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今年1月1日起正式实施的[The general principles of the prepackaged food nutrition labels],Is the first national food nutrition labeling standards in our country,Belong to the enforcement of the standards.For more than four months of implementation,How is the effect?The recent,半月谈 journalists visited several supermarkets in Shanghai/stores/Convenience stores and found,A lot of food nutrition label is not specification,Even without a mark.Consumers to nutrition labels often don't look at or see don't understand.
进口食品成标注不规范"Hardest hit"
尽管自认为挺关注健康和食品安全的,上海白领李阳In the选择预包装食品时,The focus is the production date and shelf life,"Sometimes look at the ingredients list,Know a lot of food on the back of a‘Small squares’,But has never been studied."
李阳所提到的这个"Small squares",Is called the nutritional information.From January 1 this year,Pre-packaged food must be provided directly to consumers with nutrition table to go on sale.
国家风险评估In the心标准三部副主任韩军花指出,Food nutrition is very important to guarantee the residents health,The implementation of the general principles of the nutrition for the first time into the overall food safety to manage in the layout.
预包装食品,是指预先定量包装或者制作In the包装材料和容器In the,Provide food directly to consumers,For example, we usually buy prepackaged cookies/drinks/Frozen dumplings/Potato chips/Soy sauce, etc..According to the general principles of the provisions,Pre-packaged food packaging must be labeled with the energy and protein on the label/fat/carbohydrates/Sodium content value of the four core nutrients and accounts for the percentage nutrient reference value,Not labeled with the product will be not allowed to enter the market sales.
半月谈reporter调查发现,市面上In the售的预包装食品,Mostly on the nutrition label on packing bag,But there are also part of the imported food labeling nutrition labels as required.According to the general principles of the,进口食品的营养标签应使用In the文.但In the位于长宁区的一家进口食品店内,A lot on food packaging use foreign nourishment composition table,没有用In the文标注营养成分表.
"Nutrient reference feet"Residents see don't understand,Food nutrition knowledge three pitfalls
In the专家眼里,Food nutrition label is like a hand"Nutrient reference feet",Mandatory production enterprises not only clearly marked nutritional information,Difficult to cheat,也让消费者能更好地了解食品In the主要营养成分的含量,In order to vary from person to person of choose and buy products.Though currently most prepackaged foods has been expressly nutrients,But many customers don't even look at, or don't understand.According to expert introduction,目前人们In the食品消费In the还存In the三大误区.
误区一:Zero trans fat labeling of food is healthy food.
对不少关心饮食健康的消费者来说,Trans fatty acids is almost"sin".Studies have shown that,Trans fatty acids increase intake harmful to the health of cholesterol,Increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes,而反式fat酸主要存In the于氢化油脂之In the.General principles of the requirements,食品原料In the如果有以人造奶油/shortening/On behalf of the cocoa butter and other with hydrogenated oil as the main raw material products,Should be identified trans fatty acid content.
家住闵行区的退休老人吴亚红自从看过一起讲述反式fat酸对人体危害的电视节目后,In the选购面包/The food such as biscuits stay a mind's eye,Preferred labeling"Zero trans fats"The food.
reporter调查发现,There are a lot of this mental products catering to consumers.Such as some potato chips/cookies/蛋糕In the营养成分表的反式fat酸一栏上都标上了"0 g",Some even marked on the package"Zero trans fats"With the words such as.
In the国农业大学食品学院营养与食品安全系副教授Fan Zhigong introduction,Trans fatty acids is not conducive to human health,But do not contain trans fatty acids in the food that is healthy food."Even if no trans fatty acids,Too much fat/sugar/Salt and some additives are not conducive to health,Many consumers because of lust after taste and choose the low nutritional value of food,The food consumption habits are not healthy."
误区二:"No sugar"The food is low in sugar.
宣称不加sugar的黑芝麻糊/No sugar vegetable nutrition cereal/No sugar ShaQiMa/No added sucrose note heart cake...On the main market"No sugar"/"Low sugar"Amount of food a lot.Read nutrition labels,In addition to"1 + 4"What was said,Many food is not indicate specific sugar content.
reporter了解到,尽管通则并没有强制要求标示食品In the的sugar分,But even claimed that"Contains no sucrose,"The food is not really low sugar.Fan Zhigong introduction,Some claims that the food on the market"Contains no sucrose,",But if its ingredients can be found,这些产品In the有的添加了麦芽sugar浆或者麦芽糊精,Some product was mostly carbohydrate,这个时候尽管食品In the没有蔗sugar,Real sugar content may be even higher than sugary food.
误区三:At the nutrition label unit of the Numbers on the watch.
"The nutrition ingredient list of Numbers alone is very complicated,Also look at unit?"Many consumers said.The personage inside course of study tells a reporter,Although the laws and regulations have detailed rules on nutrition label,But some manufacturer in order not to let the value of nutrition"ugly",Also use smaller units of data in order to obtain larger values.If consumers don't care,Will be like this"Smoke screen"cheating.
"Eat something will have to understand so much"
专家指出,Although general principles have clear requirements on food packaging clearly marked content of all kinds of raw materials,Especially unhealthy ingredient content,Remind consumers eat the food may cause harm to the body,保证其In the知情的情况下做出理性的选择.But consumers need to look at as well/Active learning nutrition ingredient list,Catch up on"Don't understand"Of the class,Must not hold"Eat a thing to understand so much"The negative attitude to choose food.
上海市商业流通In the心首席研究员齐晓斋表示,消费者想要不被厂家的标注和夸大其词的advertising"fool",Beautiful idea/Take time to learn"Have knowledge of"It is necessary to.Regulators should strengthen the propaganda of food knowledge,Cultivate consumers to learn"Have knowledge of"The interest of,Guide consumers a healthy diet.
范志红表示,Consumers must not because a food labelling of trans fatty acids is zero or claims that do not contain sugar intake.When choosing foods can't just rely on taste to choose,And carefully study the information on food packaging,Comprehensive consideration of salt/sugar/fat/Additives and other aspects of indicators,At the same time combining with the brand/Factors such as price to buy."For any unhealthy food,Regardless of its taste,Should be consciously buy less eat less."
此外,专家还指出,消费者还可以通过营养标签的数值,针对自身身体所需购买食品、强化营养,减少健康隐患。尤其对于还处在发育期的少年儿童来说,应该食用蛋白质含量高的食品,高血压患者应尽量选择钠含量低的食品,糖尿病患者要限制碳水化合物含量高的食品的摄入。(记者 周蕊)
In addition,Experts also pointed out that,Consumers can also through the nutrition label value,According to their own body needed to buy food/Strengthen nutrition,Reduce health risks.尤其对于还处In the发育期的少年儿童来说,Should eat foods high in protein,High blood pressure patients should try to choose low sodium content of food,People with diabetes to limit food intake of high carbohydrate content.(reporter Zhou Rui)
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