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全球第二大奢侈品公司、卡地亚腕表制造商历峰集团(Compagnie Financiere Richemont),瑞士最大钟表制造商斯沃琪集团(Swatch Group AG),以及迅达电梯公司(Schindler)的股票,都是中国和瑞士潜在自由贸易协定的受益者。
The world's second-largest luxury goods companies/Richemont Cartier watches manufacturers(Compagnie Financiere Richemont),The largest Swiss watchmaker swatch group(The Swatch Group AG),And schindler elevator co., LTD(Schindler)Of the stock,Are all Chinese and Swiss potential beneficiaries of free trade agreements.
Local time on 15th,The Swiss economy minister confirmed,China has agreed to the details of the free trade agreement between Switzerland,Agreements is likely to be formally signed in future months.As is known to all,China is already the Swiss sixth largest export market.Analysts say,After the signing of trade agreements,For the Swiss,The Chinese market will be more and more important.Statistics show that,In the past ten years,Scale of Switzerland's exports to China have increased tenfold.
We have learned,Has been nearly three years of free trade agreement negotiations China and Switzerland,Including some of the drugs/Chemical industry/The manufacture of watches and agricultural aspects of tariff cuts.So far,The details of the free trade agreement is not completely released.
来自开普勒资本市场的钟表行业的分析师乔恩?考克斯(Jon Cox)指出,钟表制造商斯沃琪和历峰将是“显而易见的受益者”,因为该自由贸易协定将帮助这两家企业从其他欧洲奢侈品公司手中赢取市场份额。
From the watch industry analyst at Kepler capital markets Jon?cox(Jon Cox)Pointed out that,Watchmaker swatch and richemont will be"Obvious beneficiaries",Because the free trade agreement will help the two companies to win market share from other European luxury goods companies.
Mr Cox said,In addition to the luxury category,Switzerland, the world's largest (SGS)/The oldest of the third party certification body SGS,And schindler elevator manufacturers will also benefit from free trade agreement between China and Switzerland.
当前,从瑞士进口的商品,面临11%的进口税,而价值超过1万元人民币的奢侈手表,比如说“瑞士造”手表,将要缴纳20%的进口税。苏黎世Vontobel AG银行的分析师瑞恩?韦伯(Rene Weber)认为,尽管自由贸易协定的细节条款尚未公布,同时也不清楚哪些关税会被削减或废除,但是,可以肯定的是,对于斯沃琪和历峰来说,此协定是“积极的一步”。
The current,Goods imported from Switzerland,Facing a 11% import duty,And worth more than RMB 10000 in luxury watches,For instance"Swiss made"watch,Will pay a 20% import duty.Vontobel in Zurich Ryan, an analyst at bank of AG?weber(Rene Weber)think,Although free trade agreement on the details of the terms and conditions have not been announced,At the same time also don't know which tariffs would be cut or abolished,but,To be sure,For richemont and swatch,This agreement is"A positive step".
Statistics show that,The Swiss watch is the third largest export market in mainland China,Accounted for 7.7% in 2012.The first big export market of Hong Kong, China, is a Swiss watch,Accounted for 20%.Followed by the United States,Accounted for 10.2%.With China's economic growth lost some momentum,In the first quarter of this year,Swiss watch exports to China fell by 26%.
From what has been discussed above,Weber thinks,Although free trade agreement will strengthen the Swiss watch's status in the Chinese market,But the overall effect maybe is not particularly big.Want to know,The Swiss watch in mainland China market price,Significantly higher than in other markets.Under the new free trade agreement,Swiss watch price might be lower.In this way,The Swiss watch maker only managed to keep prices stable,Profits will improve.
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