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人民币对美元汇率升破6.2 出口企业压力大--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
在近期接连创历史新高后,The yuan central parity rate against the dollar 8 important barrier to break above 6.2,Hitting a revaluation in 2005 high again.
来自中国外汇交易中心的数据显示,8 the yuan central parity rate against the dollar for a third consecutive days of gains,6.198,Compared with the previous trading day up 103 basis points.The market is generally believed,6.2 is an important mark for the renminbi against the dollar.
金融专家赵庆明认为,人民币对美元汇率中间价的走高与美元指数回落There are关.
最新公布的外贸数据也是8日人民币大幅升值的一个重要原因.The general administration of customs according to the latest figures,In April, China's trade surplus of $18.16 billion,相较3月份8.8亿美元的逆差There are明显好转.In addition,Exports grew 14.7% from a year earlier in April,Is higher than market expectations.
近期人民币升值趋势明显增强.Since April,人民币对美元汇率中间价已There are10个交易日创出2005年汇改以来新高,Appreciation of close to 700 basis points.Relative to the beginning of the first day of trading,Since this year the yuan central parity rate against the dollar has gained 917 basis points,But only to appreciate for all of last year, 146 points.
即期市场上,The yuan against the dollar in trading remains strong.Influenced by a middle price higher,8 the yuan at the spot exchange rate against the dollar first to break the 6.15 mark.There are交易员表示,Although short-term upward direction is constant,But due to their high middle price range,Difficult to forecast late appreciation goal.
随着去年下半年美欧等国相继跟进量化宽松政策,Global liquidity,Capital backflow including China, emerging market countries.Since September 2012,Periodic depreciation to periodic renminbi appreciation,And continues to the present day.But in the European central bank/India's central bank and the reserve bank of Australia cut interest rates,Further intensified pressure for cross-border capital flows into China.
国家外汇管理局日前发布通知,Comprehensive written guarantee from the bank positions/Import and export business of goods trade foreign exchange receipts and payments and so on many aspects in order to strengthen the management of foreign exchange inflows,Preventing risks of cross-border capital flows.
在一些经济体货币竞相贬值的背景下,Combined with the downturn in global trade,The recent upward trend is clearly more export enterprises to increase the pressure.
三信国际电器上海There are限公司在国内低压电器行业处于领先地位.According to three letter Jiang Yanjing deputy director of the overseas marketing center,In the first quarter of the appreciation of the yuan more than last year,Bring no small pressure to the enterprise.At present enterprise mainly through the financial instruments to avoid exchange rate risk,Or persuade customers use RMB to deal with.
但她表示,Use RMB equivalent to the exchange rate risk passed on to the customer,Overseas customers even willing to bear this risk,Usually put forward more requirements in other ways,Such as lower prices.
温州瑞特国际贸易There are限公司市场部经理郑蓬博说,The appreciation of the renminbi is one of the main difficulties facing enterprises.At present enterprise mainly through the internal cost control to cope with currency appreciation,If the renminbi exchange rate against the dollar rose to 6.1,Have to raise prices.But the company belongs to the small micro enterprise,Product added value is relatively low,Bargaining power is weak,Could lose part of the order.
对于后期走势,Experts generally believe that,The two-way volatility trend will not change.
赵庆明说,人民币距离均衡汇率还There are一定距离,There is upward pressure and upside.
对外经贸大学金融学院院长丁志杰认为,Among the recent price is higher,Is to adapt to the market indicates a positive adjustment.In the past for a period of time,In the middle price remained stable,The transaction price continue to rise,The yuan appreciation pressure be amplified.Through the central parity price convergence in intraday trading,There are利于弱化人民币升值预期,To dilute the RMB exchange rate to attract capital inflows.
丁志杰认为,虽然近期人民币还There are继续升值的可能,But is not liable.Expects the yuan exchange rate against the dollar after the 6.15 to 6.20 range can stabilize and callback.
跨境资本大量流入或流出都不利于宏观经济的稳定.The state information center, deputy director of economic forecasting department of the world economy research Mo zhang nan said,To strengthen the regulation of foreign exchange inflows by safe,There are利于减弱人民币单边升值预期.The current turned their attention to the fed's monetary policy to the potential risk,Once its monetary policy adjustments,Don't rule out the possibility of unilateral renminbi appreciation reverse again.
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