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After the Spring Festival,The appreciation of the renminbi signs appear again to speed up.One of the driving force behind it,Cross-border arbitrage is false for the purpose of trade.
Cross-border arbitrage usually does not need to use large sums of money overseas,The arbitrage body also is not necessarily a big alligator of speculation abroad.Such as the,Mainland companies use of guangdong/Shenzhen adjacent to Hong Kong's geographical advantage,Can frequently between mainland and Hong Kong at low cost for import and export operation.In order to avoid import tariffs,This operation can be done through free trade zone.The goods from the mainland exports to Hong Kong bonded area,Imports from Hong Kong back to bonded area.Such a complete import and export processes,Time is short for many times a day,Also only need one or two days longer.If foreign trade enterprises to export proceeds in the mainland after the settlement of exchange,When import payment of foreign exchanges in Hong Kong,So the domestic market supply of foreign exchange is not formed by the import and export surplus,But all exports,This will increase the RMB appreciation pressure.At the same time,Due to the written guarantee surplus is greater than the trade surplus,Thus to cause public opinion into the illusion of foreign investment.
Companies to do so,Of course is profitable.For instance,:If the spot price of 6.20 $within the territory of RMB,Spot prices of 6.18 Hong Kong dollars and RMB,Domestic enterprises exported $100 million of goods to Hong Kong's affiliates,Will the dollar in the settlement of exchange,May obtain 620 million yuan,Then with a batch of goods imported from Hong Kong back to the bonded area,At this point by means of cross-border renminbi settlement,Only need to pay 618 million yuan in Hong Kong,And the goods into a enterprise can get arbitrage income 2 million yuan,While the domestic market increased $100 million in foreign exchange supply out of thin air.
There are three main factors of restricting enterprise arbitrage income,One is the size of the domestic and overseas rate,The second is as arbitrage"Ma3 jia3"The goods transport costs,Three is the value of the goods itself.
Is the enterprise cannot control and rate,To expand the arbitrage profit as much as possible,Act as a"Ma3 jia3"Goods generally need to satisfy the two conditions,A small volume,To save storage and transportation costs;2 it is high value(Or the value is not easy to determine),To make smaller rate leads to higher arbitrage income.clearly,textiles/Toys goods do not meet above requirement,And high unit value of gold/Jewelry and the value is not easy to accurately assess the electronic components is easy to become a carry trade"Ma3 jia3".
Assumes that the transport cost is zero,Complete a between mainland and Hong Kong import and export cycle need two days time,100 times a years time enterprise can easily complete the transaction,To earn profits of RMB 200 million,At the same time increase $10 billion of foreign exchange supply domestic market out of thin air.
In the example above,Assumptions used to act as a ma3 jia3 goods actual cost is not 100 million dollars,In fact only $50 million(In general"Ma3 jia3"The value of is overvalued),According to the exchange rates of RMB 310 million in 6.2.Suppose firms in China can get 1 year financial product yield is 4.5%,So this batch of goods consumed by the cost of capital is 13.95 million yuan.Full-year arbitrage profit is deducted from $200 million, 13.95 million cost of capital,Companies can still obtain 186.05 million yuan of profits,Its profits.
It is not hard to see,In the false trade operations,Huge profit is the enterprise itself,But China's real economy didn't get the real drive,Only brought by the foreign trade scale of inflated with the RMB appreciation pressure,Customs and central Banks were innocent victims.It should be pointed out that,The arbitrage operation,All of the import and export documents are legitimate,There is no legal risk.Enterprises only need to set up a company in Hong Kong,Or find a Hong Kong cooperation company can do this.It was also the legitimacy and high yield,Lead to the worsening business competitive environment easily,Temptation more enterprises to participate in the normal operation"Legal quick"The feast of the to.
In addition,Once the depreciation expectations,The price is lower than the domestic overseas,Enterprises need to reverse operation,Can be a lot of arbitrage foreign exchange flow to the outside,Adding to market volatility.
Safe to released[The state administration of foreign exchange on strengthening capital inflows of foreign exchange management related issues notice],Clearly put forward to strengthen the management of import and export enterprise goods trade foreign exchange receipts and payments,Illustrate the cross-border arbitrage has attracted regulatory attention,But the effective constraint is subject to the ministry of commerce/The people's bank of China/Customs department coordination,Although completely banning is unlikely,But also should as far as possible reduce the disturbance to the domestic economic order.(
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