policy,The results of this policy,First is the export enterprises suffered both appreciation and wage increase,Especially with the yen had a great influence on China's exports;The second,Is to attract international capital inflows,To strengthen the liquidity in China,Push inflation and asset bubbles.Both of these trends pose a threat to China's economic stability.
In that case,Why is keeping the yuan strong,Through the middle price continuously raise the yuan's exchange rate?Another way is to push the internationalisation of the renminbi,but,On national economy became more risk and the pursuit of long-term goals is lack of logic.so,One view,The main purpose of keeping the yuan strong,Is to maintain the stability of renminbi assets.
In 2012,,China has been keeping"The double surplus of balance of payment"The situation has been broken,Depreciation of the asset prices under huge pressure,If this cause the outflow of capital on the trend,Can form a trend of conformity,Thus a fatal blow to asset prices.Considering the high leverage, the Chinese government and enterprises,Asset depreciation is bound to cause the debt crisis and the financial bad debts,And thus dampen demand,Banks reluctant to lend,This credit chain reaction will make China faced the crisis of the depression type.
so,Asset price stability is a prerequisite for China's economic stability and transformation,Asset depreciation as open Pandora's box,Fragile economic structure will be suffering from a deadly blow because of the deterioration of market expectations.but,Given China's housing prices have signs appear bubbles,Can not drop,Also not allowed to continue to rise,The best thing to do is freeze,To purchase and the fiscal and taxation policies to crack down on speculative demand,At the same time,Give support in terms of liquidity.
If China were to appear the situation of double deficit,Foreign exchange brought by ample liquidity will reverse the passive contraction,Obviously not conducive to stable asset prices.Especially when tight passive direct implementation of loose monetary policy,Might be a debt out of control,Asset price bubbles.so,Stable sub-optimal choice is stable with a stronger yuan assets.
but,In its current form,A stronger yuan policy although can temporarily to prevent capital outflows,Has attracted a large number of speculative capital inflows.It is understood,The central bank could resume open market operations,Hedge against the influence of the continuous growth of foreign exchange.Chinese financial policy to raise interest rates or rates in a quandary,Only into the pool.In the light of the real economy vulnerable,China's monetary policy dao space of the paste is more and more small,clearly,China it is not necessary in order to get a fragile stability,Continue to build in more resources.
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